Classical high School Diploma degree from “Rambaldi-Valeriani” High School, Imola (BO), evaluation 54/60.
Veterinary Medicine Degree at the University of Bologna. Thesis entitled "In vitro embryo production in bovine". Evaluation 110/110 cumlaude.
Professional Qualification
Three months scholarship at Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
Research Grant Student on “New tool of superovulation and embryo cryopreservation in domestic animals”, University of Bologna
PhD student on "Veterinary emergency Clinic and Therapy" at the University of Bologna. Thesis entitled “Use of stem cells in veterinary medicine”. Thesis defense: 10/05/2010.
Researcher at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna.
December 2013:
National Scientific Qualification for the role of Associate Professor. SC: 07/H5; SSD: VET 10.
Associate Professor,SSD VET/10, Department of Vetereinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna.
ECAR (European College of Animal Reproduction) Residency in Biotechnology of Reproduction (Tutor Prof. Barbara Merlo)
October 2018:
National Scientific Qualification for the role of Full Professor. SC: 07/H5; SSD: VET 10.
A.A 2020/2021:
- Owner of teaching module of 42 hours, “Veterinary Andrology”, C.I. Veterinary Medicine Degree
- Owner of teaching module of 20 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Large Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 62 hours, “Reproductive Biothecnology”, Animal Biotechnology Degree.
A.A 2019/2020:
- Owner of teaching module of 42 hours, “Veterinary Andrology”, C.I. Veterinary Medicine Degree
- Owner of teaching module of 20 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Large Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 62 hours, “Reproductive Biothecnology”, Animal Biotechnology Degree.
A.A 2018/2019:
- Owner of teaching module of 42 hours, “Veterinary Andrology”, C.I. Veterinary Medicine Degree
- Owner of teaching module of 20 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Large Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 62 hours, “Reproductive Biothecnology”, Animal Biotechnology Degree.
A.A 2017/2018:
- Owner of teaching module of 42 hours, “Veterinary Andrology”, C.I. Veterinary Medicine Degree
- Owner of teaching module of 30 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Large Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 62 hours, “Reproductive Biothecnology”, Animal Biotechnology Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 2 hours, “Stem Cells and Reproduction”, Master Degree in“Medicine, Surgery and Reproductive Biotechnology”, University of Bologna.
A.A 2016/2017:
- Owner of teaching module of 42 hours, “Veterinary Andrology”, C.I. Veterinary Medicine Degree
- Owner of teaching module of 90 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Large Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 62 hours, “Reproductive Biothecnology”, Animal Biotechnology Degree.
A.A 2015/2016
- Owner of teaching module of 42 hours, “Veterinary Andrology”, C.I. Veterinary Medicine Degree
- Owner of teaching module of 90 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Large Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 2 hours, “Stem Cells and Reproduction”, Master Degree in“Medicine, Surgery and Reproductive Biotechnology”, University of Bologna.
A.A 2014/2015
- Owner of teaching module of 42 hours, “Veterinary Andrology”, C.I. Veterinary Medicine Degree
- Owner of teaching module of 60 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Large Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
A.A 2013/2014
- Owner of teaching module of 31 hours, “Reproductive Biothecnology”, Animal Biotechnology Degree.
- Owner of teaching module of 30 hours, “Internship of Obstetric-Gynecological and Andrological Clinic of Small Animals”, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
A.A. 2012/2013
- Owner of teaching module of 30 hours, “Reproductive Biothecnology”, Animal Biotechnology Degree.
- 10 hours of seminar activity in “Innovative reproductive technologies in farm animals”, Owner Prof.ssa Bacci Maria Laura, Degree in Safety and Quality of Animal Production.
- 8 hours of frontal lesson in“Artificial Insemination and Veterinary assisted reproductive techniques”, Owner Prof. Mari Gaetano, Degree in Veterinary Medicine.
- 3 hours of frontal lesson in “Reproductive Pathology in the Female 2-Internship of Veterinary Obstetric Clinic”, Owner Prof. Merlo Barbara, Veterinary Medicine Degree
A.A. 2011/2012
- Owner of teaching module of 30 hours, “Innovative reproductive technologies in farm animals”, Degree in Safety and Quality of Animal Production.
- 8 hours of frontal lesson in “Veterinary Obstetric Clinic”, Owner Prof. Mari Gaetano, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
A.A 2010/2011
- 16 hours frontal lesson in “Veterinary Obstetric Clinic”, Owner Prof. Mari Gaetano, Veterinary Medicine Degree.
- 4 hours frontal lesson in“Innovative reproductive technologies in farm animals”, Owner Prof. Mari Gaetano, Degree in Safety and Quality of Animal Production.
- 15 hours frontal lesson in “Reproductive Pathology in the Female 2-Internship of Veterinary Obstetric Clinic”, Owner Prof. Merlo Barbara, Veterinary Medicine Degree
A.A 2019/2020:
-"Embyo Transfer as a tool to disseminate K-casein bb genotype and improve milk clotting properties", Tesi di Dottorato in Scienze Veterinarie, Dottorando Dott.ssa Giuliana Dell'Eva, Relatore Prof.ssa Barbara Merlo.
A.A 2018/2019:
- "Effetto delle condizioni di spedizione sulle cellule staminali mesenchimali di cane e cavallo", Tesi di Laurea Triennale in Biotecnologie, Laura Brusa, Correlatore Prof.ssa Laura Calzà.
- "Studio delle differenze molecolari, strutturali e differenziative di cellule staminali mesenchimali adulte e isolate da cordone ombelicale nella specie canina", Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie Animali, Romina Marcoccia, Correlatore Dott. Salvatore Nesci.
A.A 2017/2018:
- "Importanza dell'alcol Polivinilico per il recupero di oociti mediante aspirazione follicolare ecoguidata nella cavalla", Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Francesca Perina, Correlatore Prof.ssa Barbara Merlo
- "Effetto del mioinositolo sulla maturazione degli oociti e sullo sviluppo embrionale in vitro nella specie bovina", Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie Animali, Chiara Gorlani, Correlatore Prof.ssa Barbara Merlo
A.A 2015/2016:
- "Cellule stromali mesenchimali da annessi fetali equini: isolamento e caratterizzazione", Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Monica Ceccoli
- "Diagnosi di gravidanza strumentale e di laboratorio nella specie bovina", Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Cosmo Petronelli
-"Morphology and microscopy of equine umbilical cord and characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from foetal adnexa", Tesi di Dottorato in Scienze Veterinarie, Ciclo XXIX, Dottorando Dott.ssa Aliai Lanci, Relatore Prof.ssa Castagnetti.
A.A 2011/2012:
-“Trattamento delle piaghe cutanee nel puledro neonato”, Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Aliai Lanci, Relatore Prof.ssa Castagnetti;
-“Studio del cordone ombelicale nella specie equina”,Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Caterina Palermo, Relatore Prof.ssa Castagnetti.
A.A 2010/2011
-“La riproduzione assistita nella specie equina”, Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Alessia Fregnani, Relatore Prof Mari;
-“Valutazione della vitalità neonatale nella specie bovina”, Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Francesca Tomassini, Relatore Prof.ssa Castagnetti;
-“Monitoraggio della funzionalità del corpo luteo mediante tecnica power-doppler e dosaggio della concentrazione ematica di progesterone al primo e secondo calore post partum”, Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Martina Lucci, Relatore Dott.ssa Merlo.
A.A 2009/2010:
-“Effetti della puntura transvaginale ecoguidata sulla funzione riproduttiva nella cavalla”, Tesi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicina Veterinaria, Flaminia Garello, Relatore Prof. Mari.
- Isolation and in vitro culture of mesechymal stem cells from blood, bone marrow, adipose tissue, cord blood, Wharton's jelly, amniotic fluid and fetal membranes in domestic animals.
- In vivo application of MSCs in horse and dog.
- Isolation and in vitroculture of prostatic cells in dog.
- Ovum Pick Up, endometrial and follicular cysts reduction, twin pregnant reduction using transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration, superovulation and embryo transfer in bovine and equine.
- In vitro differentiation and molecular characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
- In vitro embryo production in bovine, equine, and cat.
- Cryopreservation of bovine, equine, cat and dog gametes and embryos: production of different medium and extender; use of new tools of cryopreservation, such as vitrification in cryoloop; evaluation of post-freezing vitality, using in vitro fertilization and culture; evaluation of cell viability using Hoechst, Sybr-Propidium, Fitc-PSA and computer assisted analysis for spermatozoa. Use and evaluation of vitality and fertilizing ability of sex semen in bovine, equine, cat and dog.
FISR2020IP_01778 “Cellular platform prototype for high content screening aimed at "drug-repositioning" for the prevention/mitigation of the long-term consequences of SARS-Cov-2 infection anti-EMT-19”. PI: Prof. Calzà.
Project founded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Imola: “MSCs for skin regenerative therapy: the importance of veterinary medicine.” PI: Prof. Iacono
POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020 "Mat2Rep" Proponente Laurà Calzà, Fondazione IRET, responsabile tecnico Luciana Giardino, CIRI-SDV
- Research Project “PROGETTI COMPETITIVI PER RICERCATORI del DSMVet”: “Cryptosporidiosis in an Equine Perinatology Unit: an epidemiologic and molecular study”. Scientific Director: Dr. Galuppi Roberta.
- Collaboration to PRIN 2009: “Induction and assesment of pluripotency of embryonic, fetal and somatic cell lines - by transfection of pluripotency genes (iPS cells) - in cattle and horses”. National Coordinator: Prof. Pasquale Loi; scientific director of the local research unit Prof. Cesare Galli.
- Scientific Collaboration with Institute Zooprofilattico Sperimentale of Lombardia and Emilia Romagna "B. Ubertini", to run self-financed research project "Evaluation of the regenerative capacity of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from bone marrow and fat tissue."
- PRRIITT “Animal stem cells for the tissue repair: preparation of products and protocols for search laboratories”. Laboratory director Prof.ssa Laura Calzà, University of Bologna, scientific director of the research unit Prof. Gaetano Mari, University of Bologna.
- COFIN “Effects of endogenous opiod peptide (EOP) on in vitro embryo production and gamete and embryo cryopreservation in domestic animals”. National coordinator Prof.ssa Maria Elena Dell’Aquila, University of Bari, scientific director of the local research unit Prof. Gaetano Mari, University of Bologna.
- GISM (Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali) Annual Meeting, April 2018: “MSCs in Veterinary Medicine: why and how do they work?”. Invited Speaker.
- Annual Conference on equine Reproduction (Italian Society of Equine Practitioner), Bologna, Italy, February 2016: “Regenerative Therapy in Veterinary Medicine”. Invited Speaker.
- 24thAnnual Congress of Italian Association of Cell Culture-International Satellite Symposium AICC-GISM, Rome, November 2011: “Mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s jelly in domestic animals.” Invited speaker.
- IX National Congress of Italian Society of Animal Reproduction (S.I.R.A.), Bari, Italy, June 2011: “Isolation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from foetal tissue and liquid in domestic cat: preliminary data.”
- VIII National Congress of Italian Society of Animal Reproduction (SIRA), Ozzano Emilia, Italy, June 2010: "Non-surgical embryo transfer of vitrified cat blastocysts: preliminary results".
- XXXVIII National Congress of Italian Association for Buiatrics (SIB), Mantova, Italy, May 2006: "Timed Artificial Insemination using GnRH and PGF2α in dairy cows".
- XXXV National Congress of Italian Association for Buiatrics (SIB), Altavilla Vicentina, Italy, May 2003: "Bovine in vitro embryo production".
- 19thAnnual Scientific meeting of European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE), Rostock, Germany, September 2003: " Culture of bovine embryos with different concentrations of L-lactate, DL-lactate, Pyruvate and B Vitamins", Student competition.
- Italian Association of Cell Culture (AICC)
- Italian Group of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (GISM)
- International Society of Embryo Transfer (IETS)
- Italian Embryo Transfer Society (SIET)
- Italian Association for Buiatrics (SIB)
- European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE)
- Italian Society of Animal Reproduction (SIRA)
- MIUR auditors
- Biomed central
- Stem Cells Reviews and Reports
- Cell Proliferation
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences
- Cellular Reprogramming
- Stem Cells International
- Reproduction in domestic animals
- Veterinary Research communications