Foto del docente

Emiliano Rossi

Research fellow

Department of the Arts

Teaching tutor

Department of the Arts

Curriculum vitae

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Research activities

Emiliano Rossi is a post-doc researcher at the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna, currently involved in the project ATLas - Atlas of Local Television (PRIN 2020; P.I.: prof. L. Barra).

His research topics are mostly related to television and new media, framed on a historical, social and productive level (see Research).

He is the author of the book Schermi di trasporto. Storia, produzione, immaginari (Meltemi, 2023) and he currently serves as assistant journal manager of VIEW Journal of European Television History.

In 2022 he received a PhD in Cinema, Photography and Television in Bologna (supervisor: prof. L. Barra). After a second-cycle degree in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production from the same University with a dissertation on inflight entertainment, his doctoral research has focused on tv consumption in the context of transportation vehicles and related environments. In-Transit Screens: Production Patterns and Urban Imageries of Mobilities explores the editorial, commercial and media-related strategies implied in the provision of audiovisual contents within railway stations, airports, on subway platforms and at public waiting shelters. Special concern is reserved to the public and institutional communication content which lies at the core of those systems, on a production-oriented level.


Teaching and Tutoring Assignments

Since 2023 he has been responsible of the Television Laboratory (bachelor in Science Communication); he is also in charge of the seminars focused on the dissertation preparation and writing (second cycle degree in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production).

Since 2018 he is tutor of the Mediating Italy in Global Culture international summer school, organised by Unibo in collaboration with five US Universities (Brown University, Dickinson College, The University of Michigan, The Ohio State University and Wesleyan University).

Since 2022 he has worked as class tutor, with teaching assignments, for Economics and Marketing of Audiovisual Media course (proff. V. Innocenti and G. Pescatore) and Media Management course (prof. F. Di Chio).

He is adjunct professor in Television and New Media History and Theory at Università degli Studi "Aldo Moro" in Bari and in Radio and Tv Theories and Techniques at Università degli Studi di Padova. 

In 2023 he also joined Biografilm Academy (Bologna) for a slot of lectures on Audiovisual and Cinema Production.


International networks and attendance to conferences, symposiums and doctoral schools

In 2020, he was involved in a visiting fellowship at the Media and Communication Department at the University of Lund, Sweden, within the research project Mobile Socialities and under the guidance of Prof. Annette Hill.

As a speaker, he attended various national and international conferences, as follows:

  • Televisivamente locali. Storie, economie, industrie - Seminar of ATLas reserach project, Università di Bologna, 14 December 2023 | Il caso Antenna 3;
  • Storia&Storie 2023 - Yearly seminar of AIRSC, Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema, Biblioteca "Renzo Renzi", Bologna, 11 December 2023 | “Come dei boscaioli a Manhattan”: verso un atlante dell’emittenza locale in Italia (with M. Marinello);
  • Rethinking Broadcast Archives: Dig, Deconstruct, Display - Conferece organised by the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA), British Film Institute, London, 8 December2023 | ATLas Chronicles. Designing an Italian Archive of Past Local Tv Channels (with L. Barra e D. Cavallotti);
  • Redefining Televisuality: Programmes, Practices, Methods - Conference of the ECREA TV Studies Section, Film University Konrad Wolf, Potsdam, 25-28 October 2023 | TV in Disguise, from the Core of Industry: In-Transit Screens and the Challenge of Public Media;
  • Media Mutations 14. Investigating Medical Drama TV Series: Approaches and Perspectives, Università di Bologna, 18-19 May 2023 | (with E. Farinacci) "No Pulp Scenes on Raiuno!". The Case of Cuori, an Italian Medical Drama on Broadcast Television;
  • Storia sociale, storia dei media. Fonti, metodologie, ricerche per la storia del cinema e della televisione in Italia, Sapienza Università di Roma, 11-12 May 2023 | (with M. Marinello) La battaglia di Legnano: Antenna 3 Lombardia tra radici locali e ambizioni nazionali;
  • Ma faccio anche teatro!" Attorialità italiana e televisione, Università di Bologna, 27-28 March 2023 |  “Nun te preoccupa’ guaglio’”. Il laboratorio attoriale di Mare fuori;
  • Media Imaginaries International Symposim, Lund University, 16 March 2023 | What Moves You? Travel and Transit Television (invited as keynote speaker);
  • Il cinema e i consumi nelle riviste italiane, Università di Chieti, 16-17 November 2022 | (with L. Barra) Giochi di sponda. Merci e testimonial tra le pagine del Radiocorriere;
  • Space in Movement: Dynamic Trajectories in Audio-Visual Representations. Cinema, Television, Series, Web, Bergen University, 22-23 August 2022 | Next Station, Go-Tv: The Laws of Motion of Italian Video-Communication Public Networks;
  • ICA Conference - One World, One Network‽, Paris, 26-30 May 2022 |  Quo Vadis, Go-Tv? The Reshuffling of Mobility by Video Networks in Italian Transport Terminals;
  • Media Breakdown International Symposium, Lund University, 16 March 2022 | In the Very Unlikely Event of an Emergency…: Inflight Safety Videos from Institutional to Creative Branding Devices;
  • And Yet It Moves! On Cinema, Media, and Mobility, FilmForum 2021 - XXVIII International Film and Media Studies Conference, Udine-Gorizia, 5 November 2021 | Mobility Squared: Imageries and Productive Patterns of Italian Transportation Hubs’ Tv Networks;
  • Lo stato e il futuro della ricerca: aree, direzioni, metodologie, Rome, 13-14 September 2021 | (with Valerio di Paola) Go-tv e transmedia-adv: quando gli studi sulla produzione passano dalla pubblicità and participation to the round table "Audiovisivi e nuove piattaforme";
  • NECS 2021 Conference – Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies, 7-13 June 2021 | Tv (in) Stations, the Italian Way: Production and Marketing Patterns of Transportation Hubs’ Video Networks (presenter and chair);
  • Geomedia 2021 – Off the Grid, Universität Siegen, 5-8 May 2021 | Tele-Mobilities. Tv Circuits in Italian Transportation Hubs: a Route Towards Alternative Media Geographies? (presenter and chair);
  • Winter School Dottorale ECREA, 12 January 2021, Tartu University | In Search of a Message. TV Circuits in Italian Transportation Hubs from Productive to Commercial Strategies;
  • Ricerche dottorali. Fonti e Metodi, workshop organised by Consulta Universitaria del Cinema, Parma, 13 November 2020 | Tu chiamale, se vuoi, televisioni. Esperienze di go-tv all'italiana: la parola ai professionisti;
  • Summer School Mediating Italy in Global Culture (III ed.), Bologna, 21-25 June 2020 | In Search of a Message. TV Circuits in Italian Transportation Hubs from Productive to Commercial Strategie;
  • KOM Seminars, Lund University, 11 March 2020 | In-Transit Media. Production Patterns and Urban Imageries of Mobility;
  • Ricerche dottorali. Fonti e Metodi, workshop organised by Consulta Universitaria del Cinema, Parma, 4 November 2019 | Occhiate passeggere. Teorie e pratiche della go-tv in Italia tra immaginari di mobilità e comunicazione d'impresa;
  • The International Circulation of National Cinema and Audiovisual Content. The Challenge of Convergence and Multiplatform Distribution in the European Context, Milan, 17-18 September 2019 | Benvenuti a bordo: the Nation-Branding Devices of Inflight Cinema;
  • IX Congresso AISU. La città globale. La condizione umana come fenomeno pervasivo, Bologna, 11-14 September 2019 |Oltre la linea gialla. La go-tv della metropolitana milanese: posizionamento strategico e consumi in transito;
  • Summer School Mediating Italy in Global Culture (II ed.), Bologna, 17-22 June 2019 | Under the Radars of Italy. Inflight Entertainment and the Promotion of a Country;
  • Summer School Mediating Italy in Global Culture (I ed.), Bologna, 18-23 June 2018 |  Always On-the-Move: the Expanded Geographies of Inflight Entertainment;
  • Media Mutations 10. The ‘-tainment’ Effect. Cultures and Logics of Entertainment Across Audiovisual and Digital Media, Bologna, 21-22 May 2018 | On Air, in Air: Inflight Cinema as the Leading Frontier of On-the-Go Entertainment.

He has been invited to hold lectures and seminars, both in Bologna and for other universities (including the Master Reséau Cinema CH - Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland).





  • Schermi di trasporto. Storia, produzione, immaginari (Meltemi, 2023 - monograph);
  • “'No Pulp Scenes on Raiuno!'. The Case of Cuori, an Italian Medical Drama on Broadcast Television", in S. Antonioni e M. Rocchi (eds.), Investigating Medical Drama TV Series: Approaches and Perspectives. 14th Media Mutations International Conference, Media Mutations Publishing, 2023 (book chapter);
  • “Attorno e oltre la Loggia. Mario Tirino e Adolfo Fattori (a cura di), Black Lodge. Fenomenologia di Twin Peaks, Avanguardia 21 Edizioni, Sermoneta (LT) 2021”, in Cinergie. Il cinema e le altre arti, n. 22, 2022 (review);
  • “Les films de ma vie: Pane e Tulipani”, in G. Carluccio, A. D’Aloia (eds.), L’invenzione del futuro. Trent’anni di cinema e media audiovisivi nell’Università italiana, Venezia, Marsilio, 2022 (short contribution in book);
  • “In-Transit Television: Productive Patterns and Urban Imageries of Mobility”, in Cinéma &
    , vol. 22, no. 38, 2022, pp. 157-159 (abstract);
  • (con E. Farinacci) “Mediating Italy in Global Culture: l’esperienza di una summer school internazionale all’Università di Bologna”, in L. Barra, G. Carluccio, G. Manzoli e G. Muggeo (eds.), “Journey to Italy. Studiare il cinema e i media italiani fuori dall’Italia”, La Valle dell’Eden, n. 37 (paper in journal);
  • "L'eterno loop della maturità sui media ", Link. Idee per la televisione, 20 giugno 2022 (long form);
  • “Televised Stations in Italy: the Visualisation of Mobility on Transportation Hubs Video Networks”, in R. Trandafoiu (ed.), Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen, London-New York, Routledge, 2022 (book chapter);
  • “Oltre la linea gialla. La go-tv della metropolitana milanese: posizionamento strategico e consumi in transito”, in M. Petrelli, I. Tolic, R. Tamborrino (eds.), La città globale. La condizione umana come fenomeno pervasivo, vol. F ("Immagini, forme e narrazioni della città globale"), Torino, AISU International, 2021, pp. 818-826 (conference proceedings);
  • “Un treno da non perdere: la circolazione dell’audiovisivo sui portali di bordo dell’alta velocità italiana tra prospettive, opportunità e qualche obsolescenza”, in D. Garofalo, A. Minuz, E. Morreale (eds.), La distribuzione cinematografica. Storia, ricerche, metodologie di analisi, Imago. Studi di cinema e media, Roma, Bulzoni, 2021, pp. 185-209 (book chapter);
  • "Cine-Traffic in the Air: the Geographies of Inflight Movies from a Selection of European Airlines", in Cinergie - Il Cinema e le altre arti, 15, 2019, pp. 129-155 (paper in journal).

In print:

  • “Television Studies in Italy: Aerial Review”, in Critical Studies in Television (paper in journal);
  • “Musica, Maestro! Notes on La Compagnia del Cigno’s Teen Cast”, in L. Barra, D. Hipkins, C. O’Rawe, D. Renga (eds), Italian Contemporary Youth Television (book chapter);
  • “Global Ambitions, Italian Roots: the Case of Caterina Murino”, in Italian Contemporary Screen Performers, Londra, Palgrave (book chapter);
  • (with L. Barra), “Vizi delle private. Esordi delle tv locali e programmazione softcore”, in Atlante dell’erotismo nel cinema italiano, Sesto S. Giovanni (MI), Mimesis (book chapter);
  • “Gabriel Garko”, in Atlante dell’erotismo nel cinema italiano, Sesto S. Giovanni (MI), Mimesis e in Quaderni del CSCI, n.18 (profile);
  • “Maurizia Paradiso”, in Atlante dell’erotismo nel cinema italiano, Sesto S. Giovanni (MI), Mimesis e in Quaderni del CSCI, n. 18 (profile).



Previous studies and working experience

He completed his previous studies at Università degli Studi in Milan (after an ERASMUS exchange at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), and in the city Conservatoire, where he was part (2010-2016) of the research network Musica perseguitata, promoted by the Spazio Europeo della Memoria Musicale. Since 2018, he has conducted tutoring and teaching assistance activities for the Department of the Arts and within the Ministry of Education funded programme Raccontare e fare il cinema italiano. He is a member of the selection committee of Bellaria and Movievalley Bazzacinema film festivals and, as a journalist, he collaborates with some local editorial initiatives. He is one of the authors of the volume Il respiro del mercato, commissioned by Milan City Council. He also collaborated for RTI/Mediaset, both in the consultancy project Osservatorio dei successi e dei consumi culturali 2020 ("TV seriality" section) and as a meta-data pool member of video streaming platform "Infinity". More details can be found in the curriculum vitae attached.



2022: ICA, International Communication Association ("Media Industries")

since 2020: CUC, Consulta Universitaria del Cinema, NECS, European Network for Cinema and Media Studies and PA Social

2019: AISU, Associazione Italiana Studi Urbani

Since 2020 he has been a member of the EROI project, the open innovation platform set by Emilia-Romagna Region.


Representative Roles (until July 2022)

  • representative of PhD students of the Department of the Arts in the related institutional bodies (Collegio di Dottorato, Consiglio di Dipartimento and Commissione Paritetica);
  • member of ADI, the Italian national association of PhD candidates.

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