Foto del docente

Enrico Gianfranco Campari

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-03/A Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications

Curriculum vitae

Graduated in physics from the University of Bologna with a degree of 110/110 cum laude on 03.20.1987 He won the competition for admission to the fourth cycle of the PhD in Physics (a.y. 1988/89) at the Department of Physics of the University of Bologna. He obtained the title of PhD in Physics in Rome on 09.30.1992, discussing the thesis entitled: Inelastic phenomena in the YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductor.

From February 1993 until September of the same year, with a scholarship from the European Union he went to the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble to follow the HERCULES course for users of large international scientific equipment (theoretical and practical course for use of synchrotron radiation sources and neutron sources) and later at the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (neutron source), Saclay, France, within the framework of the E.U. programme. Human Capital and Mobility. During the period 1994-1996 the research activity was aimed both at the study of some aspects of the structure of superconductors at high critical temperatures (Zn-doped Nd2CuO4, YBCO) and at the study of metallic systems (metallic multilayers, nanocrystals).

In service since 01.07.1995 as a researcher in Physics at the University of Bologna and since 1 October 2001 as associate professor, disciplinary sector B01A. Since commissioning, it has dedicated itself to the production and characterization of intermetallic alloys (NiAl), nanocrystalline and multilayer materials, high entropy alloys and sensors. He collaborated in these activities, which include the use of the ESRF and LURE synchrotron light sources and the ILL and LLB neutron sources, with researchers from the Universite' de Paris VI (Jussieu). Subsequently he worked on computer simulations using cellular automata and on the experimental verification of the validity of Newton's law of gravitational attraction. In summary, the topics studied are: 1) superconductivity; 2) metallic systems; 3) gravitation; 4) computer science.

The scientific training activity carried out starting from the achievement of the degree includes, in addition to the doctorate courses, participation in national and foreign physics schools. Starting from 2003, technological transfer of research and invention results was added to the research activity, which also resulted in the filing of various patents, as well as the design and creation of 2 scientific instruments that can be used both in research and in the industrial field. The first is an automated elastic constants and internal friction (VRA) meter; the second is a reactor to measure the kinetics of absorption and desorption of gases in solid state materials.

On behalf of the Department of Physics, he carries out research for technological innovation in the context of research contracts with private industries, as described in greater detail below. Since taking office as an associate professor in physics, he has been: member of the examination commission for admission to the PhD in Physics at the University of Bologna for the 2001/2002 academic year and for the 2005/2006 academic year. Member of the examination commission for admission to the College of Excellence of the University of Bologna from the 2003/2004 academic year and member of the council of the College of Excellence of the University of Bologna as well as tutor of students of the College of Excellence. Since taking office as Associate Professor, he has had responsibility for the following courses: General Physics I (6 credits, Computer Sciences and Technologies (Cesena campus) General Physics II (6 credits, Computer Sciences and Technologies (Cesena campus) Physics for Computer Science (6 credits, Computer Sciences and Technologies (Cesena branch) General Physics 2 (15 credits, degree course in Atmospheric Physics and Meterology.) General Physics T2 (6 credits degree course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering) General Physics T1 (9 credits degree course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering) Introduction to the physics of condensed states (6 credits, Physics, from 2017) Electromagnetism and optics (6 credits degree course in Materials Science) Finally, in the academic year he carried out 2005/2006 the course: Quantum Mechanics between science, history and philosophy for students of the Collegio Superiore.

He has participated in numerous national and international conferences in which he presented his research activity. He has an excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and a good knowledge of the French language