Foto del docente

Enrico Sangiorgi

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-01/A Electronics

Curriculum vitae

Enrico Sangiorgi received the Laurea degree in electrical engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1979. In 1983, 1984, and 1991, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, California, for approximately three years.

From 1985 to 2001, he was a consultant at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, where he was a Resident Visitor for more than three years. In 1993, he was appointed Full Professor of Electronics at the University of Udine, Italy, where he started the Electrical Engineering Program and the microelectronics group. In 2002, he joined the University of Bologna, where he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Cesena Campus (2008-12) and the Head of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi” (2012-15). He is currently Vice Rector for Teaching and Education (Prorettore alla Didattica) of the University of Bologna.

From 2005 to 2011 he has been the Director of Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per la Nanoeletronica (IU.NET – Italian Universities Nanoelectronic Team), a Legal Consortium now grouping 11 University Groups and today leader in Europe in the Electron Device modeling field. From 2005 to 2015 he has been a member of the CATRENE Scientific Committee and since 2007 he has been a member of the Steering Board of AENEAS, the private partner of the Public-Private ENIAC European Technology Platform. Since 2014 he is the Director of the SINANO Institute, International Organization grouping 23 European Institutes active in the field of nanoelectronics (

Since 2015 he is a Member of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute, Class of Physical Sciences.

Enrico Sangiorgi specific experience in editorship and peer review processes are the following: Editor of IEEE Electron Device Letters for 15 years (1994 to 2009) when he served under the EIC John Brews (founder of the Journal), and Yuan Taur. During this period he was responsible for the review process of more that 1,000 articles. He was also a Guest Editor of two Special Issues of IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (2007 and 2011) on TCAD Modeling, and is he currently Editor of the Journal of EDS (2014-), member of the Steering Board of the IEEE Journal of Photo-Voltaics (2013-).

Enrico Sangiorgi has also a long experience in the evaluation of impact of the research activity. He was a Member of the Research Evaluation Panel of the University of Bologna for the area of Engineering (2005-2008), as well as the Responsible for the Italian Research Quality Assessment Exercise (VQR, 2011-2013) for the area of Electronics and Information Technology: the exercise included the direct responsibility of the review process of about 1,000 research products. He has been a member of the National Evaluation Committe dor Professorship Abilitation (ASN 2013 and 2014).

In addition Enrico Sangiorgi IEEE Services include: member of the Technical Committee of IEDM (’91-96; ’04-’06), member of the EDS Fellow Evaluation Committee (2013-), Distinguished Lecturer of EDS (2004-), chairman of the EDS TCAD Technical Committee (2004-2011), elected member of the EDS BoG (2011-2014), member of the EDS Cledo Brunetti Award Committee and Education Award Committee. Since 2005, Enrico Sangiorgi is also a Fellow of the IEEE.

The research interests of Enrico Sangio3gi, developed in cooperation with research centers and companies such as Bell Labs., Philips, Infineon, ST Microelectronics, AMAT, IMEC, and CEA-LETI, include the physics, characterization, modeling, and fabrication of silicon solid-state devices and integrated circuits. In particular he has been working on several aspects of device scaling, its technological, physical, and functional limits, as well as device reliability for silicon CMOS and bipolar transistors. In order to tackle and eventually overcome the hurdles of device scaling, down to the ultimate physical and technological limits, he has devised and developed several original concepts and methods in the characterization and modeling of nano-scale silicon devices. Recently his interests include the physics and modeling of PhotoVoltaics devices where he has worked on several aspects of device optimization and Energy Harvesting systems with focus on energy management. Enrico Sangiorgi coauthored 40 papers published on the Transactions on Elctron Decvices, 16 papers published on Electron Device Letters and 34 papers presented at the International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), and overall more than 250 papers in major journals and conference proceedings. His publications received so far considerable attention (approximately 3,000 citations).