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Dorena Caroli

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-01/B History of Pedagogy and Education

Curriculum vitae

QUALIFICATIONS 1991: Degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Bologna, with historical address, 110/110 cum laude. Four-year language: Russian; biennial: German. Thesis in History of the Slavic Countries and Russian Literature: The social problem of besprizornost '(abandoned childhood) in Soviet literature of the Twenties, pp. 388.

June 1993: Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies in History and Civilization at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris);

1993-1997: Doctorate in History and Civilization at the same Institute, under the direction of Marc Ferro, with full marks (Mention très Honorable avec félicitations). Title of the thesis: Jeunes à Abbandon. Social assistance à la besprizornost ’dans la Russie soviétique des années vingt (1918-1931), pp. 478.

The French PhD course has been recognized as equivalent pursuant to art. 74 of Presidential Decree 382/80 by the Ministry of Education, University and Research on 29 September 2009. 2000:

Qualification for teaching classes 45 / A and 46 / A (Foreign language and culture-Russian) at the then Provveditorato agli Studi of Udine.

From November 2007 to September 30, 2014: Permanent researcher in the History of Pedagogy at the University of Macerata - Department of Educational Sciences, Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

Since 2007: Adjunct Professor since November 2007 for carrying out the teaching activity. Confirmed in role since November 2010.

From 1 October 2014: second level professor in History of Pedagogy at the University of Macerata - Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Sciences.

October 18, 2014 he obtained the Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) in the "History" discipline at the Sorbonne-Paris I University with a mémoire on: "Education et endoctrinement de l'enfance de la Second World Wars à l'après-guerre en Union soviétique (1941-1953).

July 2017: National Scientific Qualification for the competition sector 11 / D1 - Pedagogy and history of pedagogy (first band). From 9 September 2019, associate professor in the History of Pedagogy at the University of Bologna. WORKING LANGUAGES: French, Russian, German and English.

RESEARCH TOPICS: history of childhood and abandonment in Europe, with specialization on the Soviet Union; history of extracurricular education (scouting and the Pioneers movement a USSR); Early childhood theories and comparative history of nursery school in Europe; history of pedagogy, school and school subjects in Russia and the USSR; history of special education in the USSR; history of juvenile delinquency and re-education institutions; history of the welfare state in Europe; history of children's literature in Russia and the USSR; History of comparative education.

VARIOUS RESEARCH ACTIVITIES BEFORE 2007 (year of employment as a researcher) From 1991 to 2006 she was a fellow of the University of Bologna and of numerous foreign research institutions, of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the French Ministry of Higher Education, of the Max-Planck-Institut of Frankfurt, of the DAAD at the same Institute. , of the European University Institute of Florence, of the Max-Planck Institut of History / Göttingen, Fullbright Scholarship in the United States. You collaborated with the PRIN "History and historiography of childhood" co-funded by MURST 40%, 1997-1999 (Rome, L 'Aquila, Pavia, Lecce), directed by Prof. Egle Becchi (University of Pavia); member of the research unit in Rome, directed by prof. Nicola Siciliani De Cumis. Numerous stays in Moscow were carried out between 1998 and 2007 for a total of about 15 months divided as follows: 2 months in 1999 (April-May), 2 months in 2002 (September-October), 2 and a half months in 2003 (June-mid-August), 2 months in 2005 (September-October), 1 month and a half in 2006 (April-May and 15 days in September), 2 months in 2007 (May-July) thanks to the Maison des Sciences de l 'Homme / Paris to collect the necessary documentation for publications on childhood history, juvenile law, youth movements and school history; 3 months at the University of California at Berkeley. While taking up service in Macerata (2007-2019), short-term research stays were carried out at the Academy of Educational Sciences in Moscow; the Georg-Eckert Institut (Braunschweig, Germany) specialized in the study of school manuals; the Diderot Library in Lyon; the University Library and Archives and the Geneva State Archives; the Lyon II University.

Selected bibliography


1) L’enfance abandonnée et délinquante dans la Russie soviétique (1917-1937), Préf. de Jutta Scherrer, Parigi, L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 366;

2) Ideali, ideologie e modelli formativi. Il movimento dei pionieri in Urss (1922-1939). Pref. di Nicola Siciliani De Cumis, Milano, Unicopli, 2006, pp. 240 (nuova edizione riveduta e aggiornata: 2015);

3) Un Welfare State senza benessere. Insegnanti, impiegati, operai e contadini nel sistema di previdenza sociale dell’Unione Sovietica (1917-1939). Pref. di Roberto Sani, Macerata, Eum, 2008, pp. 346 (nuova edizione riveduta e aggiornata: 2015);

4) La protection sociale en Union Soviétique (1917-1939). Préf. di Roberto Sani, Paris, L’Harmattan 2010, pp. 316;

4) Cittadini e patrioti. Educazione, letteratura per l’infanzia e costruzione dell’identità nazionale nella Russia sovietica, Macerata, Eum, 2011, pp. 312;

5) Per una storia dell’asilo nido in Europa tra Otto e Novecento, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2014, pp. 380; ristampa: 2015;

6) Day nurseries and childcare in Europe, 1800-1939, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 342;

7) De Amicis in Russia. La ricezione nel sistema scolastico zarista e sovietico, Roma, Carocci, 2020, pp. 223.

Selected articles from 2017

- “Rezo y rezo pero no puedo orar lo suficiente como para que la guerra termine”. La Gran Guerra, la educacion y la infancia en Rusia, in Educar en temps de guerra. XXII Jornadas Internacionales d'Historia de l'Educacio. Valencia, 9, 10, 11 de novembre de 2016 - vol. 65 (Arxius i documents), Valencia, 2017, pp. 221-234.

- Il “nuovo bambino” in Unione sovietica dalla Rivoluzione d’Ottobre alla caduta del regime comunista (1917-1991), in M. Gecchele, S. Polenghi e P. dal Toso (edd.), Il Novecento: il secolo del bambino?, Bergamo, edizioni Junior/Gruppo Spaggiari, 2017, pp. 155-173.

- Images and imagery of «Europe’s Garden». Cultural, artistic and natural heritage in reading books for the Italian schools abroad, in D. Caroli, E. Patrizi (edd.), «Educating for beauty the youth of the new Italy». Schooling, cultural heritage and building of the national identity from Unification until the post-Second World War period, “History of Education and Children’s Literature,” vol. XII/1, 2017, pp. 115-156.

- Political leaders in Russian History Textbooks. Between the Rise and Fall of the Cult of Personality (1938-1962), in J. Zajda, T. Tsyrlina, M. Lovorn (edd.), Globalisation and Historiography of National Leaders: Symbolic Representations in School Textbooks, Springer, Dordrecht, 2017, pp. 35-52.

- con Grigorij B. Kornetov, The new school movement in Russia: Kostantin N. Venttsel (1857-1947), the concept of “free upbringing” and the Declaration of the rights of the child, “History of Education and Children’s Literature”, XII/2, 2017, pp. 9-45.

- Con Anne Maître, Introduction, in La littérature de jeunesse russe et soviétique: poétique, auteurs, genres et personnages (XIXe-XXe siècles). Textes recueillis par Dorena Caroli et Anne Maître, Macerata, Eum, 2018, pp. 13-21.

- Samuil Maršak: poétique et pedagogie dans les albums illustrés pour les enfants des années 1920-1930, in La poétique dans la littérature de jeunesse russe et soviétique: poétique, auteurs, genres et personnages (XIXe-XXe siècles). Textes recueillis par Dorena Caroli et Anne Maître, Macerata, Eum, 2018, pp. 149-185.

- con Anna Ascenzi e Roberto Sani, Bouratino au temps de Stalin: un comparaison entre les récits de Carlo Collodi et d’Aleksej Tolstoj. Traduction ou adaptation d’un récit à succès?, in La littérature de jeunesse russe et soviétique: poétique, auteurs, genres et personnages (XIXe-XXe siècles), Macerata, EUM - Edizioni dell'Università di Macerata; pp. 207-246.

- con Ljudmila Gennad’evna Kiseleva, Dokumenty iz Fonda Minprosa RSFSR GARF ob izdanii uchebnikov posle Velikoj otechestvennoj vojny (1945-1950) [Documents from the Fund of the Ministery of Education of the Russian Federation of the GARF about the publication of textbooks after the Great patriotic War (1945-1950), in Istoriko-pedagogicheskoe znanie v nachale III tysjacheletija. Peredajushchaja porozhdajushchaja i preobrazujushchaja pedagogika v istorii obrazovaniija. materialy Cetyrnadcatoj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, Moskva, 15 nojabrja 2018g.; Mosca, ASOU; pp. 141-148.

- The Representation of Wars in History Textbooks for Secondary Schools in the Soviet Union (1940–50), in Eugenia Roldan Vera and Eckhardt Fuchs (edd.), Textbooks and War. Historical and multinational perspectives, Cham/Svizzera, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 255-287.

- ‘And all our classes turned into a flower garden again’ – science education in Soviet schools in the 1920s and 1930s: the case of biology from Darwinism to Lysenkoism, “History of Education”, 48/1, 2019, pp. 77-98.

- Sergej Hessen e la difesa della scuola moderna dalla Russia degli anni Venti all’Unione Sovietica degli anni Cinquanta, in C. Sindoni (ed.), Ithaca, Itaca. In viaggio tra Storia, Scuola ed Educazione. Studi in onore di Salvatore Agresta, Lecce/Rovato, Pensa Multimedia, 2018, pp. 67-96.

- Day Nurseries in Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Challenge of the Transnational Approach, in Eugenia Roldan Vera and Eckhardt Fuchs (edd.), the Transnational in the history of Education, Palgrave, London, 2019, pp. 69-100.

- in collaborazione con Vitalij Bezrogov, Soviet Russian Primers: The War after the Victory, in “Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society”, 11/1, 2019, pp. 14-34.

- La “casa mobile” nelle fiabe russe e negli albi illustrati contemporanei: nuove prospettive per una ricerca storico-educativa, in C. Callegari, M. Campagnaro, G. Zago (a cura di), La casa. Figure, modelli e visioni nella letteratura per l’infanzia dal Novecento ad oggi, Lecce/Rovato, Pensa Multimedia, 2019, pp. 129-160.

Le riforme dei nidi d'infanzia in Italia e Francia fra il '68 e gli anni Settanta alla luce di studi recenti, T. Pironi (a cura di), Autorità in crisi. Scuola, famiglia, società prima e dopo il ’68, Roma, Aracne, 2020, pp. 349 - 358 (atti di: Convegno Cirse, Firenze, 20 novembre - 1° dicembre 2018).

-Zhivaia Azbuka (Living Alphabet) by the poet Aleksandr Chernii (1880–1932), an educational tool for the survival of the Russian language among émigrés’ children, in S. Schütze and E. Matthes, Educational media and migration (eds.), Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, 2020, pp. 31-47.

-Poslevoennye reformy detskich jaslej v Sovetskom Sojuze (1945-1978)/ Le riforme dei nidi d’infanzia nel secondo dopoguerra in Unione sovietica,1945-1978, in G. Kornetov. D. Caroli (a cura di), Sapere storico e pedagogico all’inizio del Terzo Millennio: L’istruzione nello spazio socioculturale della società in trasformazione. Materiali della XVIa conferenza scientifica internazionale Mosca, 12 novembre 2020/Istoriko-pedagogicheskoe znanie v nachale III tysiacheletija: obrazovanie v sotskul'turnom prostanstve razvivajushchegosija obshestvha. Materialy XVI Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Moskva, 12 nojabrja 2020 g., Moskva, ASOU, 2020, pp. 319-328.

- in collaborazione con Marina Balina, Libri per l’infanzia di Gianni Rodari tradotti in Unione Sovietica, in L. Todaro (a cura di), Gianni Rodari. Incontri e riflessioni a cento anni dalla nascita, Roma, Anicia, 2020, pp. 215-247.

-[], in E. Mimesse (a cura di), Bambini piccoli. A infancia das criancas italianas e italo-brasileiras, Jundiai (SP), Paco Editoriale, 2020, pp. 21-53.

- Ludmila Durdíková, a teacher and writer for children from Prague to Paris (1899-1955), in A. Cagnolati (a cura di), Women and Children’s Literature. A Love Affair?, Peter Lang, Bern, 2021, pp. 25-43.

-in collaborazione con Luciano Mecacci, Forbidden Science: The dismantling of pedology and the listing of the works of pedologists in the Soviet Union un 1936-1938, “The European Yearbook of the history of psychology”, 2020, vol. pp. 11-61.

-con S. Ivanova, G. Kornetov, Anatolij Utkin, New Russian Academic Journals and Yearbooks about the history of pedagogy and education in Russia (2003-2019), Espacio, Tiempo y Educacion, 1, 2021.