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PhD student in Historical and Archaeological Sciences. Memory, Civilization and Heritage at the University of Bologna, for years he has been carrying out research activities relating to medieval numismatics, with particular attention to the coinage of Emilia-Romagna, studying its economy and monetary circulation between the eighth and fifteenth centuries through written documentation and archaeological finds. Among his various publications are the contributions on coinage in the region such as “I ritrovamenti numismatici dallo scavo del cimitero medievale ebraico di Bologna” and the monograph “Bandi Monetari Bolognesi tra XIV e XVI secolo”, where all tenders concerning the economy and the currency of Bologna have been published. He is editorial director and founder of the scientific journal “Kalkas”. He was scientific director and organizer of several international conferences on medieval numismatics and since 2020 he is part of Project FLAME (Framing the Late Antique and early Medieval Economy), a project of the Princeton University Numismatic Collection and the Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity.
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