Foto del docente

Elena Tomba

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-04/B Clinical Psychology

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae Dr. Elena Tomba, PhD

Personal information

Name: Elena

Surname: Tomba

Date of birth: March 13th1973

Nationality: Italian

Email: []

National Scientific Habilitation

2017 National Scientific Qualification (art.16 of the law 30 December 2010, n.240) for the Italian title of Full Professor assigned by the national commissions in the scientific area: • 11/E4 (Clinical and Psychodynamic Psychology)

Academic positions

Since 2014 Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy

2008-2014 Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology,Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy

2006-2008 Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy

2005 Research Fellow Harvard University, Depression Center and Research Program (DCRP), Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston

Eating Disorder, Bologna, Italy

1998- 2008 Research Fellow, Affective Disorders Program, Department of Psychology (Director: Prof. Giovanni A. Fava)

Academic education

2017 Academy of Well-being therapy certificated supervisor. Academy of Well-being Therapy

2009 Psychosomatic Specialist, certificated by The International College of Psychosomatic Medicine

2005-2008 PhD in Psychiatry (SSD MED/25), University of Turin, Italy

2001-2005 PsyD in Health Psychology, Doctor of Psychology five-year training course University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

1999 Board Certification in the Chartered List of Psychologists, Italy

1992 - 1998 School of Psychology, Cesena, University of Bologna, Italy. Master degree in Clinical and Community Psychology (110/110 cum laude)

Editorial experience Associate editor

2015-present Associate Editor, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Karger

(IF 2017=13,22).

2007-2014 Assistant Editor, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Karger

(IF 2017=13,22).

Referee for Scholar Journals

BMC Psychiatry

British Psychiatry Journal

Comprehensive Psychiatry

Eating and Weight Disorders

International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences

International Journal of applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences

International Journal of Eating Disorders

Journal of Affective Disorders

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

Journal of European Psychiatry

Journal of Psychosomatic Research

Journal of Spanish Psychology

Psichiatria e Psicoterapia

Psychiatry Research

Psychological Medicine

Psychology and Health


Stress and Health

Membership of Societies

Fellow, International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM)

Fellow, Società Italiana per lo Studio del Comportamento Alimentare (SIDCA)

Fellow, Collegio dei Professori e dei Ricercatori di Psicologia Clinica delle Università Italiane


2018-2019 Research coordinator for the post-fellowship research project: “Metacognitive and irrational beliefs in eating disorder outpatients“, co-funded by Department of Psychology, University of Bologna

2017-2018 Research coordinator for the post-fellowship research project: “Irrational beliefs, emotion dysregulation and psychological well-being in eating disorder outpatients”, co-funded by Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, University of Bologna

2014-2015 Research coordinator for the post-fellowship research project “Demoralization in breast cancer”, co-funded by World Health Organization and Department of Psychology, University of Bologna

2012-2013 Research coordinator for the post-fellowship research proejct: “Psychological assessment and therapeutic adherence in adult type 1 Diabetes patients: a controlled study”, co-funded by Fondazione CARISBO and Department of Psychology, University of Bologna

Principal investigator in standing research agreement

2016-2021 Principal investigator for the Department of Psychology, University of Bologna in a standing research agreement (2016-2021) with Centro Gruber, private outpatient clinic specialized in Eating Disorders (Bologna). The standing research agreement is aimed at promoting the use of Clinimetric Assessment procedures in the evaluation and treatment planning of Eating disorders outpatients.

2016 Co-principal investigator for the Department of Psychology together with Prof. Silvana Grandi (MD), University of Bologna in a standing research agreement (2016-2021) with Bologna's local public transport company Trasporti Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna (TPER) and Bologna Municipality. The standing research agreement is aimed at promoting the assessment of psychosocial well-being among front-line workers.

Conference organization and participation in scientific committees

2019 Member of the scientific committee of Academy of Well-being therapy and conference coordinator for the Advanced Workshop Course on Well-being Therapy (WBT) for the certification in Well-being therapy, Florence, Italy, September 15th2019

2018 Member of the scientific committee of Academy of Well-being therapy and conference coordinator for the Introductory Course on Well-Being Therapy. Institute Canossiano San Trovaso Venice, Italy, March 17–18, 2018

2014 Scientific coordinator for the seminar “Clinimetric in the assessment process in Clinical Psychology”. Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Cesena, May 30th2014

2013 Member of the scientific committee of the VIII National Congress group for psychosomatic research (Gruppo Ricerca in Psicosomatica, GRP), “La psicosomatica Clinica tra salute e malattia”, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, April 18-19, 2013

2011 Coordinator with Prof. Silvana Grandi (MD) of the educational seminar: “Dentro tutti: un cammino per uscirne insieme. La riabilitazione della sofferenza mentale”. Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy, December 1st2011

2011 Member of the scientific committee of International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM) and coordinator for the International Advanced Training Workshop on Psychosomatic Assessment. CNR, Roma, Italy, November 11-12, 2011

2009 Member of the Local Organizing Committee (Chair: Giovanni Abbate Daga) for the “20th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine: Psychosomatic Innovations for a New Quality of Health Care”. Centro Congressi Lingotto, Torino, Italy, September 23-26, 2009

2007- 2009 Research Coordinator Assistant of the President of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICMP) (Prof. Fava GA, MD)

Invited lectures

2018 “Clinical assessment approach: The role of staging in psychotherapeutic treatment planning”. Invited lecture during the seminar “Psychotherapies which deal with early psychosis onset”. Chair Prof. Dettore, MD. Department of Health sciences, University of Florence, Aula Chiarugi, via di San Salvi 12, Firenze, Italy May 9th2018

2016 “Psychological Management of the family of Eating disorders patients”. Accademia delle Scienze Palliative, Bentivoglio Campus, Bologna, Italy. October 6th2016

2015 "Soft bipolar spectrum and cyclothymia”. Invited lecture during the seminar “Management of patients with bipolar disorders within a multidisciplinary perspective. Innovative and emerging treatments”. Chair Prof. Delle Chiaie, MD. Università la Sapienza, Roma, Italy. June 23rd2015

2015 "Advances in Well-being Therapy". Invited lecture. Depression clinic and research program. Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Boston, USA. April 24th2015

2014 "Innovative Assessment Methods in Psychotherapy Research and Practice". Plenary lecture. 21stInternational Federation of Psychotherapy World Congress: Psychotherapy Contributing to global health. Shanghai, China, May 09-11, 2014

Member of PhD dissertation committee

Since 2017 Member of the PhD Academic Committee in Psychological Sciences, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

2017 Member of PhD committee. PhD in Clinical Sciences reaserch XXIX ciclo. Department of Health sciences, University of Florence, Aula Chiarugi, via di San Salvi 12, Firenze, Italy May 4th2017

2014 External Member for the Comisión de Doctorado de la Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport Blanquerna, Università Ramon Llull, Barcellona (Spagna). PhD dissertation committee. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport Blanquerna, Università Ramon Llull (Dott. Carlos Perez y Testor) and Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (Prof. Luca Pietrantoni)

Supervisor of doctoral students

2014- 2017 Daily supervisor of Lucia Tecuta (doctoral student; Psychological Sciences PhD program, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy), research project “Demoralization in eating disorders: its psychological characterization and role in treatment response”

2011 – 2015 Daily supervisor of Laura Staccini (doctoral student; Psychological Sciences PhD program, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy), research project “Psychosocial correlates of rehabilitation from stroke: a longitudinal study”

Supervisor of post-doctoral fellows

2018-2019 Supervisor, Lucia Tecuta (postdoctoral researcher; Department of Psychology, University of Bologna), research project: “Metacognitive and irrational beliefs in eating disorder outpatients”

2017-2018 Supervisor, Lucia Tecuta (postdoctoral researcher; Department of Psychology, University of Bologna), research project: “Irrational beliefs, emotion dysregulation and psychological well-being in eating disorder outpatients”

2014-2015 Supervisor, Laura Sirri (postdoctoral researcher; Department of Psychology, University of Bologna), research project “Demoralization in breast cancer”.

2011–2013 Supervisor, Emanuela Offidani (postdoctoral researcher; University of Bologna), research project “Psychological assessment and therapeutic adherence in adult type 1 Diabetes patients: a controlled study”.

Supervisor of visiting fellows

2015 Diana Cazanescu and Alice Prefit (doctoral students; Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), visiting fellowship for conducting the research project funded by European POSDRU/187/1.5/S/15538 “Quality, excellence, trans-national mobility in doctoral research”.

Teaching activities in Italian universities

Courses in bachelor, master, and post-lauream courses

Since 2018Differential diagnosis in psychopathology”, (M-PSI/08) (9 CFU, 105 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) five year training course in Clinical Psychology, Bologna, ItalySince 2017 “Advanced clinimetric techniques” (M-PSI/08) (4 CFU, 45 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) five year training course in Clinical Psychology, Bologna, ItalySince 2018 “Psychological therapies” (M-PSI/08) (2 CFU, 15 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Clinical Psychology Master Course, Cesena, Italy

Since 2016 “Psychology and psychopathology of sexual behavior” (M-PSI/08) (4 CFU, 30 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Clinical Psychology Master Course, Cesena, Italy

Since 2014 “Clinical Psychology Labs I” (M-PSI/08) (4 CFU, 30 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Clinical Psychology Master Course, Cesena, Italy

2014-2015 “Psychology and elderly” (M-PSI/08) (2 CFU, 15 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Cognitive applied psychology Master Course, Bologna, Italy

Since 2013 “Clinical Psychology Labs, 2” (M-PSI/08) (2 CFU, 15 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Clinical Psychology Master Course, Cesena, Italy

Since 2013 “Clinimetrics” (M-PSI/08) (6 CFU, 45 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Clinical Psychology Master Course, Cesena, Italy

2009-2012 “Assessment methods in clinical psychology, 2” (M-PSI/08) (4 CFU, 30 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Clinical Psychology Master Course, Cesena, Italy

2009- 2012 “Clinical Psychology Labs” (M-PSI/08) (4 CFU, 30 hours). Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Clinical Psychology Master Course, Cesena, Italy

Supervision of bachelor and master’s students

Since 2009 Supervisor of 62 bachelor students, University of Bologna

Institutional committees/roles

2019 Member of the Quality of Teaching Academic Committee of the University of Bologna, all departments

2016-2019 Chair of the Quality of Teaching Academic Committee comprised of professors and the study body representatives of the Department of Psychology and the School of Education and Psychology

2008-2016 Member of internal committees of the Department of Psychology

Collaborations with international research groups

Nutrition Science Group, Division of Medicine, University College London, London, UK (Dr Paul Robinson, MD)

Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, NY (USA) (Prof. George Bonanno, PhD)

Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine of the Weill Cornell Medical College, New York (USA) (Dr. Emanuela Offidani, PhD).

Anger Research Center (Research Laboratory), Department of Psychology, St. John's University, New York City, Prof. Raymond DiGiuseppe (PhD).

Depression Clinical and Research Program (DCRP). Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard University, Boston (USA), Professor Maurizio Fava (MD).

Psychiatric Research Unit, Mental Health Centre North Zealand, University of Copenhagen, Hillerød, Denmark, Professor Per Bech (MD; PhD-until 2018).

Stress, Psychiatry and Immunology Laboratory and Section of Perinatal Psychiatry. King’s College, University of London, London (EN), Prof. Carmine Pariante (MD, MRCPsych, PhD).

Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma. King’s College, University of London, London (EN), Prof. David Veale (FRCPsych, MD, BSc, MPhil, Dip CACP)

Collaborations with national research groups

Presidio Ospedaliero "M. Bufalini”, AUSL di Cesena, Dott.ssa Barbara Novelli (Dirigente Psicologo e Psicoterapeuta), Cesena, Italy

Servizio di Psicologia Clinica, Casa di Cura Villa Bellombra, Ospedale Privato Accreditato, Bologna, Dott.ssa Marina Farinelli (Medico, Psicoterapeuta), Bologna, italy

Centro Gruber, Servizio di Diagnosi e Terapia dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare, Disturbi d’Ansia e Psicosomatici, Bologna, Dott.ssa Donatella Ballardini (Medico Nutrizionista) e Dott.ssa Romana Schumann (Psicoterapeuta). Bologna, Italy

Unità Operativa di Pediatria. Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna, Policlinico S.Orsola- Malpighi, Bologna,Dott. Franco D’Alberton (Psicologo Psicoterapeuta).Bologna, Italy

Scientific publications

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Bibliometric indixes (Scopus, June 18th, 2019), Articles = 62

Total citations = 1675

H-index = 22

  1. Fava GA, Tomba E(1998). “The use of antidepressant drugs: some reasons for concern”. International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine 11: 271-274.
  2. Rafanelli C, Roncuzzi R, Finos L, Tossani E, Tomba E, Mangelli L, Urbinati S, Pinelli G, Fava GA (2003). “Psychological Assessment in Cardiac Rehabilitation”. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 72:343-349.
  3. Rafanelli C, Roncuzzi R, Tomba E,Milaneschi Y (2004). “Inquadramento psicosomatico nella riabilitazione cardiaca”. Medicina Psicosomatica 49: 17-21.
  4. Rafanelli C, Roncuzzi R, Milaneschi Y, Tomba E, Colistro MC, Pancaldi LG, Di Pasquale G (2005). “Stressful life events, depression and demoralization as risk factors for acute coronary heart disease”. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 74:179-184.
  5. Rafanelli C, Pancaldi LG, Ferranti G, Roncuzzi R, Tomba E, Milaneschi Y Colistro MC, Di Pasquale G (2005). “Eventi stressanti e disturbi depressivi quali fattori di rischio per sindrome coronarica acuta”. Italian Heart Journal 6: 105-110.
  6. Tomba E,Fava GA (2006). “L’approccio clinimetrico in psicologia clinica”. Rivista di Psicologia Clinica; 2-3:141-151.
  7. Ruini C, Belaise C, Ottolini F, Tomba E,Caffo E, Fava GA (2007). “L’applicazione della Well-being therapy in ambito scolastico: uno studio pilota”. Rivista di Psichiatria, 42:320-326.
  8. Fava GA, Bernardi M, Tomba E,Rafanelli C (2007). “Effects of gradual discontinuation of selective serotonin Reuptake inhibitors in panic disorder with agoraphobia”. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 10, 835-838.
  9. Fabbri S, Fava GA, Rafanelli C, Tomba E(2007). “Family intervention approach to loss of clinical effect during long term antidepressant treatment. A pilot study”. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 68:1348-1351.
  10. Fava GA, Tomba E,Grandi S (2007) "The Road To Recovery From Depression. Don’t Drive Today With Yesterday’s Map". Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 76: 260-265.
  11. Tomba E,Rafanelli C, Belaise C, Bernardi M, OttoliniF, Fava GA (2008) “Effetti della graduale sospensione di farmaci inibitori della ricaptazione della serotonina in pazienti con disturbi di panico con agorafobia”. Rivista di Psichiatria, 43:145-150.
  12. Tomba E,Grandi S, Fava GA (2009). “I fattori terapeutici nella depressione: nuove strategie”. Rivista di Psichiatria, 44:95-101.
  13. Tomba E,Fava GA (2009) “The sequential combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in mood disorders”. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 39:101-109.
  14. Ruini C, Ottolini F, Tomba E, Belaise C, Albieri E,Visani D, Offidani E, Caffo E, Fava GA (2009). School intervention for promoting psychological well-being in adolescence. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 40:522-32.
  15. Fassino S [],Pierò A [], Tomba E [],Abbate-Daga G [] (2009). Factors associated with dropout from treatment for eating disorders: a comprehensive literature review. BMC Psychiatry, 9:67.
  16. Fava GA, Tomba E(2009) “Increasing psychological well-being and resilience by psychotherapeutic methods”. Journal of Personality, 77: 1903 - 1934.
  17. Tomba E,Fabbri S, Fava GA (2009). “The sequential model in the treatment of depression”. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 6 : 45-55.
  18. Fava GA, Tomba E(2009).“New Modalities of Assessment and treatment planning: the sequential model”. CNS Drugs 24: 453-465
  19. Tomba E, BelaiseC, OttoliniF, RuiniC, Bravi A, Albieri E, RafanelliC, CaffoE, Fava GA (2010). “Differential effects of well-being promoting and anxiety management strategies in a non clinical school setting”. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 24: 326 – 333.
  20. Fava GA, Guidi J, Semprini F, Tomba E,Sonino N (2010). “Clinical assessment of allostatic load and clinimetric criteria”. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 79: 280 - 284.
  21. Belaise C, Tomba E, Offidani E, Visani D, Ottolini F, Bravi A, Albieri E, Ruini C, Rafanelli C, Caffo E, Fava GA (2010). “La Well-Being Therapy e le tecniche di gestione dell'ansia in ambito scolastico: quali differenze?”Rivista di Psichiatria 45: 290 - 301.
  22. Fava GA, Rafanelli C, Tomba E, Guidi J, Grandi S (2011). “The Sequential Combination of CognitiveBehavioral Treatment and Well-Being Therapyin Cyclothymic Disorder”. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 80:136–143.
  23. Sonino N [],Tomba E [], Genesia ML [], Bertello C [], Mulatero P [], Veglio F [], Fava GA [], Fallo F [] (2011). Psychological Assessment of Primary Aldosteronism:A Controlled Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 96: E878–E883.
  24. Fava GA, Tomba E, Sonino N (2012). Clinimetrics: the science of clinical measurements. International Journal of Clinical Practice 66: 11-15.
  25. Fava GA, Rafanelli C, Tomba E(2012). The Clinical Process in Psychiatry. A Clinimetric Approach. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 73 : 177-184.
  26. Tomba E,Fava GA (2012) Treatment Selection in Depression: The Role of Clinical Judgment. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 35: 87–98.
  27. Fava GA, Ruini C, Tomba E,Wise T (2012). The Biopsychosocial Factor. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 81:1-4.
  28. Tomba E.(2012). Nowhere Patients. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 81:69-72.
  29. Staccini L, Tomba E, Ottolini F, Ruini C, Fava GA (2012). “Validazione italiana delle scale visive analogiche multiple per la bipolarità (Multiple Visual Analogue Scales for Bipolarity, MVAS-BP) di Ahearn e Carroll”. Rivista di Psichiatria 47:50-8.
  30. Tomba E, Rafanelli C, Grandi S, Guidi J, Fava GA. (2012). Clinical configuration of cyclothymic disturbances. Journal of Affective Disorders 139:244-9.
  31. Tomba E, Offidani E (2012). A Clinimetric Evaluation of Allostatic Overload in the General Population. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 81:378-379.
  32. Tomba E, Bech P (2012). Clinimetrics and Clinical Psychometrics: Macro- and Micro-Analysis. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 81:333-343.
  33. Ottolini F, Ruini C, Belaise C, Tomba E,Offidani E, Albieri E, Visani D, Caffo E, Fava GA (2012) La promozione del benessere psicologico nell’adolescenza. Uno studio controllato. Rivista di Psichiatria 47:432-439.
  34. Rafanelli C, Guidi J, Gostoli S, Tomba E, Porcelli P, Grandi S (2013). Subtyping demoralization in the medically ill by cluster analysis. European Journal of Psychiatry 27: 7-17.
  35. Fava GA, Tomba E, Tossani E (2013). Innovative trends in the design of therapeutic trials in psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 40:306-11.
  36. Offidani E, FavaGA, Tomba E,Baldessarini RJ (2013). Excessive Mood-Elevation and Behavioral Activation with Antidepressant Treatment of Juvenile Depressive and Anxiety Disorders: Systematic Review. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82(3):132-41.
  37. Bech P, Tomba E (2013).Reply. [] Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82(4):259.
  38. Offidani E, Guidi J, Tomba E, Fava GA (2013). Efficacy and tolerability of benzodiazepines versus antidepressants in anxiety disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [] Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82(6):355-62.
  39. Tomba E, Offidani E, Tecuta L, Schumann R, Ballardini D (2014).Psychological well-being in out-patients with eating disorders: A controlled study. [] International Journal of Eating Disorders 47: 252-258.
  40. Tecuta L, Tomba E, Grandi S, Fava GA (2014). Demoralization: a systematic review on its clinical characterization. [] Psychological Medicine, 17:1-19.
  41. Fava GA, Staccini L, Delle Chiaie R, Belaise C, Tomba E.(2014). Clinical pharmacopsychology. [] Rivista Psichiatrica 49:251-4.
  42. Staccini L, Tomba E,Grandi S, Keitner GI. (2014). The Evaluation of Family Functioning by the Family Assessment Device: A Systematic Review of Studies in Adult Clinical Populations. [] Family Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12098.
  43. Tomba E, Tecuta L, Guidi J, Grandi S, Rafanelli C (2016). Demoralization and Response to Psychotherapy: A Pilot Study Comparing the Sequential Combination of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Well-Being Therapy with Clinical Management in Cyclothymic Disorder. [] Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 85(1):56-7. doi: 10.1159/000438674.
  44. Guidi J, Tomba E,Fava GA (2016). The Sequential Integration of Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of the Sequential Model and a Critical Review of the Literature. [] American Journal of Psychiatry. 1;173(2):128-37. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.15040476.
  45. Offidani E, Del Basso D, Prignago F, Tomba E(2016). Discriminating the Presence of Psychological Distress in Patients Suffering from Psoriasis: An Application of the Clinimetric Approach in Dermatology. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 23;96(217):69-73. doi: 10.2340/00015555-2369.
  46. Tomba E, Tecuta L (2016). Well-Being Therapy in a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 85(6):369-370. []
  47. Tomba E, Tecuta L, Schumann R, Ballardini D (2017) Does psychological well-being change following treatment? An exploratory study on outpatients with eating disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 74:61-69. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2017.
  48. Guidi J, Tomba E,Cosci F, Park S K, Fava G (2017). The role of staging in planning psychotherapeutic interventions in depression. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 78(4):456-463. doi: 10.4088/JCP.16r10736.
  49. Fava GA, Cosci F, Guidi J, Tomba E(2017) Well-being therapy in depression: New insights into the role of psychological well-being in the clinical process. Depression and Anxiety. 34(9):801-808. doi: 10.1002/da.22629.
  50. Fava GA, Tomba E, Bech P. (2017). Clinical Pharmacopsychology: Conceptual Foundations and Emerging Tasks. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 86(3):134-140. doi: 10.1159/000458458.
  51. Bech P, Tomba E, Fava GA. (2017). Response to "An Evolutionary Approach to Clinical Pharmacopsychology". Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 86(6):372. doi: 10.1159/000481100.
  52. Tomba E, Guidi J, Fava GA. (2018). What psychologists need to know about psychotropic medications. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 25(2):181-187. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2154.
  53. Fava GA, Cosci F, Tomba E. (2018). Overcoming the Crisis of Clinical Research. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 87(1):1-4. doi: 10.1159/000485001.
  54. Tecuta L, Tomba E. (2018) Subjective incompetence as a predictor of treatment outcomes in eating disorder outpatients. Psychiatry Research. 266:193-198. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.05.052.
  55. Guidi J, Brakemeier EL, Bockting CLH, Cosci F, Cuijpers P, Jarrett RB, Linden M, Marks I, Peretti CS, Rafanelli C, Rief W, Schneider S, Schnyder U, Sensky T, Tomba E, Vazquez C, Vieta E, Zipfel S, Wright JH, Fava GA. (2018). Methodological Recommendations for Trials of Psychological Interventions. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 87(5):276-284. doi: 10.1159/000490574.
  56. Fava GA, Carrozzino D, Lindberg L, Tomba E. (2018). The Clinimetric Approach to Psychological Assessment: A Tribute to Per Bech, MD (1942-2018). Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 87(6):321-326. doi: 10.1159/000493746.
  57. Tecuta L, Tomba E, Lupetti A. & Digiuseppe R. (2019). Irrational beliefs, cognitive distorsion and depressive symptomatology in a college-age sample: A mediational analysis. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 33 (2).
  58. Cosci F, Guidi J, Tomba E, Fava GA. (2019) The emerging role of Clinical Pharmacopsychology. Accepted 17 Jenuary, 2019
  59. Tecuta L, Fava GA, Tomba E. (2019). An innovative approach for the assessment of mood disturbances in patients with eating disorders. [] CNS Spectrum 15:1-8. doi: 10.1017/S1092852919000798.
  60. Fava GA, Carrozzino D, Lindberg L, Tomba E. (2019). Reply to the Letter to the Editor: "Is A Single-Item Measure of Self-Rated Mental Health Useful from a Clinimetric Perspective?" [] Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 1:1. doi: 10.1159/000497737.
  61. Fava GA, Cosci F, Berrocal Montiel C, Tomba E(2019). The Journal's Mission. [] Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88(1):1-4. doi: 10.1159/000495967.
  62. Tomba, E.,Tecuta, L., Crocetti, E., Squarcio, F., & Tomei G. (2019). Residual Eating Disorder Symptoms and Clinical Features in Remitted and Recovered Eating Disorder Patients: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders. DOI: 10.1002/eat.23095


1. Fava GA,Tomba E(2013). Il panico. Bologna, Il Mulino.

Book Chapters

  1. Tomba E,Rafanelli C, Fava GA (2002). “The clinical implications of subclinical symptoms in bipolar disorder”. In: Vieta, E. (ed.). Bipolar Disorders. Clinical and Therapeutic Progress. Madrid, Panamericana, ISBN8479037121 pp. 143-157.
  2. Tomba E, Fava GA (2007) “The emerging role of clinimetrics in psychological assessment”. In Lange, M.A. (ed) Leading- Edge Psychological Tests and Testing Research. New York, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 1600215718 9781600215711 pp. 129-143.
  3. Tomba E, Fabbri S, Fava GA (2007) “McMaster Model of Family Functioning: aspetti teorici, clinici e di ricerca”. In Fassino S., Delsedime N (eds) La famiglia è malata? Torino, Centro Scientifico Ed. ISBN: 9788876407802, pp.151-162.
  4. Ruini C, Tomba E, Fava GA (2007). “Well-Being Therapy (WBT): una strategia psicoterapica per la promozione del benessere psicologico”. In Delle Fave, A. (ed) La Condivisione del Benessere. Il Contributo della Psicologia Positiva. Milano, Franco Angeli ISBN: 8846484908, pp. 113-128.
  5. Sonino N, Tomba E, Fava GA (2007). “Psychosocial approach to endocrine disease”. In Porcelli P., Sonino N. (eds) Psychological Factors affecting medical conditions A new classification for DMS-IV. Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine Basel, Karger 28, 21-33. Traduzione italiana: "L'approccio psicosociale nei disturbi endocrini". In P Porcelli, N Sonino (eds.) Fattori psicologici che influenzano le malattie. Una nuova classificazione per il DSM-IV. Roma. Edizioni Giovanni Fioriti, ISBN 978-88-87319-98-9 pp.29-44.
  6. Tomba E,Offidani E, Fava GA (2009). “Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Withdrawal Syndromes: New Insights into Pathophysiology and Treatment”. In Rees J. P., Woodhouse O. B. (eds) Substance Withdrawal Syndrome. New York, Nova Science Publishers. Inc. ISBN 978-1-60692-951-3. pp.37-60.
  7. Tomba E, Semprini F (2009). “Il trattamento psicosociale del disturbo bipolare”. In Fava G.A., Grandi S., Rafanelli C. (eds) Terapia Psicologica. Torino, Centro Scientifico Editore ISBN: 978-88-7640-850-2 pp: 71 – 121
  8. Visani D, Albieri E, Offidani E, Ottolini F, Tomba E, Ruini C (2011). Gender differences in psychological well-being and distress during adolescence. In Brdar I (Ed), The Human Pursuit of well-being. A cultural approach. London, Springer ISBN: 978-94-007-1374-1 pp: 65-70.
  9. Ruini C, Ottolini F, Tomba E,Belaise C, Albieri E, Visani D, Caffo E, Fava GA (2011). School Interventions for Promoting Psychological well-being in adolescence. In Brdar I (Ed) The Human Pursuit of well-being. A cultural approach. London, Springer. ISBN: 978-94-007-1374-1 pp: 237-246.
  10. Tomba E,Fava GA, Sonino S (2011). “Approccio clinimetrico”. In Grandi S,. Fava G.A., Rafanelli C. (eds) Manuale di Psicosomatica, Roma, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore. ISBN: 978-88-490-0394-9 pp. 209-233.
  11. Tomba E(2011). “Strumenti psicometrici per la valutazione dei DCA nel setting di cura interdisciplinare”. In Ballardini D, Schumann R. (eds) La riabilitazione psiconutrizionale nei disturbi del comportamento alimentare. Roma, Carrocci Faber. ISBN: 978-88-7466-621-8 pp. 269-296.
  12. Tomba E(2012) “Assessment of lifestyle in relation to health”. In Fava G.A., Sonino N. Wise T.N. (eds) The Psychosomatic Assessment. Strategies to improve clinical practice. Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine, 32. Basel, Karger. ISBN: 978-38-0559-853-8 pp. 72-96.
  13. Offidani E, Tomba E,Linder MD (2013). “Two key concepts in the life course approach in medicine: Allostatic load and cumulative life course impairment [] ”. In Linder MD,
    Kimball AB (eds), Dermatological Diseases and Cumulative Life Course Impairment. Current Problems in Dermatology, 44. Basel, Karger. ISBN: 978-331802403-6 pp. 17-32.
  14. Fava GA, Tomba E.(2014). “Treatment of comorbid anxiety disorders and depression”. In Emmelkamp P., Ehring T. [] (eds), The Wiley Handbook of Anxiety Disorders. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-118-77535-6. doi: 10.1002/9781118775349.ch53 pp. 1165-1182


  1. Fava GA, Ruini C, Ottolini F, Tomba E, Belaise C (2008). "Well-being therapy: il ruolo del benessere in psicologia clinica". Newsletter di Psicologia Positiva n.10.
  2. Fava GA, Tomba E(2010). “The Sequential Integration of Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy in Mood Disorder”. Advances in Cognitive Therapy Newsletter 10, 3: 6.


68 abstracts presented in several international and national scientific congresses

Presentations at international conferences

2017 “Psychological well-being changes after CBT-based treatment in outpatients with eating disorders”.The 9thInternational Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. June 29-July 2nd, 2017

2017 “Assessment of life-style and mental health criteria in relation to health-promoting behaviors: the conceptual framework of well-being therapy”.Conference of the International Federation of Psychotherapy: The Universal and the Cultural in Psychotherapy. Marrakesh, Morocco. April 20–22, 2017

2015 "Well-being therapy in the setting of medical disease". Pre-congress workshop. Relatori: Proff. Fava G.A, Tomba E, Cosci F, Rafanelli C. 23rd World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine. Glasgow. August 19-22, 2015

2014 Technical Advances in Well-being Therapy, a workshop". Relatori: Proff. Fava G.A e Tomba E. 44th European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies: Bridging the gap between science and practice. The Hague, Netherlands dal. September 10-13, 2014

2013 How to publish with high impact in clinical journals". Pre congress Workshop. Relatori: Proff. Fava G.A., Sensky T., Tomba E. 22nd World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine. Lisboa, Portugal . September 12-14, 2013

2010 "The sequential model: a new modality of assessment and treatment of mood disorders". Relatori: Proff. Fava GA, Tomba E. Xl Congress Of European Association For Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies (EABCT), Milano, October 7-10, 2010

2010 "Individualized versus standardized treatment: some Latin trends". Relatori: Proff. Fava G.A. e Tomba E. Xl Congress of European Association For Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies (EABCT), Milano. October 7-10, 2010

2010 "Increasing psychological well-being in clinical populations". Relatori: Proff. Fava G.A. and Tomba E. EACLPP & ECPR Conference. Innsbruck, Austria. June 30-July 3, 2010

Symposia at international conferences (Chair)

“Clinimetric Approach in the Assessment of Eating Disorders: Implications for Treatment Planning” International College of Psychosomatic Medicine Congress (ICPM Congress) in Florence, Italy. September 11-13, 2019

Presentations in Italian conferences

2008 " McMaster model of family functioning”. Seminar for the PhD program in Neurosciences, Psychiatry section (XXI ciclo), Psychiatry Department, University of Turin, Ospedale Le Molinette, Turin, Italy

2008 "Well-Being Therapy: its development and applications in individual, family and school settings” Relatori: Proff. Fava G.A., Sonino N., Tomba E. Seminar for the PhD program in Neurosciences, Psychiatry section (XXI ciclo), Psychiatry Department, University of Turin, Ospedale Le Molinette, Turin, Italy

2010 "The promotion of couple psychological well-being: from McMaster Approach to Well-being Therapy". IV National Positive Psychology Congress. Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

2011 “Psychological Assessment and multidimensional integrated therapeutic approach in Eating disorders". VI Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana per lo Studio dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare. DIABO 2011 Anoressia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder e Obesità. Bologna , Italy

2012 "The promotion of psychological well-being: school and clinical interventions: Università Europea di Roma, Roma , Italy

2013 “How to publish in international journals of clinical psychology and health sciences””. Prof. Fava G.A., Dr Tomba, E. Ph.D program in General and Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology University of Bologna. Bologna , Italy

2014 “How to publish in international journals of clinical psychology and health sciences”.Relatori: Proff. Fava G.A., Cosci F., Tomba E. Collegio dei Professori e dei Ricercatori di Psicologia Clinica delle Università Italiane, Florence, Italy

2015 "Clinimetric approach in psychosomatics ". Pre-congress workshop. Relatori: Rafanelli C., Tomba E., Cosci F. IX ° Congresso Nazionale Gruppo Ricerca in Psicosomatica (GRP): La crisi e il futuro: La psicosomatica tra scienza, formazione e assistenza. Ferrara , Italy