Foto del docente

Emanuele Paci

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-06/A Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage

Curriculum vitae

Academic qualifications

University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Docteur ès Sciences (PhD) Summa cum Laude (1996)

University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, Laurea in Fisica, Summa cum Laude (theoretical condensed matter physics) (1990)

Research topics

Soft matter theoretical physics, computational physics applied to macromolecules, protein dynamics, protein folding, protein-protein interactions, development of methods for path sampling and free energy calculation, proteomics, modelling and interpretation of biophysical experimental data (mass spectrometry, NMR, small angle X-ray scattering, crystallography, single molecule force spectroscopy, cryo electron microscopy, kinetics, mutagenesis)

Positions held

2021-: Università di Bologna. Professore associato. Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

2004 - 2021: University of Leeds. Associate Professor (at School of Physics and Astronomy until 2007, then School of Molecular and Cellular Biology).

2001 - 2004: Institute of Biochemistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Oberassistent.

1996 - 2001: Institut le Bel, University of Strasbourg, France. Post-doctoral research fellow (with M. Karplus)

1996 - 2001: Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences. Post-doctoral visiting research fellow (with C. Dobson)

1993 - 1996: Commisariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay, France. Post-graduate research associate (supervisors M. Marchi and P. Turq)

1991 - 1993: Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire, Orsay, France. Post-graduate research associate (with G. Ciccotti)


1999 - 2001 Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship

1997 - 1999 Human Frontier Science Programme Post-doctoral Fellowship

Selected recent invited talks

January 2018, Protein folding dynamics Gordon Research Conference, Galveston, TX, USA

June 2017, Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR Gordon Research Conference, Sunday River, ME, USA

February 2017, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans

December 2016, International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Ho-Chi-Minh, Vietnam.

November 2015, Deep Carbon Observatory “Molecular adaptation to life at extremes”, Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC, USA

August 2015, CECAM workshop “Intrinsically Disordered Proteins - Bringing together Physics, Computation and Biology”, ETH Zurich

June 2015, Proteins Gordon Research Conference Holderness, NH, USA

June 2014, SocBin2014, International Conference Bioinformatics 2014, Toruń, Poland

Organisation of conferences/workshops

October 29-November 1, 2017 “Computational approaches to investigating allostery” (with S. Wodak and N. Dokholyan), EPFL, Lausanne.

February 14-19, 2016, “Models for protein dynamics 1976-2016” (with D. Tildesley and B. Roux), EPFL, Lausanne

October 12-14, 2015, “Free energy landscapes for protein folding. Consensus or dissensus?” (with A Caflisch and S. Krivov), ETH-Zurich

April 12-15, 2011, "Multiscale computational biomechanics" (with F Gräter), ETH-Zurich

September 19-22, 2006 "Protein folding and misfolding: Bringing theory close to experiment" (with M. Vendruscolo), Lyon, France

Sept 26-29, 2006, "Theory of single molecule force experiments and simulations" (with P. Olmsted and R. Best), Lyon, France

Sept 9-12, 2003, "Protein folding: Bringing theory and experiment closer together" (with M. Vendruscolo), Lyon, France

Current grants

Does functional misfolding of TonB drive import across the outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria? (04/22-03/25) D. Brockwell (PI), E. Paci, T. Karamanos (Co-I) £600,000

Exploiting the SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 3′-5′-exoribonuclease as a target for antiviral chemotherapy, MRC-UKRI Covid-19 call. M. Harris (PI), E Paci (co-I) £260,000

Design of novel vectors for gene therapy, Innovate UK-Freeline Therapeutics Ltd E. Paci (PI) (01/20-12/23) £327,348

Rational design of dynamic molecules for enhanced multivalent binding, Leverhulme Trust, Paci E (PI), Turnbull B (co-I) (01/19-12/22) £248,699

Selected past grants

Phosphodependent helix switches in cellular signalling, BBSRC BB/S00730X/1 Bayliss R (PI), Paci E (co-I) (01/19-12/21) £640,001

Synthetic Glycobiology - new strategies to build and functionalise proto-cells and proto-tissues, ERASynBio ERANet: ERASYNBIO1-050, acronym: SynGlycTis, , Turnbull B (PI), Paci, E et al. (co-I), awarded (09/2014-08/2017), € 2,500,000

Single Alpha Helical Domains: Designing Artificial Levers for Biological Molecules, BBSRC, Peckham M (PI), Paci E et al. (co-I), 01/2012-12/2014, ₤ 900,000

The thermodynamics and kinetics of proteins under tension Wellcome Trust 4 years studentship for Gael Radou, 10/2012-09/2015, £130,000

Theoretical and experimental study of the molecular mechanism of protein folding, misfolding and aggregation and possible connection with disease Paci E , Vriend G, Finkelstein AV, Darinskii AL, Bichkova VI. INTAS project 05-1000004-7747 (€ 150,000)

The mechanism of amyloid formation in a model peptide Wales D, Dobson CM, Vendruscolo M, Paci E , BBSRC (BB/D000718/1) (₤ 223,000)



Physics (85289, Laurea in "Genomics", FaBiT)

Physical methods of biology (87995, Second cycle degree in "Physics", DIFA)


 Undergraduate: Lecturing for the Biochemistry BSc programme, level 1, 2, 3 (topics: Bioinformatics, Thermodynamics, Protein dynamics). Supervision of BSc (level 3) and MSc (level 4) final projects. Module management for 15 level 3 modules (final projects and advanced topics). Graduate: lectures on a number of biophysical topics for the Wellcome Trust doctoral programme “The Molecular Basis of Biological Mechanisms”.

Programme leader and lecturer for the MSc Bioinformatics (2008-2013). Lecturing for the “Statistical Mechanics” module at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, leader of the postgraduate course “Biomolecular simulation” at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Zurich. I participated as lecturer to a number of summer schools across Europe.

Other activities

Regularly review manuscript for reputable journals in the field (including Nature, PNAS, JACS, PRL, JCP, JPCB, JMB, Proteins, Biophysical J, J Comp Chem, JCTC) and grant proposal for UK funding agencies (BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC, Wellcome, Leverhulme) and international funding agencies (Germany, Switzerland, Holland, France, USA, Ireland, Poland, EU). Member of the visiting committee evaluating the Structural Biology Department of Institut Pasteur, Paris in 2010 and Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble in 2014. Member of the selection committee for a professorship at University of Barcelona. Academic editor of PLoS ONE, Biomedical Physics and Bioengineering Express (IOP) and PeerJ.

PhD supervised

  • Molecular modelling of the GLP-1 receptor – a prototypic family B GPCR, Carla Gomez-Santiago, 2020
  • Investigation of mechano-transduction across bacterial protein networks, Sam Hickman, 2016
  • Helicase Functional Dynamics Probed with Low-Resolution Experimental Data and Simulation, Gael Radou, 2015
  • In-silico investigation of ion-pumping rotatory A- and V-type ATPases, Konstantinos Papachristos, 2014
  • Synthetic design capsid-like particles, James Ross, 2014
  • High-dimensional models of protein folding, Supreecha Rimratchada, 2012
  • Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Protein-Ligand Interactions, Richard Malham, 2011
  • Enhancing the interpretation of dynamic force spectroscopy experiments, Zu Thur Yew, 2010
  • Free energy landscapes of proteins: combining experimental data with numerical simulation, Lucy Allen, 2009
  • The effects of local dynamics and geometry on protein mechanical unfolding behaviour, Dan West, 2006
  • Computational studies of protein binding and peptide aggregation, Raffaele Curcio, 2006


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