Foto del docente

Eleonora Caramelli

Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Eleonora Caramelli

Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione Via Zamboni n. 38, 40138 Bologna, Italia

e-mail: []


Current Position:

10/2023- Associate Professor of Aesthetics, Dept. of Philosophy and Communications Studies, University of Bologna.

10/2019- Chercheuse associée/Assoziierte Forscherin presso “Centre Marc Bloch”, Berlin.


Italian National Qualification (ASN) as Full Professor of Aesthetics received on 02/02/2023.


Employment History:

research positions:

2020-2023 - Senior Assistant Professor of Aesthetics, University of Bologna

2018-2020 – Junior Assistant Professor of Aesthetics, University of Bologna

01/2016-05/2018 Research Fellow (Assegnista di Ricerca) at the University of Bologna, Dpt. of Philosophy and Communication Studies.

06/2016-10/2016 Post-doc bursary - DAAD Stipendiatin, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). Research project: “Hegel und die Sprache des alten Testaments. Quellen und theoretische Problemen von Der Geist des Christentums und sein Schicksal» (Hegel and the Language of the Old Testament. Sources and theoretical problems in The Spirit of Christianity and its Fate).

09/2015-10/2016 Post-doc Research Fellow, Dept. of Philosophy, Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France).

06/2012-05/2018 Cultore della Materia (teaching assistant and exam committee member) in Aesthetics, Dpt. of Philosophy and Communication Studies, Bologna University.

06/2015-05/2018 Cultore della Materia (teaching assistant and exam committee member) in Aesthetics, Dpt. of Pedagogical and Educational Studies, Modena and Reggio Emilia University.


Teaching positions:

As junior assistant professor

2019/2020, University of Bologna. Courses taught:

1) “Philosophy of landscape and environment” (60 hours, Bachelor Degree);

2) “Philosophical Aesthetics” (30 hours, Master Degree).

As visiting professor

11/2017, University of Valencia, Department of Philosophy, as bursary of the program “Erasmus Plus, Mobility for teacher”. Course taught: «Hegel. Etica y estetica» (8 hours).

As Adjunct Professor and Teaching Fellow

2017/2018 Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna. Course taught: “Poetic and Rhetoric” (30 hours.) Argument of the course: Hegel and Antigone. Language and experience, poetry and philosophy” [designed course syllabus and assignements, including weekly response assignement and final oral exam. Offered office hours (2 hours per week) for students seeking additional assistance].

2017/2018 Teaching Fellow [tutor] (30 hours) of the Seminar in Aesthetics, seminar taught: “Kant and Aesthetics”.

2016/2017 Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna. Course taught: “Poetic and Rhetoric” (30 hours). Argument of the course: “Hegel and the end of Art” [designed course syllabus and

assignements, including weekly response assignement and final oral exam. Offered office hours (2 hours per week) for students seeking additional assistance].

10/2016-12/2016 Teaching fellow (tutor) of the “Laboratorio Filosofia 0”. Course taught: “Etica e Estetica. Temi e problemi” (30 hours), + 23 hours of teaching assistance.

02/2016-06/2016 Teaching fellow (tutor) of the Seminar in Aesthetics (10 hours + 20 hours of teaching assistance), “Arte e tragedia in Hegel. Dalla Fenomenologia dello spirito alle Lezioni di estetica” (Art and tragedy in Hegel. From the Phenomenology of Spirit to the Lectures on Fine Arts).

10/2015-02/2016 Tutor (teaching fellow) of the “Laboratorio Filosofia 0”. Course taught: “Tra senso e sensibile. Linguaggi e parole chiave della filosofia” (20 hours), + 33 hours of teaching assistance.


2011/2012 Undergraduate Seminar in Aesthetics (M.A.), “Hegel and tragedy” (8 h., four weeks), University of Bologna.

2012/2013 Undergraduate Seminar in Aesthetics (M.A.), “Hegel and religion in the form of art” (8 h., four weeks), University of Bologna.

2013/2014 Undergraduate Seminar in Aesthetics (M.A.), “Hegel and tragedy” (8 h., four weeks), University of Bologna.

6/10/2015 Seminar (2 h.) in Aesthetics, University of Florence (B.A.), “Hegel and the problem of Perception”.


Areas of Specialization

Hegelian Aesthetics; Hegelian Philosophy of Language and Religion; German Idealism; Classical German philosohophy.

Areas of Competence

History of Aesthetics; Hermeneutics; Philosophy and Literature.


Visiting Positions 

10-12/2019 Visiting Scholar at "Centre Marc Bloch", Berlin.

10-11/2017 Visiting professor at the University of Valencia, Department of Philosophy.

11/2016-01/2017 Visiting Research Fellow at the “Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung”, Berlin ( .

03-2014 Visiting PhD. Student (one month) at Université de Poitiers (France), Laboratoire de Recherche Métaphisique allemande et philosophie pratique (German Metaphysicis and practical Philosophy).

01/2013-06/2013 Visiting Ph.D. Student at Université de Poitiers, Laboratoire de Recherche Métaphisique allemande et philosophie pratique.

01/2013-06/2013 Visiting Ph.D. Student at Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, participant at the “Séminaire de recherche hégélienne” and the “Séminaire de Recherche” about the Science of Logic.

06/2009-09/2009 Visiting Student, Berlin, Humboldt-Universität.

09/2007-06/2008 Erasmus Student, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.



2002-2006 B.A. summa cum laude in Philosophy, University of Bologna.

2006-2010 M.A. summa cum laude in Philosophical Sciences, University of Bologna.

2011-2014 Ph.D. in Philosophy and History of Ideas, Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (Florence).


Professional activities and Editorial positions:

09/2013-9/2018 Reviewer and Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal «Nuova Informazione Bibliografica», il Mulino, Bologna (

10/2013- Reviewer and Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal «Estetica. Studi e Ricerche», Il Mulino, Bologna (

01/2015- Reviewer and Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal «Studi di Estetica», Mimesis, (


Academic and scientific Memberships:

06/2019 – Member of the International Research Network on Hegel’s Philosophy of Art, Hegel Art Net (

05/2016- Member of the Italian Society of Aesthetics (

03/2016-03/2018 Member of the equipe de recherché Métaphysique : Histoire, Concepts, Actualité, Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France).


Conferences and Seminars organized:

International Congress organization secretary “Estetica, Figure, Retoriche”, 29 and 30 April 2016 (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Departement of pedagogical and educational Studies, University of Parma, Department of Human Sciences, University of Ferrara, Department of Art, Literature and History).

Organization of the Seminar “EsTra – Estetica e Traduzione”, 4 sessions, march-may 2019, “Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici Umberto Eco”, University of Bologna (


Fellowships and Grants

10/2019-12/2019 Marco Polo bursary awarded by the University of Bologna. Validity: three months.

03/2017-03/2018 Research fellowship awarded by the University of Bologna. Validity: one year.

11/2016-01/2017 Marco Polo bursary awarded by the University of Bologna. Validity: three months.

11/2017 Bursary of the program Erasmus Plus, Mobility for teacher (one week at the University of Valencia as visiting professor).

06/2016-09/2016 Research fellowship awarded by DAAD (Kurzstipendium). Validity: four months.

01/2016-01/2017 Research fellowship awarded by the University of Bologna. Validity: one year.

09/2015. Winner of a post-doc fellowship (one year) at Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici

(Naples): Validity: one year. Declined.

03/2014 Monthly PhD study-abroad scholarship funded by the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa/Istituto Italiano di Science Umane, Florence. Destination: Université de Poitiers.

05/2011- 06/2014 Ph.D. grant (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa/ Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Florence). Validity: three years.

01/2013-6/2013 PhD study-abroad scholarship funded by the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa/Istituto Italiano di Science Umane, Florence. Destination: Université de Poitiers. Validity: six months.

10/2010 Winner of a Ph.D. Position, University of Florence. Declined.

09/2007-06/2008 Bursary awarded from the Erasmus Project. Validity: 9 months.


Linguistic skills

Italian: native speaker; german: fluent; french: fluent DALF (examination DALF Diplôme approfondi de langue française passed in 2010); english: good.




E. Caramelli, Hegel et le signe d’Abraham, L’Harmattan, Paris 2018.

E. Caramelli, Lo spirito del ritorno. Studi su concetto e rappresentazione in Hegel, Il Melangolo, Genova 2016.

E. Caramelli, Eredità del sensibile. La proposizione speculativa nella Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel, Il Mulino, Bologna 2015. (Heritage of the Sensibility. The Speculative Proposition in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind).


Edition and translation (from German) of K. Hamburger, Die Logik der Dichtung. K. Hamburger, La logica della letteratura, ed. by E. Caramelli, pp. 334, Pendragon, Bologna 2015.

E. Caramelli, C. Gentili (ed.), Lutero e la filosofia, monographic number of the Review «Dianoia», 2 (2017).

Edition and translation (from German) of E. Staiger, Die Zeit als Einbildungskraft des Dichters, ed. It. Il tempo come immaginazione del poeta, Quodlibet, Macerata 2020.

Edition and translation (from German) of A. Schopenhauer, Die Metaphysic des Schönen, ed. it. La metafisica del bello, Aesthetia edizioni 2022.

E. Caramelli, F. Cattaneo, Estetica e traduzione/ Aesthetic and Translation, monographic number of the Review «Studi di Estetica», 1 (2022).

Articles and contributions to edited volumes:

Destino e rappresentazione. Il linguaggio tragico nella Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel, in «Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia» dell’Università di Firenze, XVI 2010, pp. 55-82.

Die Gestalt der Gestaltlosigkeit tra immagine e voce, in «Estetica. Studi e Ricerche», 4/2012, pp. 151-171.

Hegel: tragedia, linguaggio, ricordo, in «E/C» 17, numero monografico a c. di P. Leonardi e C. Paolucci, pp. 53-57.

La logica della finzione, prefazione a K. Hamburger, La logica della letteratura, a cura di E. Caramelli, Pendragon, Bologna 2015, pp. 9-30.

Ragione e appropriazione. Genesi e statuto della categoria nella Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel, in «Annuario Filosofico», 30 2014, pp. 94-120.

La proposizione speculativa. Tema e problema, in Sostanza e soggetto. Studi sulla Prefazione alla Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel, a cura di G. Garelli e M. Pagano, Pendragon, Bologna 2016, pp. 105-132.

Hegel e la poesia ebraica. Tra ricezione e speculazione, in «Dianoia». 1/2016, pp. 61-86.

Hegel e la metafora. Tra poetica e filosofia, «Estetica. Studi e Ricerche», 1/2017, pp. 15-30.

La cultura luterana della traduzione e Hegel. La traducibilità della poesia nelle Lezioni di Estetica, «Dianoia» 2/2017, pp. 535-561.

Con C. Gentili, Lutero e la filosofia. Lutero in philosophicis, in «Dianoia» 2 (2017), pp. 385-395.

Hegel and the spirit of forgiveness. Starting from the spirit of Christianity and its fate, in «Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge», 2 (2017), pp. 131-150.

Hegel und die Verrücktheit der Persönlichkeit. Zwischen “Anthopologie” (§ 408) und Philosophie des Rechts (§ 62 Anmerkung), in «Hegel-Jahrbuch» (forthcoming).

Mutamenti teorici ed estetici tra antico e moderno. I contributi di Bluemenberg a "Poetik und Hermeneutik", in «Dianoia», 27/2018, pp. 121 – 132.

Merleau-Ponty e la innere Sprachform. Tra linguaggio filosofico e parola letteraria, in «Ermeneutica Letteraria», 1, XV (2019), pp. 95-106.

Philosophy of literature, entry in International Lexicon of Aesthetics, edited by E. Franzini, A. Gatti, T. Griffero, G. Matteucci, Mimesis (

Hegel und Dante. Themen, Rezeption und Probleme, in: Hegel und Italien - Italien und Hegel. Geistigen Synergien von Gestern und Heute, Mailand-Udine, Mimesis Verlag, 2019, pp. 119 – 132.

La paura più grande. Hegel, Macbeth, il servo e la letteratura nella filosofia, forthcoming in «Estetica. Studi e Ricerche», 2/2019.

Emil Staiger tra filologia ed ermeneutica, filosofia e letteratura, in E. Staiger, Il tempo come immaginazione letteraria, a c. di E. Caramelli, Quodlibet, Macerata 2020, pp. IX-XXXIX.

Antigone and the Phenomenology of Spirit. Between Literary Source (vv. 925-928) and Philosophical Reading, in The Owl’s Flight. Hegel Legacy in a Different Voice, ed. by S. Achella, G. Baptist, S. Feloj, F. Iannelli, F. Li Vigni, C. Melica, de Gruyter, Berlin 2020 (in corso di pubblicazione).

Hegel und die Verrücktheit der Persönlichkeit. Zwischen “Anthopologie” (§ 408) und Philosophie des Rechts (§ 62 Anmerkung), in «Hegel-Jahrbuch» 2/2018 (in corso di pubblicazione).

Literary Diegesis, Fiction and Philosophical Discourse in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. A Case Study, in «Estetica. Studi e Ricerche», 1 (2022), pp. 19-34.

Con F. Cattaneo, Estetica e traduzione: il pensiero tra senso e sensibile, in «Studi di Estetica», 1 (2022), pp. 1-18.

La metafisica del bello di Schopenhauer. Storia di uno scritto, di inedite esperienze estetiche e di stile filosofico, in A. Schopenhauer, La metafisica del bello, a cura di Ead., Aesthetica edizioni, Milano 2022, pp. 7-27.


Book review:

Fetisch als heuristische Kategorie, ed. by C. Antenhofer, in «La Nuova Informazione bibliografica», 2/2012, pp. 188-202.

Jacob Taubes – Carl Schmitt, Briefwechsel mit Materialien, Wilhelm Fink, München 2012, «La nuova informazione bibliografica», 4/2012, pp. 865-868.

J. Rüsen, Zeit und Sinn, Humanities Online, Bielefeld 2012, «La nuova informazione bibliografica», 2/2013, pp. 403-407.

Th.W. Adorno, Note per la letteratura, Einaudi, Torino 2012, «La nuova informazione bibliografica», 3/2013, pp. 693-698.

Anmut und Sprachgewalt. Zur Zukunft der Lutherbibel, ed. by C. Dalgrün and J. Haustein, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2013, «La nuova Informazione bibliografica», 4/2013, pp. 871-875.

H. Blumenberg, C. Schmtt, L’enigma della modernità. Epistolario 1971-1978 e altri scritti, ed. by A. Schmitz and M. Lepper, translation M. di Serio and O. Nicolini, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012, «La nuova Informazione bibliografica», 1/2014, pp. 197-202.

J. Miles, Dio. Una biografia, translation P. Cappelli, Castelvecchi, Roma 2013, in «La nuova informazione bibliografica» 2 2014, pp. 395-399.

Zwischen Sprache und Geschichte. Zum Werk Reinhart Kosellecks, ed. by C. Dutt and R. Laube, Göttingen, Wallstein 2013, in «La nuova informazione bibliografica» 2 2014, pp. 363-367.

R. Bodei, La civetta e la talpa. Sistema ed epoca in Hegel, Il Mulino, Bologna 2014, in «La nuova Informazione bibliografica», 2/2015, pp. 403-410.

G. Iocco, Profili e densità temporali. Edmund Husserl e la forma della coscienza (1890-1918), Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2013, in «Rivista di filosofia neoscolastica», 4/2015, pp. 955-957.

A. Dumont e A. Wiame (ed.), Images et philosophie. Les usages conceptuels de l’image, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 384, in «Studi di estetica», , 2015/2, pp. 205-210.

- F. Iannelli, Friedrich Theodor Vischer und Italien. Die erlebte Ästhetik eines Augesmenschen, Peter Lang 2016, in «Recherches Philosophiques», 5 (2017), pp. 185-187.



J. Ringleben (from German), Prospettive di filosofia del linguaggio in Martin Lutero, in «Dianoia», 2 (2017), pp. 395-410.

Ch. Bultmann (from German), La lingua artificiale della teologia brulica di fraintendimenti. Johann Gottfried Herder critico di Lutero, in «Dianoia», 2 (2017), pp. 427-444.

G. Merlio (from French), La fabrication d’un Nietzsche nazi-compatible par Alfred Baeumler, in Nietzsche e la rivoluzione conservatrice, ed. by di F. Cattaneo, C. Gentili and S. Marino, Il Melangolo, Genova 2015, pp. 41-66.

Translation of K. Hamburger (from German, Die Logik der Dichtung), La logica della letteratura, Pendragon, Bologna 2015.

Translation of E. Staiger (from German), Die Zeit als Einbildungskraft des Dichters,  Quodlibet, Macerata 2020).

Translation of A. Schopenhauer (from German), Die Metaphysik des Schönen, Aesthetica 2022.

Conferences and seminars

13/12/2010 Conference talk at the University of Florence (invited). Title: “L’opera e il suo appello. Il ruolo dell’arte nelle Lezioni di filosofia della religione di Hegel” (the role of art in the hegelian philosophy of religion).

29/11/2011 Communication at the Tagung “Hegel, o il tempo appreso in pensieri”, University of Florence (invited).

4-6/10/2012 Talk (selected) at the international congress of the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, University of Bologna, “Senso e Sensibile”. Title: “Hegel: tragedia, linguaggio, ricordo” (Hegel: tragedy, language, memory).

6/02/2013 Discussant (invited) at the conference: “Norma e rivoluzione. Metafora, rappresentazione e mondo in Paul Ricoeur”, University of Florence. Keynote speaker: dott. A. Martinengo.

21/03/2013 Conference talk (invited) at Journée des Doctorants, Université de Poitiers. Title: Hegel et la proposition spéculative.

12-13/12/2013 Talk (invited) at the international congress «Hegel: il concetto e l’interpretazione dell’esperienza”, Dpt. of Humanities, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale (


15-16/12/2014. Talk (selected) at the international congress “Hegel e la realtà effettuale. La logica e le sue realizzazioni”, Università del Piemonte Orientale. Title: “la logica speculativa della filosofia e l’eredità dell’estetico: il caso della poesia ebraica” (Hegel and the jewish poetry) ( vercelli-17-marzo-2015/).

17/03/2015. Conference talk (invited) at the Workshop about the Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit, Dpt. of Humanities, Università del Piemonte Orientale a Vercelli ( vercelli-17-marzo-2015/).

23-24/10/2015 Talk (invited) at the international congress “Salut et rédemption dans la philosophie”, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand. Title: “Entre Verkehrung et Versöhnung. La trace d’un thème théologique dans la philosophie de Hegel”.

12/11/2015 Seminar (invited), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, about the theme of metaphor. Title: «Il carattere metaforico del linguaggio in Hegel. Tra immagine e schema». (the metaphorical aspects of language by Hegel. Between picture and scheme).

11-12/02/2016 Talk (invited) at the congress “Pensare il proprio tempo. Prospettive hegeliane”, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale. On this occasion my book “Eredità del sensibile” has been presented (dr. F. Campana) and discussed. ( .

10/03/2016 Conference talk (invited) at Institut Catholique de Toulouse. Title: Loi, jugement et réconciliation. L'esprit du christianisme et son destin chez Hegel.

21/04/2016 Conference talk (invited) at University of Parma, Department of Art, Literature and History. Title: “Conoscenza di sé e esperienza del pensiero in Hegel” ( .

15-16/03/2017 Talk (selected) to the congress «Effort et fatigue: deux expériences de la subjectivité», Institut Catholique di Tolosa. Title: Hegel et la force de la faiblesse. L’expérience de la parole entre servitude et malheur de la conscience.

9/05/2017 Talk (invited) to «SeRic, Seminario Ricerche in Corso del Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione dell’Università di Bologna». Title: «Hegel e il segno di Abramo».

17-19/05/2017 Talk (invited), to the international congress «Ermeneutica dell’Illuminismo. Hans Blumenberg e la costituzione della razionalità moderna», University of Bologna. Title: Mutamenti teorici ed estetici tra antico e moderno. I contributi di Blumenberg a ‘Poetik und Hermeneutik’.

26-28/10/2017 Talk (invited) to the international congress «Hegel und Italien – Italien und Hegel. Geistige Synergien von gestern und heute», „Deutsch- Italienisches Zentrum für Europäische Exzellenz“, Villa Vigoni. Title: «Hegel und Dante. Themen, Rezeption und Probleme».

27-30/11/2017 Lecturer (fours seminar, 8 hours) at the University of Valencia, Spain, funeded by the programm mobility for Teacher (Erasmus +). Title of the lectures: «Hegel. Etica y estetica».

11-12/12/2017 Talk (invited) at the congress “Ripensare il sistema: per il bicentenario dell’Encilopedia delle scienze filosofiche”, Department of Philosophy, University of Padua. Title: “Sistema e linguaggio. Una ricognizione a partire dall’Enciclopedia del 1817”.

26-28/09/2018 Talk (selected) at the international Congress “The Owl’s Flight. Hegelian Legacy in a different Voice”, Rome, Università la Sapienza. Title: “L’esperienza dell’Antigone di Hegel e l’ironia socratica. Dal carattere ingenito della legge a quello genitivo del logos”.

1-3/07/2019 Talk (invited) at the international Workshop “Truth and Fact in the Humanities and in the Sciences”, Bologna. Title: “Science-based and Non-science-based Models of the Aesthetics Appreciation of Nature”.

26/09/2019 Participant to Hegel Art Net’s Workshop “Translating Hegel’s Aesthetics / Traduire l’Esthétique de Hegel / Tradurre l’Estetica di Hegel”, Institut nationational d’histoire de l’art, Paris.

07/11/2019 Talk (invited) to the winter semester Seminar organized by the “Centre Marc Bloch”, pole de recherche “pensées critiques au pluriel”. Title: “Une liberté «im europäischen Sinne» (Enzyklopädie, § 503). Liberté subjective et figures littéraires entre ancien et moderne chez Hegel“.

19/02/2020 Talk (invited) to the « Seminari del Diaporein», organized by “Università Vita e Salute – San Raffaele”. Submitted title: Hegel e Israele. Figura, voce, parola.

25-29 maggio 2021 Selected talk to the online Internationaler Schleiermacher-Kongress 2021, organized by the  Berlin-Brandeburghische Akademie der Wissenschaten, the University of Paris Nanterre and  the Centre Georg-Simmel/EHSS-CNRS. Title: Schleiermacher und die hegelsche Theorie des Gefühls.

2 luglio 2021 Invited talk to the online Workshop of Hegel Artnet, organized by the University of Nantes and the INHA-CNRS of Paris. Title: "Der allgemeine Theil der Kunst (1823)

14-16 ottobre 2021 Invited talk to the International conference "Forme della filosofia e linguaggi dell'arte", Padua University. Title: "Literary diegesis and Philosophical discourse in the Phenomenology of Spirit. A case-study".

16/12/2021 Invited talk to the International Workshop “Hegel e la filosofia del diritto”, Research network Diaporein, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, palazzo Arese Borromeo, Milano. Title: “Qualche considerazione sullo statuto della personalità nei Lineamenti di filosofia del diritto”.

28-30 aprile 2022. Scientific organisation, with Francesco Cattaneo (Università di Bologna), of the International conference “So viel Misstrauen, so viel Philosophie. Nietzsche lettore di filosofia”, Università di Bologna.

1-2/06/2022 Invited talk to the international conference “Esthétique de Hegel. Cahiers d’étudiants”, organized by  A. Olivier (Université de Nantes), M. Galland (CNRS/ENS) and the research network « Hegel ArtNet », Paris, Institut National d’histoire del’art. Title: Éléments inédits de la lecture hégélienne de Goethe dans la Vorlesungsmitschrift Adolf Heimann (1828/1829).

20-22/06/2022 Scientific organisation, with Stefania Achella (Università di Chieti) and Giacomo Petrarca (Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele), of the International conference « Hegel under Construction », Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici, Napoli.

5-7 july 2022 Invited talk to the international conference  “Europa in der deutschen Literatur der klassischen Moderne”, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Germanica, Villa Sciarra, Roma, 5-7/07/2022. Title: : “Hegel’Ästhetik in ihrem Verhältnis zur Weltliteratur”.

4-5 November  2022 Invited talk to the International conference “Schopenhauer, art and literature”, Università del Salento, Santa Maria di Leuca. Title: “Considerazioni sulla Metafisica del bello. Schopenhauer e le lezioni di estetica”.


Last updated: 15/01/2023