15.12.2014: PhD (with the additional label of Doctor Europaeus) awarded by the University of Cologne (Faculty of Philosophy) in joint doctoral programme (cotutela di tesi) with the University of Bologna (Dottorato di Ricerca in ‘Culture letterarie, filologiche, storiche’, XXVI ciclo). Dissertation title: Ricerche sul lessico della provvidenza in Agostino. Supervisors: Prof. Andreas Speer, Prof. Bruna Pieri, Prof. Peter Orth
23.11.2009: Laurea Specialistica (Second Cycle Degree) in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition awarded by the University of Bologna. Dissertation title: Res humanae ordinatissimae. I classici nel sermo De providentia dei di Agostino. Traduzione e commento. Gained Mark: 110/110 cum laude with recommendation for publication.
19.03.2007: Laurea (First Cycle Degree) in Classics awarded by the University of Bologna. Dissertation title: Tanta stat praedita culpa. Il male secondo Lucrezio. Gained Mark: 110/110 cum laude.
01.07.2002: High school Diploma awarded by Liceo Classico ‘G. Carducci’ (Bolzano). Gained Mark: 98/100.
Scientific work
07.05.2021-07.05.2030: National scientific qualification (abilitazione scientifica nazionale) for associate professor (II fascia) in Latin (Settore Concorsuale 10/D3 Lingua e Letteratura Latina, Bando d.d. 2175/2018).
12.04.2021 - present: Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (University of Bologna).
03.-08.2019: Research stay at the University of Munich (LMU), Germany.
01.11.2017 - present: Post-Doc fellow at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (University of Bologna). Research project: Le traduzioni dal greco di Agostino di Ippona (nell'ambito del PRIN 2015 - r.u. prof. F. Citti - "Centro e periferia nella letteratura latina di Roma imperiale").
01.10.2015 - 30.09.2017: Post-Doc fellow at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (University of Bologna). Research project: Il De providentia dei di Agostino (= sermo Dolbeau 29) e i suoi modelli pagani e cristiani: edizione, traduzione e commento.
a.a. 2014/15 - present: Scientific board member of the Centro Studi ‘La permanenza del Classico’ (Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna).
02.-05.2017: Co-organization of a series of public lectures with the title ‘La felicità. I Classici – XVI Edizione’, by the Centro Studi ‘La permanenza del Classico’ (University of Bologna). Editing of the relative book.
02.-05.2016: Co-organization of a series of public lectures with the title ‘Follia. I Classici – XV Edizione’, by the Centro Studi ‘La permanenza del Classico’ (University of Bologna). Editing of the relative book.
04.-06.2015: Researcher with fixed-term contract (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the Thomas Institute (University of Cologne) in the project Ausgabe des Sentenzenkommentars des Durandus von St. Pourçain (a S. Porciano).
02.-05.2015 Co-organization of a series of public lectures with the title ‘Homo sum. I Classici – XIV Edizione’ by the Centro Studi ‘La permanenza del Classico’ (University of Bologna). Editing of the relative book.
02.-05.2013: Co-organization of a series of public lectures with the title ‘Res novae. Rivoluzioni. I Classici – XII Edizione’, by the Centro Studi ‘La permanenza del Classico’ (University of Bologna). Editing of the relative book.
02.-11.2012: Member of the organising committee of the congress Politische Fragmentierung und kulturelle Kohärenz der Spätantike, organized by the ‘Internationales Kolleg Morphomata’ (University of Cologne) in co-operation with the ‘a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne’ (University of Cologne), Cologne, 7th-9 th November 2012.
10.04.-10.07.2010: Host student at the Department of Classic Philology (Institut für Klassische Philologie) in Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster). Tutor: prof. Wolfgang Hübner.
Teaching activity
Teaching activity in university institutions
Academic year 2020/21: Adjunct Professor in Latin (30 hours): Laboratorio di traduzione dal greco e dal latino (1), LM-15 (Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali, University of Bologna).
Didactic Tutor for support Latin classes (SSD L-FIL-LET/04), Bachelor degree: Corso di Studio in Lettere, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (University of Bologna).
Academic year 2019/20-present: Integrative seminar for the courses in Latin Literature: readings of Virgil Aeneis IV (20 hours); Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali (University of Bologna).
Academic year 2019/20: Syntax seminar (basic level, 20 hours), Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (University of Bologna).
Adjunct Professor in Latin Philology and Literature (30 hours), Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali, University of Bologna.
Academic year 2017/18: Adjunct Professor in Latin Literature at the University of Bologna (Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali).
Academic year 2016/17 - present: Advisor of First Cycle Degree Dissertations in Latin Studies.
Academic year 2015/16 - present: Member of the examining board for the courses of Latin Language, Latin Literature, Latin Philology and Literature (LM), Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali (University of Bologna).
Academic year 2015/16 - present: Member of the First Cycle Degree board (Laurea in Lettere), Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali (University of Bologna).
11.2015 - present: “Cultrice della materia” in the field of Latin Studies.
Academic year 2015/16: Didactic Tutor for the Second Cycle Degree of Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition, Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali (University of Bologna).
Academic years 2014/15 - 2016/17: Integrative seminar for the courses in Latin Language: readings of Seneca’s De providentia (20 hours); Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali (University of Bologna).
Teaching activity in non-university institutions
02.-03.2010: Italian teacher (L2: Italian as foreign language) at the High School (liceo scientifico) ‘A. Einstein’ in Merano (Bolzano).
06.-07.2009: Summer school teacher: Latin courses for high school students of the Liceo classico ‘G. Carducci’ and the Liceo pedagogico ‘G. Pascoli’ (Bolzano).
09.2007: Ancient Greek teacher at ICEEF – Istituto Europeo di Cultura e Formazione (Bolzano).
Participation to conferences or seminars
11.03.2020: Alcune osservazioni sul De prouidentia dei di Agostino, paper given at Seminario di dottorato in “Scienze dell’antichità e scienze del libro”, Dipartimento di Filologia classica e Italianistica, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
22.01.2020: Laboratorio di traduzione dal latino: translation workshop for students given at Liceo Classico e Linguistico Muratori - San Carlo (Modena).
19.07.2019: Augustin, De prouidentia dei (= s. Dolbeau 29): Bemerkungen am Rande eines Kommentars, paper given at Forschungsseminar der Fachdidaktik der Alten Sprachen "Verjüngte Antike in Moderne und Gegenwartskultur" (Prof. M. Janka), Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, Department II, Griechische und Lateinische Philologie (LMU, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München).
10.05.2019: Agostino traduttore dal greco: qualche osservazione a partire dalle Enarrationes in Psalmos, paper given at the conference In suum vertere. La traduzione nel mondo greco e romano: Bologna, 9th-10th May 2019.
14.01.2019: Laboratorio di traduzione dal latino: translation workshop for students given at Liceo Classico e Linguistico Muratori - San Carlo (Modena).
25.01.2018: Laboratorio di traduzione dal latino: translation workshop for students given at Liceo Classico e Linguistico Muratori - San Carlo (Modena).
25.10.2017: Il lessico di Apuleio filosofo: qualche osservazione a partire dal De Platone et eius dogmate, paper given at the conference La langue d'Apulée dans les Métamorphoses. Journées internationales d'études: Corte 24-26 octobre 2017.
16.12.2013: Tradurre il mai tradotto: la Vita Platonis di Apuleio (Plat. 1,180-189), seminar lecture given at TraSLA – Laboratory of Specialistic Translation from Ancient Languages (academic year 2013/4), at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (University of Bologna).
16.11.2013: The Interaction of Sources in Augustine’s Vocabulary with regard to Divine Providence, paper given at the ‘Cologne Toronto Graduate Student Colloquium’ at the University of Cologne, Alter and Neuer Senatsaal, 14th-16 th November 2013.
09.07.2013: Die Sprache der Vorsehung in Augustinus, paper given at the PhD Students Colloquium at the Thomas Institute (University of Cologne).
21.05.2013: Nachforschungen zum Wortschatz der Vorsehung von Augustin, paper given at the Colloquium ‘Arts, Humanities and the Value of Interdisciplinary Thinking’, a.r.t.e.s. PhD Candidates Present their Research in Venice’ at the Cappella dei Lucchesi (Centro di Pastorale Universitaria Santa Fosca) and the University of Venice (Ca’ Foscari), Venice, 21th-24th May 2013.
08.09.2012: Mirabilis ordinatio. On the “Microcosmological Proof” in Augustine’s Demonstration of the Existence of Divine Providence (Aug. s. Dolbeau 29, 4–5), paper given at the conference ‘Bodily Functions: The Corpus and Corpora in Ancient Literature’, AMPAL 2012 (The Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature) at the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford, 8th-9 th September 2012.
04.11.2012: Der Birnendiebstahl: sprachliche und philologische Analyse von Confessiones 2,4,9-10,18, paper given at ‘Bilder und Text’, Colloquium of the research class 1 ‘Dynamics of Knowledge and Societies in Pre-Modern Cultures’ of the ‘a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne’ (University of Cologne).
27.06.2012: Nachforschungen zum Wortschatz der Vorsehung von Augustin, paper given at the Colloquium of the research class 1 ‘Dynamics of Knowledge and Societies in Pre-Modern Cultures’ of the ‘a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne’ (University of Cologne).
04.05.2011: Nachforschungen zum Wortschatz der Vorsehung von Augustin, paper given at the plenum of the ‘a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne’ (University of Cologne).
- 06.-08.2019: Scholarship awarded by Dipartimento di Filologia classica e Italianistica, Università di Bologna, Funding programme Marco Polo (bando n. 2 del 2018).
03.-05. 2019: Scholarship awarded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Funding programme: Research Grants - Short-Term Grants, 2019.
04.2014-03.2015: Fellowship for post-graduate education awarded by the Province of Bolzano.
10.2010-03.2014: PhD fellowship awarded by the ‘a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne’, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cologne.
04.-07.2010: Grant for International outgoing research vacations (periodi di ricerca all’estero attinenti alla tesi di laurea) awarded by the University of Bologna.
01.-03.2013: Grant of the ‘a.r.t.e.s. International’ programme (in co-operation with DAAD) for outgoing research vacations (Bologna, Padova).
09.-10.2012: Grant of the ‘a.r.t.e.s. International’ programme (in co-operation with DAAD) for outgoing research vacations and participation in conferences (Oxford, Bologna, Roma).
a.a. 2011/12: Grant awarded by the ‘a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne’ (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cologne) for participation in conferences.
2009: Prize for graduate students awarded by the Province of Bolzano.