Foto del docente

Enrico Sangiorgi

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-01/A Electronics


C. Fiegna; M. Braccioli; S. C. Brugger; F. M. Bufler; P. Dollfus; V. Aubry-Fortuna; C. Jungemann; B. Meinerzhagen; P. Palestri; S. Galdin-Retailleau; E. Sangiorgi; A. Schenk; L. Selmi, Comparison of Monte Carlo Transport Models for Nanometer-Size MOSFETs, in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007, WIEN NEW YORK, Springer Verlag, 2007, pp. 57 - 60 (atti di: 12th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor -processes and Devices (SISPAD 2007), Vienna Austria, 24 - 27 Settembre 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

D.Esseni; P. Palestri; E. Sangiorgi, Device Modeling, in: Germanium-based Technologies. From materials to devices, AMSTERDAM, Elsevier BV, 2007, pp. 267 - 294 [Chapter or essay]

N. Barin; C. Fiegna; E. Sangiorgi, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH SPEED ELECTRONICS AND SYSTEMS», 2007, 16, pp. 105 - 114 [Scientific article]

E. Sangiorgi; P. Palestri; D. Esseni; C. Fiegna; L. Selmi, Monte Carlo modeling of nanometer scale MOSFETs, in: Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices: IWPSD 2007, MUMBAI, Sine nomine, 2007, pp. 68 - 73 (atti di: XIV International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices: IWPSD 2007, Mumbai India, 16-20 December 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Braccioli; P. Palestri; T. Poiroux; M. Vinet; G. Le Carval; M. Mouis; C. Fiegna; E. Sangiorgi, Monte Carlo simulation of MOSFETs with band-offsets in the source and drain, in: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon, S. L., S. N., 2007, pp. 39 - 42 (atti di: ULIS 2007, Leuven, Belgium, 15, 16 March 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

S. Eminente; N. Barin; P. Palestri; C. Fiegna; E. Sangiorgi., Small-signal Analysis of deca-nanometer bulk and SOI MOSFETs for Analog/Mixed-signal and RF applications using the Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Approach, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2007, 9, pp. 2283 - 2292 [Scientific article]

Sangiorgi E.; Palestri P.; Esseni D.; Fiegna C.; Selmi L., The Monte Carlo approach to transport modeling in deca-nanometer MOSFETs, in: Proceedings of the 37th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, PISCATAWAY NJ 08855-1331, IEEE, 2007, pp. 48 - 57 (atti di: 37th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, Munich, Germany, 11-13 September 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Y. Yang; C. Fiegna; S. Eminente; A.G. O'Neill; E. Sangiorgi, Thermal analysis of nanoscale MOSFETs by 2D electro-thermal simulation, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon, s.l, s.n, 2007, pp. 59 - 62 (atti di: ULIS 2007, Leuven, Belgium, 15, 16 March 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

N.Barin; M.Braccioli; C.Fiegna; E.Sangiorgi, Analysis of two alternative scaling strategies for sub-30 nm Double-Gate SOI MOSFETs, in: Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, s.l, s.n, 2006, pp. 69 - 70 (atti di: IEEE 2006 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, Honolulu, Hawai, USA, 11, 12 Giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

S. Eminente; N. Barin; P. Palestri; C. Fiegna; E. Sangiorgi, Monte Carlo Simulation of deca-nanometer MOSFETs for Analog/Mixed-Signal and RF applications, in: IEDM Technical Digest 2006, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855, IEEE, 2006, pp. 953 - 956 (atti di: International Electron Devices Meeting 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 11-13. 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

E. Sangiorgi; C. Fiegna, Solid State Electronics Vol. 50 N.1; Special Issue: Papers selected from the 2005 ULIS Conference, OXFORD, Elsevier Ltd, 2006, pp. 1-102 . [Editorship]

ZAGNONI M.; GOLFARELLI A.; CALLEGARI S.; TALAMELLI A.; BONORA V.; SANGIORGI E.; TARTAGNI M., A non invasive capacitive sensor strip for aerodynamic pressure measurement, «SENSORS AND ACTUATORS. A, PHYSICAL», 2005, 123-124, pp. 240 - 248 [Scientific article]

Zagnoni, Michele; Rossetti, Alessandro; Proli, Paolo; Golfarelli, Alessandro; Callegari, Sergio; Talamelli, Alessandro; Sangiorgi, Enrico; Tartagni, Marco, A thin film strip for aerodynamic body pressure profile monitoring, in: VARI, Digests of Technical Papers. Transducers '05., s.l, s.n, 2005, 1, pp. 499 - 502 (atti di: Transducers'05, , Giugno 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

P. Palestri; S. Eminente; D. Esseni;C. Fiegna; E. Sangiorgi; L. Selmi, An improved semi-classical Monte-Carlo approach for nano-scale MOSFET simulation, «SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS», 2005, 49, pp. 727 - 732 [Scientific article]

P.Palestri; S.Eminente; D.Esseni; C.Fiegna; L.Selmi; E.Sangiorgi, Analysis of Ballistic Transport in MOSFETs along the ITRS Roadmap, in: ULIS 2005, 6th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 57 - 60 (atti di: ULIS 2005, 6th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon, Bologna, 7-8 Aprile 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]