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I am a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, author of over 70 publications in high-impact journals. My research focuses on healthy and pathological eating behaviors. I lead the EATeam group (https://site.unibo.it/eateam/it ), dedicated to the evaluation, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders (EDs). Since 2022, I have been the Principal Investigator (PI) of the PSY-FOOD project, which explores individual psychological factors in promoting healthy, sustainable eating, aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda (PNRR - OnFood project, https://onfoods.it/research-projects/psychology-food-choices-challenges-healthy-dietary-behavior-general-and-clinical ). My interests include also Clinical Eco-psychology, eco-emotions, and mindfulness in response to climate change and fostering healthy dietary choices for individuals and the planet. From 2007 to 2020, I was Assistant and Associate Editor for
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (Karger).
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