Postdoctoral fellowship, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università
di Bologna, 1999-2000 (Etruscology)
PhD, Università di Padova, 1995-1998 (Etruscology)
Master in Archaeology, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di
Bologna, 1991-1994 (Etruscology)
M.A., Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 1990
Academic Position
Full Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016-
Associate Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna,
Aggregate Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna,
Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD School in History and Archaeology. Studies on Heritage, Memory and Culture of the University of Bologna.
Courses taught
Etruscology and Italic Archaeology
Etruscan Epigraphy
Director of excavations in the Etruscan city of Marzabotto (Bologna)
Research Grants
Member of Research Project “Etruscans and Greeks in Po Valley:
productive systems, commercial dynamics and cultural relations”
(scientific responsible G.Sassatelli), Italian Ministry for
University and research, 2002-2004
Member of Research Project “Urbanistic form and society in Po
Valley Etruria between VI-IV century b.C.” (scientific responsible
G.Sassatelli), Italian Ministry for University and research,
Member of Research Project “Etruscans in border areas and
relationship with the Greeks. Funerary ritual and death ideology
between VI and V century b.C.” (scientific responsible
G.Sassatelli), Italian Ministry for University and research,
Member of Research Project “The necropole of Valle Trebba in Spina:
toward the edition of the context. Graves, social structure and
trade connections” (scientific responsible G.Sassatelli), Italian
Ministry for University and research, 2008-2010
Scientific activities
Member of National Institute of Etruscan and Italic
Member of Scientific Committee of Etruscan city of
Etruscan urbanism and architecture, especially of the Etruscan town
of Marzabotto (Bologna), are the main search fields. She studies domestic and sacred
architecture with particular attention to cultural relations and
transmission dynamics between Tyrrhenian area and Po Valley Etruria
and between Greece and Etruria. She deals with coordination of
all the activities of research on Marzabotto, from the excavation
to the edition of the series "Kainua", volumes dedicated to the
Funerary ritual and necropoleis are another important research
interest that investigates multiples aspects of the etruscan
culture of Po Valley, starting from the study of the main cemetery
of Bologna with 421 graves (necropole Certosa, VI-IV century B.C.)
during the PhD. Reconstruction of the funerary ideology is based on
the exact analysis of the contexts and also on the study of extraordinary image heritage of
stone monuments of Bologna. On this monumental class is focused
significant part of the most recent scientific production. She
studies the diffusion of etruscan writing in Po Valley area and the
historical value of epigraphic documents and with G. Sassatelli she coordinates the remarkable project
of Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum of the Po Valley.
Collaborations with museums
1991, exhibition “Gli Etruschi fra tutti I popoli tra i più
religiosi”, Civic Museum of Modena
1991-1993, permanent exhibition on Ancient Pottery, at
International Museum of Pottery, Faenza
1998, has worked in Archaeological Museum of Bologna as scientific
curator of etruscan rooms
2000, permanent exhibition on “Etruscan bronze liver of Piacenza”
at Palazzo Farnese, Piacenza
2000, exhibition “Principi etruschi tra Mediterraneo e Europa”,
Archaeological Museum, Bologna
2006-2012 permanent exhibition on “Etruscan Bologna” at Museum of
History, Bologna
2008- permanent exhibition of new rooms of National Archaeological
Museum of Marzabotto
2012-2014, exhibition "Il viaggio oltre la vita. Gli Etruschi e l'Aldilà", Museum of History, Bologna
2017-2019, exhibition "Etruschi. Viaggio nella terra dei Rasna", Archaeological Museum of Bologna