Elisabetta Magni is Professor of Linguistics at the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Bologna, where she teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in General Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, and Italic Linguistics. A specialist in classical languages, she has written widely on diachronic and synchronic issues in morphology and morphosyntax of Greek, Latin and Romance languages. She has been involved in many funded research projects on the typology of Mediterranean languages, on typological change in the morphosyntax of the Indo-European languages, on the connections between sociolinguistics and historical linguistics. She is also interested in methodological issues in Second Language Acquisition research, and she has participated as Coordinator for Methodology and Italian language in the E-LOCAL project, funded with support from the European Commission within the ‘LLP Key Activity 2 Languages’ programme. She has published in national and international journals, also contributing to many collective books, and to the organization of various meetings and congresses.
Current Position
Full professor of Linguistics, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, School of Modern Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpreting, University of Bologna.
Teaching Positions
- 1992: Teacher of Latin and Greek (permanent appointment) at the Liceo Classico:
- 1996-1998: Professor on a temporary basis of Applied Linguistics at University for Foreigners of Siena;
- 1998-2005: Researcher, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna;
- 2005-present: Full Professor of Linguistics, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, School of Modern Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpreting, University of Bologna.
- 1984: High School Diploma in Classical Studies (Maturità Classica);
- 1988: Degree in Classical Literature (Laurea in Lettere Classiche) at the University of Pisa (110/110 cum laude);
- 1991-1994: Doctoral Degree in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Pisa;
- 1996-1998: Post-doctoral fellowship in Linguistics at the University of Pisa.
Grants and research abroad
- 1986: Grant awarded by the University of Pisa for German language courses at Karl Ruprecht Universität of Heidelberg;
- 1987: Grant awarded by the University of Pisa for German language courses at Karl Ruprecht Universität of Heidelberg;
- 1991: Grant awarded by the “Società Italiana di Glottologia” for the Summer School in “Discipline Linguistiche” at the University dof Udine;
- 1993: Grant awarded by the “Società Italiana di Glottologia” for the Summer School in “Discipline Linguistiche” at the University of Udine;
- 1997: Grant from the “European Science Foundation” for the “Research Conference on The Structure of Learner Language” (Acquafredda di Maratea, 26 settembre-1 ottobre);
- 1999: Grant awarded by the University of Pisa for the 6th Sommerschool of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft” in “Sprachtypologie” (Mainz 31 August-11 September).
- 1999: Visiting Scholar at the Department of Linguistics of the “Max-Planck Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie” of Leipzig.
- 2022: teaching mobility at the University of Neuchâtel (Suisse).
Teaching Activities
- 1993-1998: Seminars of Greek, Latin, and Italic Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics, University of Pisa;
- 1996-1998: Professor on a temporary basis of Applied Linguistics at University for Foreigners of Siena;
- 1998-1999: Seminars of General Linguistics at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna;
- 2000-2001: Professor on a temporary basis of Applied Linguistics at University for Foreigners of Siena;
- 2000-2010: undergraduate and postgraduate courses in General Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics and Italic Linguistics;
- 2010-present: (courses routinely taught) undergraduate courses in General Linguistics and Historical Linguistics.
University Service
- 2005-2008: member of the Planning and Advisory Committee for the Post-Graduate Degree in Linguistics (44S);
- 2005-2012: member of the Library Committee of Department of Foreign Modern Languages and Literatures;
- 2008-2011: member of the Planning and Advisory Committee of Faculty of Foreign Modern Languages and Literatures;
- 2008-2012: membro della Commissione Orientamento della Facoltà;
- 2009-2012: member of the Board (Giunta) of Department of Foreign Modern Languages and Literatures;
- 2009-present: coordinator for the Erasmus mobility program (Oslo, Liège, Coimbra, Paris VIII, Patras);
- 2010-2013: director of the first cycle Degree in “Asian Languages, Markets and Cultures”;
- 2012-2015: member of the Board (Consiglio) of the School of Modern Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpreting;
- 2012-present: coordinator for the Section of Linguistics of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures;
- 2014-2016: vice-director of the first cycle Degree in “Asian Languages, Markets and Cultures”.
Research Interests
Historical linguistics (morphology, syntax, and semantics of Classical and Romance languages), typological linguistics, cognitive linguistics.
Funded Research Projects
- 1995-1996: project funded by CNR “Genesi ed evoluzione di categorie grammaticali”, coordinated by Romano Lazzeroni, University of Pisa;
- 1997-1998: project funded by CNR and ESF “Le lingue del Mediterraneo: tipologia e convergenze - MEDTYP”, coordinated by Paolo Ramat, University of Pavia;
- 1999-2001: PRIN project “Mutamenti tipologici nelle regole di formazione di parola nella diacronia indoeuropea”, coordinated by Giorgio Banti, role: member of the Reserch Unit of the University for Foreigners of Siena, coordinated by Marina Benedetti;
- 1999-2002: RFO project “Metalinguaggio e modelli antropologici nel mondo classico”, coordinated by Edoardo Vineis);
- 2001-2004: PRIN project “Mutamento tipologico nella funzionalità dei suffissi nominali primari nelle lingue indoeuropee” coordinated by Giorgio Banti, role: member of the Reserch Unit of the University for Foreigners of Siena, coordinated by Marina Benedetti;
- 2003-2005: PRIN project “Percorsi diacronici della morfosintassi indoeuropea nella prospettiva della continuità e discontinuità” coordinated by Marco Mancini, role: member of the Reserch Unit of the University for Foreigners of Siena, coordinated by Marina Benedetti;
- 2003-2004: RFO project “Per un'analisi del verbo italiano, con particolare riguardo alle categorie di tempo, aspetto e modo”, coordinated by Edoardo Vineis;
- 2005-2008: PRIN project “La Funzione Predicativa: aspetti di morfosintassi verbale e nominale” coordinated by Giorgio Banti, role: member of the Reserch Unit of the University for Foreigners of Siena, coordinated by Marina Benedetti;
- 2005-2008: coordinator of the RFO project “Tra verbo e nome, tra flessione e derivazione: percorsi diacronici e tipologici nella morfosintassi dell'aggettivo”;
- 2009-2012: PRIN project “Scenari linguistici nel Mediterraneo antico: mutamento e contatti nella storia del greco” coordinated by Marco Mancini, role: member of the Reserch Unit of the University for Foreigners of Siena, coordinated by Marina Benedetti;
- 2010-2102: E-LOCAL project (Electronically Learning Other Cultures And Languages), funded by EU, LLP Key Activity 2 Languages, coordinated by Andrea Ceccherelli, role: coordinator for Methodology and Italian language;
- 2012-2015: PRIN project “Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell'identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica” coordinated by Piera Molinelli, role: member of the Reserch Unit of the University for Foreigners of Siena, coordinated by Marina Benedetti;
- 2013-2014: E-LOCAL for all project, funded by EU, LLP Key Activity 2 Languages, coordinated by Andrea Ceccherelli, role: coordinator for Methodology and Italian language;
- 2015-present: ILOCAL App project funded by EU, LLP Key Activity 2 Languages, coordinated by Andrea Ceccherelli, role: coordinator for Methodology and Italian language.
Organization of events
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference “With more than chance frequency. Forty years of Universals of Language” (Bologna, 19-20 gennaio 2007);
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference “XXXIII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa” (Bologna, 1-3 marzo 2007;
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference “CompoNet. Congress on Compounding” (Bologna, 6-7 giugno 2008);
- Organizer of the meeting “Ricordando Edoardo Vineis” (Bologna, 10 marzo 2008);
- Organizer of the conferences “Verba Manent. Lezioni Magistrali in memoria di Edoardo Vineis” (years 2009/2010)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Autotraduzione” (Bologna, 18-19 maggio 2011).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the XXXVIII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana di Glottologia “La nozione di classico in linguistica” (Bologna, 24-26 ottobre 2013).
- Member of the Organizing Committee of JENom6. Workshop on Nominalizations (Verona, 30 giugno-1 luglio 2015).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference ICHL22, 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics (Naples, 27-31 July 2015).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International workshop "Building Categories in Interaction. Multidisciplinary approaches to categorization" (Bologna 19-20 October 2017).
Editorial and refereeing service
- Evaluator for MIUR
- Occasional referee for: Diachronica, Archivio Glottologico Italiano, Studi e Saggi Linguistici, Word Structure.
- Scientific committee of: CLUB WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS CLUB-WPL (online sulla piattaforma AMS Acta dell'Università di Bologna).
- Evaluator for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
- SIG (Società di Linguistica Italiana);
- SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea);
- Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese;
- Indogermanische Gesellschaft.
- Elisabetta Magni (1990). Scale di implicazione e lingue antiche. Studi e Saggi Linguistici 30: 79-97.
- Elisabetta Magni (1993). Ve 192. Episodi di interferenza fra greco e osco. Studi e Saggi Linguistici 33: 85-104.
- Elisabetta Magni (1993). Gr. λέων, etr. leu, lat. leo. Studi e Saggi Linguistici 33: 73-83.
- Elisabetta Magni (1995). Il neutro nelle lingue romanze: tra relitti e prototipi. Studi e Saggi Linguistici 35: 127-178.
- Elisabetta Magni (1995). Modalità deontica e modalità epistemica nel futuro greco: un'ipotesi sull'origine dei futuri medi. Studi Classici e Orientali 45: 411-432.
- Elisabetta Magni (1996). Continua e polarizzazioni nella categoria del genere grammaticale in indoeuropeo. Studi e Saggi Linguistici 36: 95-125.
- Elisabetta Magni (1997). L'organizzazione dei paradigmi nella flessione rizotonica e il passato remoto di avere e sapere in italiano. Rendiconti Morali dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 8: 119-146.
- Elisabetta Magni (1998). Recensione a: Roger Lass (1996) Historical Linguistics and Language Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 83: 96-110.
- Elisabetta Magni (1999). Modalità deontica e modalità epistemica nel futuro greco: un'ipotesi sull'origine dei futuri medi. In: Pierangiolo Berrettoni (a cura di) Varietà linguistiche nella storia della grecità. Atti del Terzo Incontro Internazionale di Linguistica Greca (Pisa, 2-4 ottobre 1997),145-160. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.
- Elisabetta Magni (1999). Sémantique du diminutif et relations d’appartenance. Silexicales 2. La morphologie des dérivés évaluatifs. Forum de morphologie (2e rencontres). Actes du colloque de Toulouse (29-30 avril 1999), 139-148.
- Elisabetta Magni (1999). La significazione del possesso in latino. Il tipo mihi est aliquid come manifestazione della transitività ridotta. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 84: 44-66.
- Elisabetta Magni (2000). L'ordine delle parole nel latino pompeiano: sulle tracce di una deriva. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 85: 1-35.
- Elisabetta Magni (2001). Paradigm organization and lexical connections in the development of the Italian passato remoto. Yearbook of Morphology 1999: 75-96.
- Elisabetta Magni (2001). Questioni di semantica nella morfologia derivazionale dell’italiano: il suffisso –oso, tra sincronia e diacronia. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 86: 3-24.
- Romano Lazzeroni, Elisabetta Magni (2001). Modelli connessionisti vs. modelli dualisti nella morfologia diacronica: dati linguistici, dati empirici e teoria (sezioni 1-2). In: Federico Albano Leoni et al. (a cura di) Dati empirici e teorie linguistiche. Atti del XXXIII Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana (Napoli, 28-30 ottobre 1999), SLI 43, 399-409. Roma: Bulzoni.
- Elisabetta Magni (2001). I derivati valutativi in greco: semantica del diminutivo ed espressione delle relazioni di appartenenza. In: Carlo Consani e Luisa Mucciante (a cura di) Norma e variazione nel diasistema greco. Atti del Quarto Incontro Internazionale di Linguistica Greca (Chieti-Pescara, 30 settembre-2 ottobre 1999), 221-243. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.
- Elisa Lucchesi & Elisabetta Magni (2002). Vecchie e nuove (in)certezze sul Lapis Satricanus. Pisa: ETS
- Elisabetta Magni (2004). ‘Doppioni’ e alternanze nel greco omerico: i presenti in ‑θω. In: Giovanna Rocca (a cura di) Dialetti, dialettismi, generi letterari e funzioni sociali. Atti del V Incontro Internazionale di Linguistica Greca (Milano, 12-13 settembre 2002), 329-342. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.
- Elisabetta Magni (2005). Modality’s semantic maps: an investigation of some Latin modal forms. In: Gualtiero Calboli (a cura di), Latina Lingua! Proceedings of the Twelfth International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Bologna, 9-14 June 2003) = Papers on Grammar 9.1: 325-336. Roma: Herder.
- Elisabetta Magni (2008). Conservazione e innovazione nella morfologia derivazionale dell’italiano: analisi sincronica e diacronica del suffisso –aio. In: Emanuela Cresti (a cura di) Prospettive nello studio del lessico italiano. Atti del 9. congresso SILFI (Firenze, 14-17 giugno 2006), vol. II, 497-505. Firenze: Firenze University Press.
- Elisabetta Magni (2008). Continuità e contiguità nelle categorie verbali: le forme in -θ- del greco. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 93.2: 1-55.
- Sergio Scalise, Elisabetta Magni & Antonietta Bisetto (eds.) (2009). Universals of Language Today. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Elisabetta Magni, Sergio Scalise & Antonietta Bisetto (2009). Introduction. In: Sergio Scalise, Elisabetta Magni & Antonietta Bisetto (eds.) Universals of Language Today, xiii-xxvii. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Elisabetta Magni (2009). The evolution of Latin word (dis)order. In: Sergio Scalise, Elisabetta Magni & Antonietta Bisetto (eds.) Universals of Language Today, 225-251. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Elisabetta Magni (2010). L’evoluzione semantico-funzionale dell’elemento -ϑ- nella morfologia verbale del greco. In: Ignazio Putzu, Giulio Paulis, Gian Franco Nieddu e Pierluigi Cuzzolin (a cura di) La morfologia del greco tra tipologia e diacronia. Atti del VII Incontro internazionale di linguistica greca (Cagliari 13-15 settembre 2007), 266-285. Milano: Franco Angeli.
- Elisabetta Magni (2010). From the periphery to the core of Romance [VN] compounds. Lingue e Linguaggio 9.1: 3-39.
- Elisabetta Magni (2010). Mood and Modality. In: Philip Baldi & Pierluigi Cuzzolin (eds.) New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax. Volume 2: Constituent Syntax: Adverbial Phrases, Adverbs, Mood, Tense, 193-275. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- Elisabetta Magni (2010). Grammaticalization processes in the genesis of Latin adverbs: rewriting the story of scilicet and videlicet. In: Peter Anreiter & Manfred Kienpointner (eds.), Latin Linguistics Today. Proceedings of the XV Colloquium Internationale Linguisticae Latinae (Innsbruck, 4-9 April 2009), 293 - 304. Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft.
- Elisabetta Magni (2011). Coexisting structures and competing functions in genitive word order. In: Petra Sleeman & Harry Perridon (eds.), The Noun Phrase in Romance and Germanic. Structure, variation, and change [LA 171], 223-240. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Elisabetta Magni (2011). Between typology and etymology: the -nd- forms in Latin. In: Thomas Krisch & Thomas Lindner (eds.), Indogermanistik und Linguistik im Dialog. Akten der XIII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 27. September 2008 in Salzburg, 342-351. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag.
- Elisabetta Magni (2011). The E-Local Project: a virtual travel across cultures and languages. In: Pixel (ed.), ICT for Language Learning 4th Edition. Florence, Italy. 20-21 October 2011. Conference Proceedings (online/CD), 1-7. Florence: Simonelli Editore - University Press.
- Elisabetta Magni (2011). The E-Local Project: a virtual travel across cultures and languages. In: Pixel (ed.), ICT for Language Learning 4th Edition. Florence, Italy. 20-21 October 2011. Conference Proceedings (Abstracts), 93. Florence: Simonelli Editore - University Press.
- Elisabetta Magni, Antonella Valva (2012). Glocalising the Erasmus experience through the E-LOCAL project. In: Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. 2nd-4th July 2012, Barcelona, Spain.EDULEARN12 Abstracts CD, 1. Barcelona: IATED Publications.
- Elisabetta Magni, Antonella Valva (2012). Glocalising the Erasmus experience through the E-LOCAL project. In: Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. 2nd-4th July 2012, Barcelona, Spain. EDULEARN12 Proceedings CD, 6920-6929. Barcelona: IATED Publications.
- Elisabetta Magni (2013). Synchronic gradience and language change in Latin genitive constructions. In: Anna Giacalone, Caterina Mauri & Piera Molinelli (eds.), Synchrony and Diachrony: a Dynamic Interface. Studies in Language Companion Series 133, 177-200. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Elisabetta Magni (2013). Metamorfosi, transizioni e intersezioni nel mito e nel nome di Vertumno. In: Carla Corradi Musi (ed.), Sul cammino delle metamorfosi tra gli Urali e il Mediterraneo. Dal mito alle trasformazioni sociali, 114-124. Bologna: Edizioni Cine//Sine.
- Antonietta Bisetto & Elisabetta Magni (2013). The polysemy and polyfunctionality of Italian -torederivatives: A diachronic view. Quaderni di Semantica, XXXIV-1: 73-82.
- Elisabetta Magni (2014). Linguistica storica. Bologna: Pàtron Editore.
- Elisabetta Magni (2014). From action nominals to gerund and gerundive: some reflections on the -nd- forms. In: Christian Lehmann & Concepción Cabrillana (eds.), Acta XIV Colloquii Internationalis Linguisticae Latinae (Erfurt, 17-20 July 2007), Bibliotheca Linguae Latinae 5, 145-162. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas.
- Elisabetta Magni (2015). Recensione a: Annamaria Bartolotta (ed.) (2014). The Greek Verb. Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics. Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting on Greek Linguistics (Agrigento, October 1-3, 2009), Bibliothèque des Cahiers de Linguistique de Louvain (BCLL) 128,Peeters, Louvain-la-Neuve.Studi e Saggi Linguistici 53: 129-135.
- Elisabetta Magni (2015). Gradience and gradualness in Latin adnominal constructions. In: Gerd Haverling (ed.), Latin Linguistics in the Early 21st Century: Acts of the 16th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Uppsala, June 6th-11th, 2011, Uppsala, Studia Latina Upsaliensia 35, 276-288. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Andrea Ceccherelli, Cristiana Cervini, Elisabetta Magni, Silvia Mirri, Marco Roccetti, Paola Salomoni, Antonella Valva (2016). The ILOCALAPP Project: A Smart Approach to Language and Culture Acquisition. In: Pixel (ed.), The Future of Education 2016 (Florence, 30 june-1 july 2016). Conference Proceedings, 1-4.Firenze: Simonelli Editore - University Press.
- Elisabetta Magni (2016). Notha uerba: l’interferenza e il mutamento attraverso le formazioni ibride latino-greco. Linguarum Varietas 5, 133-144.
- Elisabetta Magni (2016). Sette tipi di ambiguità nel mutamento linguistico. In: Patrizia Cordin e Alessandro Parenti (a cura di) Problemi e prospettive della linguistica storica (Atti del XL Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia,Trento, 22-24 ottobre 2015, relazione su invito), 13-34. Roma: Il Calamo.
- Elisabetta Magni (2016). Le nominalizzazioni agentive in -tor. In: Paolo Poccetti (ed.) Latinitatis Rationes. Descriptive and Historical Accounts for the Latin Language, 101-117. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- Elisabetta Magni (2016). Collettivi e categorie ad hoc. In: Francesco Dede’ (a cura di), Categorie grammaticali e classi di parole. Statuto e riflessi metalinguistici, 157-172. Roma: Il Calamo.
- Elisabetta Magni (2017). Come cambiano le lingue? In: Nicola Grandi e Francesca Masini (a cura di) Tutto ciò che hai sempre voluto sapere sul linguaggio e sulle lingue, 105-108. Caissa Italia Editore: Bologna.
- Elisabetta Magni (2017). Suffix borrowing and conflict through Latin-Greek hybrid formations. In: Olga Spevak (ed.) Actes du 18e Colloque international de linguistique latine. Numéro spécial de la revue Pallas 103: 283-291.
- Elisabetta Magni, Anna Orlandini, Paolo Poccetti (2017). Haud: usages et fonctions d’une négation perdue. De Lingua Latina, revue de linguistique latine du Centre Alfred Ernout 14: 1-28. Special issue: Négation et latin(Articles issus du colloque organisé par le centre Alfred Ernout, Paris, 6-8 Juin 2016) (
- Elisabetta Magni (2017). Une grammaticalisation avec peine: Le cas de l’italien appena. In: Ponchon, Thierry, Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot & Annie Bertin (eds.) Mots de liaison et d'intégration. Prépositions, conjonctions et connecteurs, [LIS 34], 103-117. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Elisabetta Magni (2017). Pluractionality and perfect in Homeric Greek. In: Felicia Logozzo & Paolo Poccetti (eds.), Ancient Greek Linguistics. New Approaches, Insights, Perspectives, 325-344. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- Elisabetta Magni (2017). Intensity, reduplication, and pluractionality in Ancient Greek. Lexis 10: 1-18. Special issue: The Expression of Intensity / L'expression de l'intensité (ed. by Lucile Bordet, Maria Napoli & Miriam Ravetto) (; doi: 10.4000/lexis.1117).
- Elisabetta Magni (2018). Collective suffixes and ad hoc categories: from Latin -ālia to Italian -aglia. Folia Linguistica Historica 39.1: 201-224. Special issue: Linguistic strategies for the construction of ad hoc categories: synchronic and diachronic perspectives. (ed. by Caterina Mauri and Andrea Sansò).
- Elisabetta Magni (2019). General extenders in Latin. In Nigel Holmes, Marijke Ottink, Josine Schrickx, Maria Selig, Lidewij Van Gils, Caroline Kroon, Rodie Risselada (eds.), Lemmata linguistica Latina, volume 2: Clause and Discourse,697-714. Proceedings of the 19th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Munich, April 24-28, 2017). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- Elisabetta Magni & Romano Lazzeroni (2019). Presenti a raddoppiamento e plurazionalità. In: Paola Cotticelli Kurras & Sabine Ziegler (eds.) Tra semantica e sintassi: il ruolo della linguistica storica / Zwischen Semantik und Syntax: die Rolle der historischen Sprachwissenschaft. Atti del XLII Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia,Indogermanische Gesellschaft(Verona, 11-14 ottobre 2017), 177-190. Roma: Il Calamo.
- Chiara Gianollo & Elisabetta Magni (2019). Variation and change in Latin close appositions. Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica 59 (1-4): 199-211. Special issue ed. by Béla Adamik, Proceedings of Latin vulgaire – latin tardif XIII (LVLT13). (doi: 10.1556/068.2019.59.1–4.19).
- Elisabetta Magni (2019). Cosa si vede in un microcosmo? Reduplicazione e plurazionalità nei presenti omerici. CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics 3. (Numero speciale a cura di Caterina Mauri e Chiara Gianollo su Tipologia e diacronia).
- Elisabetta Magni (2020). L’ambiguità delle lingue. Roma: Carocci.
- Ilaria Fiorentini & Elisabetta Magni (2020). Da lat. et cetera ait. eccetera:la vicenda di un general extender. In: Gabriella Alfieri, Giovanna Alfonzetti, Daria Motta e Rosaria Sardo (a cura di) Pragmatica storica dell’italiano modelli e usi comunicativi del passato. Atti del XIII Convegno ASLI(Catania, 29-31 ottobre 2018), 643-650. Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore.
- Elisabetta Magni (2020). Ambiguity and uncertainty in the synchrony and diachrony of language. In: Elisabetta Magni & Yahis Martari (a cura di) L’ambiguità nelle e tra le lingue. Prospettive a confronto, numero speciale di Quaderni di Semantica 6: 13-46.
- Elisabetta Magni & Yahis Martari (2020). Presentazione, inElisabetta Magni & Yahis Martari, L’ambiguità nelle e tra le lingue. Prospettive a confronto, numero speciale di Quaderni di Semantica6: 7-10.
- Elisabetta Magni & Yahis Martari (2020). Curatela di L’ambiguità nelle e tra le lingue. Prospettive a confronto, numero speciale di Quaderni di Semantica.
- Elisabetta Magni & Yahis Martari (2020). Presentazione di CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics, 4.
- Elisabetta Magni & Yahis Martari (2020). Curatela di CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics, 4.
- Romano Lazzeroni & Elisabetta Magni (2020). Reduplicated presents and pluractionality in Greek and Sanskrit. Studi e Saggi Linguistici LVIII (2): 9-32. (doi: 10.4454/ssl.v58i2.256).
- Ilaria Fiorentini & Elisabetta Magni (2021). Et cetera, eccetera, etc. The development of a general extender from Latin to Italian. In: Caterina Mauri, Ilaria Fiorentini & Eugenio Goria (eds.) Building categories in interaction. Linguistic resources at work,296–316. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Elisabetta Magni (2021). Come (non) perdersi nell’ambiguità linguistica, tra incertezze, sorprese e il necessario disordine. Contributo online sul sito Linguisticamente. (
- Elisabetta Magni (in stampa). I nomi d’agente in -tor nelle traduzioni latine del Nuovo Testamento. In: XXX (a cura di) Studi in onore di XXX.
- Michele Bianconi & Elisabetta Magni (in preparazione)The optative in the Greek of the New Testament.
- Elisabetta Magni (in preparazione). The role of ambiguity and vagueness in language change: quantity or quality of knowledge?In: Ilaria Fiorentini & Chiara Zanchi (eds.) Vagueness, ambiguity, and their relationship. Theory, methods, uses. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Elisabetta Magni (in preparazione). Morphologies in contact in Bible translations: nomina agentis in New Testament Latin, to be presented at the 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (Latin vulgaire – latin tardifXIV), Ghent (September 5-10, 2022).
- Michele Bianconi & Elisabetta Magni (in preparazione). The surviving optative in NT Greek and its Latin translations, to be presented at theInternational Conference on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL10), Madrid (June 16-18, 2022).
- Elisabetta Magni (in preparazione). At the interface between modality and discourse marking: the history of Italian chessò, invited talk for the conference Modality in historical stages: Methods and resources for investigating modality, Neuchâtel (November 14-15, 2022).