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Publications prior to 2004
Elenco completo delle pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche con
1) E. Bonetti, E .G.
Campari, L. Ferrari, G. Russo: Negative stress relaxation in
metallic glasses
Journal of PhysicsF: 18 (1988, United
Kingdom) 1351.
2) E.Bonetti,
E.G.Campari, N.Costa: Stress relaxation and the relaxation spectrum
of Metallic Glasses. Physica Status
Solidi(A) 124 (1991, ),
3) E.Bonetti,
E.G.Campari, T.Manfredini, S.Mantovani :Orthorhombic to tetragonal
phase transition in YBa2Cu3O7-xobserved by dynamic Youngs modulus
PhysicaC 179 (1991, North Holland),
4) E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari, S.Mantovani: Off-stoichiometry
superconducting phases, oxygen mobility and anelastic relaxation in
PhysicaC 196 (1992, North Holland), 7.
5) E.G.Campari: Fenomeni anelastici nel
superconduttore YBa2Cu3O7-x.
Tesi di dottorato, quarto ciclo (1992).
6) M.Acquarone, F.Licci, E.G.Campari, M.D'Astuto,
M.Marangolo: Effect of Zn substitution on the Néel temperature of
Nd2Cu1-xZnxO4 . J.
Magn. and Magnetic Materials 145 (1995 North Holland),
7) E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari, M.D'Astuto, M.Marangolo:
Isothermal phase transition and anelastic properties in
YBa2Cu3O6+x .
Physical Review B 51 (1995, USA),1249.
8) E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari, L.Pasquini, E.Sampaolesi:
Microstructure-related anelastic and magnetoelastic behaviour of
nanocrystalline Nickel
Journal of
Applied Physics 84
(1998,USA), 4219.
9) E.G.Campari: Un sistema operativo per la scuola:
Il giornale di Fisica 34n. 4
(1998, Italia)
10) E.G.Campari, G.Levi: A cellular automata model for
highway traffic.
Eur. Phys. J. B 17(2000, Francia),
11) E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari, L.Pasquini, L. Savini:
Automated mechanical resonant analyzer.
Rev. Sci. Instr. 72(2001,
USA), 2148.
12) P. Baldi, E. G. Campari, G. Casula, S. Focardi, F.
Palmonari: Testing Newton's inverse square law at intermediate
scales. Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001, USA),
13) E.G.Campari, G.Levi: Self-similarity in highway
Eur. Phys. J. B 25 (2002,
Francia), 245.
14) P. Baldi, E. G. Campari, G. Casula, S. Focardi, G.
Levi, F. Palmonari: The gravitational constant G measured with a
superconducting gravimeter. Phys. Rev. D 71 022002
(2005, USA).
15) Stefano Amadori, Ennio Bonetti, Enrico G. Campari,
Luca Pasquini: Production and characterization of Aluminum Iron
powder composites with ferromagnetic properties. Mat. Sci. Forum
Vol. 678, pp. 135-145. (2011)
Pubblicazioni con “peer review” associate a
comunicazioni presentate a convegni scientifici nazionali ed
E. Bonetti, E. G. Campari, A. Casagrande, S. Mantovani:
Oxygen out diffusion in polycristalline YBa2Cu3O7-xinvestigated by Internal Friction
measurements. In:High Temp.
Superconductivity, Proc. of the Third National Meeting, Genova
Italy 12-14 February 1990. Eds. C.Ferdeghini and A.Siri, Word
Scientific Publishing Co. (Singapore). Pag.
E.Bonetti, E. G.
Campari, A.Casagrande, P. Cammarota, S.Mantovani : A Study on the
Role of Oxygen in the Anelastic Behaviour of Yba2Cu3O7-x. Journal of the Less-Common
Metals 164&165 (1990, The Netherlands) pp.
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
P.Cammarota, A.Casagrande, S.Mantovani: Dynamic Youngs Modulus
relaxation and softening in Yba2Cu3O7-x. Superconductors Science and
Technology 4 (1991, United Kingdom)
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
G.P.Cammarota, A.Casagrande, G.Centi: High Temperature Structural
and Superconducting Properties of the Compound YBa2Cu3O7-x Obtained by two Different
Processes. EUROMAT-91, The 2nd European conference on
Advanced Materials and Processes, Advanced Materials and Processes,
Book 531. The Institute of Metals
E. Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
V. Luprano, S.Mantovani, S.Casagrande, G.P.Cammarota:Elastic Energy
Dissipation Oxygen Mobility and Structural Stability in
Science Forum 119-121 (1993, Switzerland),
G.P.Cammarota, E.G.Campari, A.Casagrande: The basal plane oxygen
dependence of YBa2Cu3O7-x anelastic relaxation and orthorhombic
to tetragonal phase transition. Journal De Physique IV C7
3(1993, France), 2033.
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
S.Enzo, S.Groppelli, R.Frattini, G.Sberveglieri: Anelasticity and
structural transformations of Fe and Al thin films and
multilayers. Defect & Diffusion Forum
106&107(1994, Switzerland),1.
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
P.Mattioli, A.Zingaro: Stoichiometric dependence of oxygen
anelastic relaxation in YBa2Cu3O7-x and the orthorhombic to tetragonal
phase transition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
211&212 (1994, Switzerland),314.
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
M.D'Astuto, M.M1arangolo, M.Acquarone, G.Calestani,
M.G.Francesconi: Ultrasonic investigation of Nd2Cu1-xZnxO4. Magnetoelastic interaction in the
antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic state. Journal of
Alloys and Compounds, 211&212 (1994,
G.P.Cammarota, E.G.Campari, M.D'Astuto: Isothermal phase transition
in YBa2Cu3O7-x Physica C 235&236
(1994, North Holland),315.
E. Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
L.Del Bianco, G.Scipione: Anelasticity and structural stability in
nanostructured metals and compounds. Journal of
Nanostructured Materials 6 1995, (USA),
E. Bonetti, E.G.Campari:
Site repopulation in the YBa2Cu3O6+x planes and isothermal phase
transition. Proceedings del convegno IV ECRS, Riccione
E. Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
R.Montanari, O.Tassa, C.Testani: Irreversible transformation in
FeAl B2-Intermetallic obtained by rapid solidification.
Euromat 1995 The 4th European conference on Advanced Materials
and Processes, pag.491. Pubblicato da Associazione Italiana di
Metallurgia (1995, Italia).
E. Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
N.Barbagallo: The internal friction Peaks in YBa2Cu3O6+x above room temperature mark the phase
transformation of the system. Journal de Physique IV,
(1996, France), Colloque C8-485.
E. Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
L.Pasquini, E.Sampaolesi, G.Valdrè: Structural and elastic
properties of nanocrystalline Iron and Nickel prepared by ball
milling in controlled thermodynamic environment Materials
Science Forum, Vols. 269-272 (1998, Svizzera), pp
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
L.Del Bianco, L.Pasquini, E.Sampaolesi: Mechanical behaviour of
nanocrystalline Iron and Nickel in the quasi-static and low
frequency anelastic regime. Journal of Nanostructured
Material, 11 (1999,
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
L.Pasquini, E.Sampaolesi, G.Scipione: Mechanical Behaviour of NiAl
and Ni3Al ordered compounds entering the
nano-grain regime. Journal of Nanostructured Material, 12 (1999,
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari,
L.Pasquini, E.Sampaolesi, G.Scipione: Magnetoelasticity and
internal strains in nanocrystalline Nickel. Journal of
Nanostructured Material, 12 (1999,
E.Bonetti, E.G.Campari, A.Casagrande,
L.Pasquini, E.Sampaolesi: Upward Modulus trend in NiAl and NiFeAl
single crystals. Journal of Alloys
and Compounds,310(2000, The
E. G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F.
Piantelli, G. Porcu, E. Tosti, S. Veronesi: Ni-H Systems.
Proceedings of the ICCF8 conference. Conference Proceedings vol.
70 Editor F. Scaramuzzi (2000 SIF, Bologna,
E.G.Campari, G.Levi: A realistic simulation for Highway
Traffic by the use of Cellular Automata.P.M.A. Sloot et al.: ICCS
2002, LNCS 2329 pp. 763-772 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin
E. G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F.
Piantelli, S. Veronesi: Effetti termici e di superficie in metalli
in atmosfera di Idrogeno. Atti della Conferenza Lecce
E. G. Campari, G. Levi,
V. Maniezzo: Cellular automata and roundabout traffic simulations.
ACRI 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Eds: P.M.A. Sloot et al.
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 25 settembre
E.G.Campari, M. Clemente, G.Levi, L. Quadrani: Traffic
data collection and study with the BirdEye system. In: Traffic and
Granular Flow (Editori S.P. Hoogendoorn, S. Luding, P. Bovy, M.
Schreckenberg, D. Wolf, pubblicato da Springer-Verlag, Olanda,
2005), pag. 79.
E.G.Campari, M. Clemente, G.Levi, L. Quadrani: Real
Highway traffic simulations based on a cellular automata model. In:
Traffic and Granular Flow (Editori S.P. Hoogendoorn, S. Luding, P.
Bovy, M. Schreckenberg, D. Wolf, pubblicato da Springer-Verlag,
Olanda, 2005), pag. 73.
S.Amadori, E. G.
Campari, A. L.
Fiorini, R. Montanari, L. Pasquini, L. Savini
and E. Bonetti :Automated resonant vibrating reed analyzer apparatus
for a non destructive characterization of materials for industrial
applications. Materials science and engineering A 442 (2006), p.