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My primary scholarly interest concerns the processes of identity formation in adolescence.
In 2009 I received the SRIF (Society for Research on Identity Formation) Biennial Best Doctoral Student Research Award; in 2011 I was awarded a Marie Curie grant, and I am now the PI of the ERC-Consolidator grant IDENTITIES “Managing Identities in Diverse Societies: A Developmental Intergroup Perspective with Adolescents” (2021-2026). Through an ambitious research program, the project aims to shed light on how the interactions that adolescents with and without a migrant background have in different spheres of life and socialization contexts affect their identities and their physical, psychological, and social well-being.
I am the Editor-in-Chief of Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, Associate Editor of European Journal of Personality, and New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. I am also the President-elect of the European Association for Research in Adolescence (EARA) and Responsible of the IDENTITIES Lab
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