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Davide Maria Donati

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/33 Orthopaedics


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Publications prior to 2004

Pubblicazioni a stampa di atti convegno nazionale:


1)      S. Boriani, A.F. Mancini, A. Lucchi, D. Donati, P. Rosito, R. Malossi, N. Marchi, R. Savini, G. Paolucci. Caratteristiche radiologiche ed evolutive dell'istiocitosi X vertebrale Atti, 13° Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Ematologia ed Oncologia Pediatrica AIEOP. Salice Terme (PV) 28-29 Aprile 1986, pag.144

2)      Capanna R.,Giardino R.,Donati D.,Capello G.L.,Manfrini M., Campanacci M. La banca dell'osso e l'utilizzazione degli innesti ossei omoplastici: l'esperienza dell'Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Atti, IV Congresso Società Italiana Applicazioni Tecnologiche in Chirurgia (S.I.A.Te.C.) Capri 11-14 Settembre 1988, pag.83

3)      Capanna R.,Bufalini C.,Giardino R.,Manfrini M., Donati D., Campanacci M. Il ruolo dei lembi liberi compositi nella chirurgia dei tumori dell'apparato muscolo scheletrico Atti, IV Congresso Società Italiana Applicazioni Tecnologiche in Chirurgia (S.I.A.Te.C.) Capri 11-14 Settembre 1988, pag.84

4)      Manfrini M., Capanna R., Ceruso M., Donati D., Gaiani L., Campanacci M. Gastrocnemius transposition flaps in oncologic surgery of the knee area Atti, Post-Graduate Course on Plastic Surgery in Oncology, Venezia 1988

5)      Campanacci M., Donati D.,  Boriani S., Martini A., Bettelli G., Levine A. Benign cervical spinal bone tumors - Oncological indications Atti del 7th Annual Meeting of the Cervical Spine Research Society Taormina (CT) 26-29 Settembre, 1990

6)      P. Picci, P. Caldora, D. Donati, M.S. Benassi, M.R. Sollazzo, P. Ragazzini, C. Ferrari, M. Di Liddo La ricostruzione nella chirurgia oncologica ortopedica con innesti omoplastici massivi di banca. Biologia dell'incorporazione. Atti del 2° Convegno Nazionale del G.I.B. Bologna 10-12 Novembre 1994, Supplemento n° 1 alla Rivista Gnoseis, pag.37

7)      D. Donati, P. Caldora, C. Masetti, F. Brandolini, C. Ercolani, M. Mercuri e P. Picci Le protesi composite in ortopedia: associazione di innesto osseo omoplastico di banca e protesi in titanio. Atti del 2° Convegno Nazionale del G.I.B. Bologna 10-12 Novembre 1994, Supplemento n° 1 alla Rivista Gnoseis, pag.39

8)      M. Di Liddo, D. Donati, S. Giacomini, M. Mercuri L'uso degli innesti osteoarticolari nella chirurgia oncologica ortopedica 2° Congresso Nazionale Specializzandi in Ortopedia e traumatologia, Febbraio 1997, Parma

9)      D. Donati, P. Ruggieri, S. Giacomini, M. Zavatta, M. Di Liddo Gli Allograft e le Protesi Composite VI Congresso Nazionale Club Italiano Oncologia del Sistema Muscoloscheletrico (CIOSM) Brescia 17-18 Aprile 1998,pag.17

10)  M. Mercuri, P. Ruggieri, D. Donati, C. Lippo, L. Favale, N. Salducca, M. Campanacci  L'uso delle protesi HMRS e degli impianti compositi nei tumori del femore prossimale Le protesi d'anca alle soglie del 2000, 2-3 Luglio, 1999, Pescara, Italia

11)  C. Quinto, A. Bassi, V. Poluzzi, D. Donati, P.M. Fornasari Tecniche di produzione ed utilizzo clinico di osso umano liofilizzato XXV Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Trapianti d'Organo (SITO), poster 26, 19-21 Settembre 1999, Bologna, Italia

12)  Donati D, Zavatta M, Giacomini S, Gozzi E, Fornasari P.M., Mercuri M The use of massive osteochondral allografts as major done replacements in tumor surgery XXV Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Trapianti d' Organo (SITO), poster 25, 19-21 Settembre 1999, Bologna, Italia

13)  D. Donati L'osteosarcoma ad alto grado delle pelvi Congresso internazionale “Il Bacino”, 23-25 Settembre, 1999 Bologna, Italia

14)  D. Donati, E. Lucarelli, A. Beccheroni, M. Fini, C. Di Bella, G. Giavaresi, G. Guzzardella, L. Martini, N. Nicoli Aldini, A. Cenacchi, A. Maria Del Vento, N. Di Maggio, P. Maria Fornasari, R. Giardino, M. Mercuri Stromal stem cells and platelet rich plasma improve bone allograft integration in a critical bone defect model Nuove Prospettive della Ricerca in Ortopedia, VI Congresso Nazionale IORS, Bologna 22-23 Aprile 2004



Pubblicazioni a stampa di atti convegno internazionale:


1.             F.H. Sim, M.O'Connors, D.Donati  Limb Salvage in Malignant Pelvic Tumors: a Follow-up Study Atti, "International Symposium on Limb Salvage in Musculoskeletal Oncology" Kyoto-Japan, Ottobre 1987, pag.22

2.             D.Donati, M.C.Gebhardt, A.E.Rosenberg, M.Plata, H.J. Mankin Benign and aggressive Osteoblastoma of bone: a report of Twenty-eight cases  Atti, "55th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons",Georgia World Congress Center, Febbraio 1988, pag. 151

3.             Capanna R, Donati D, Casadei R, Campanacci M Resection arthrodesis and intercalary grafts: autografts versus allografts in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli experience The 3 rd International Symposium on Locomotor Tissue Bank, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-28 October 1988

4.             D. McDonald, R. Capanna,  R. Biagini, D. Donati, M. Campanacci Complications following limb sparing surgery of the extremities Atti "56th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 144, Las Vegas, 7-14, Febbraio 1989

5.             Specchia L., Donati D., Montanari G., Galli G. Sabetta E. The role of intertibial peroneal graft and ilizarov tecnique in the treatment of infected tibial non-union. Atti del 13th International Conference on Hoffmann External Fixation, May 25-27, 1989 - Rochester, Minnesota, USA, p.76

6.             Czitrom A., R. Capanna, D. Donati, G. Bacci, M. Campanacci Segmental allograft reconstruction concomitant with neoadjuvant chemotherapy Atti 5th Intl. Symposium on Limb Salvage, St. Malo, France, 6-9 September, n. 11, p.15, 1989

7.             R. Capanna, M. Manfrini, D. Donati, A. Ferruzzi, M. Campanacci Arthrodesis after malignant bone tumor resection in children. Atti 5th Intl. Symposium on Limb Salvage, St. Malo, France, 6-9 September, n. 5, p.114, 1989

8.             R. Capanna , M. Manfrini, D.Donati, G. Bettelli, M Campanacci Limb salvage surgery of high-grade bone sarcoma in children Atti 57th Annual Meeting American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, n.136, p.103, 1990

9.             R. Capanna, G. Bettelli, N. Fabbri, D. Donati, P. Caldora, A. Ferruzzi, M. Campanacci Les recidives des tumeurs a celules geantes. Abstract G.E.T.O., Angers, France, 20-21 Aprile, 1990

10.         S. Boriani, R. Savini, D. Donati, M. Di Silvestre, M. Campanacci Tumori vertebrali nell'età pediatrica Atti, Primeraa Jornadas Chileno Italianas de Ortopedia y Traumatologia, 4-7 Dicembre 1990 Santiago, Cile p.124

11.         Campanacci M., Capanna R., Briccoli A., Donati D., Del Ben M. Pelvic resection: the Rizzoli Institute Experience. Atti, Modern Trends in Pelvis and Hip Surgery, 1°International Conference, Pag. 71-73, Bologna, 26-30 November 1991.

12.         Capanna R., Donati D., Martini M., Campanacci M. Problematiche della Banca dell'Osso e degli innesti massivi omoplastici. Atti, 1° Congresso Italo Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Sao Paulo, 2-6 Dicembre 1991, pag. 88.

13.         R. Capanna, D. Donati, N. Baldini, M. Del Ben, C. Masetti, M. Manfrini Combined grafts (allograft plus autogenous vascularized fibula) in intercalary reconstructions  Atti, Ist Meeting European Association of Musculo Skeletal Transplantation, Bruxelles, Belgium 4-5 Aprile 1992, p. 29 

14.         Capanna R., Donati D., Manfrini M., Campanacci D.A., Del Ben M., Caldora P. Osteochondral allograft vs prosthetic replacement in lower limb Atti, Ist Meeting European Association of Musculo Skeletal Transplantation, Bruxelles, Belgium 4-5 Aprile 1992, p. 18 

15.         D. Donati, M. Manfrini, A. Martini, C. Masetti and R. Capanna The use of bone allograft for reconstruction in high-grade osteosarcoma Atti 2nd Combined Musculoskeletal Tumor Society-European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society Meeting, October 1992, Boston, p. 14

16.         Manfrini M., Malaguti C., Donati D., Del Ben M., Campanacci D., Capanna R. Biological interactions of vascularized fibula autograft and massive bone allograft:C.T. evaluation Atti 2nd Combined Musculoskeletal Tumor Society- European Muscoloskeletal Oncology Society Meeting, October 1992, Boston p.18

17.         Boriani S., Capanna R., Donati D., Levine A., Picci P., Savini R. Osteoblastomas of the Spine Atti 60th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon, S. Francisco 1993, p.140

18.         R. Capanna, D. Donati, D. Campanacci, M. Del Ben, L. Busanelli, C.Ercolani Allografts reconstruction in children "Limb Salvage Current Trends" Ed. R. Pho Singapore, 1993 p. 591

19.         D. Donati, R. Capanna, C. Masetti, M. Del Ben, P. Aluigi, M. Campanacci Resection arthrodesis in the knee: autogenus versus allograft reconstruction "Limb Salvage Current Trends" Ed. R. Pho Singapore, 1993 p. 592

20.         Capanna R., Donati D., Masetti C., Campanacci D., Campanacci M. Allograft reconstruction in bone tumor surgery. Atti 6th EMSOS Meeting, Praga 1993, pag.4

21.         Donati D., Masetti C., DelBen M., Capanna R., Campanacci M. Fractures in massive allograft reconstruction in bone tumors Atti 6th EMSOS Meeting, Praga 1993, pag.7

22.         Capanna R., Donati D., Campanacci D., DelBen M., Masetti C. Massive allograft reconstructive surgery for bone tumors: State of the art at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Atti, 2nd EAMST Meeting, Parigi 1993

23.         Picci P., Donati D., Caldora P., DiLiddo M., Capanna R. Histological study on bone retrived massive allografts: preliminary observations  Atti, 2nd EAMST Meeting, Parigi 1993

24.         R. Capanna, D. Donati, M.L. Bahamonde, D. Campanacci,M. Del Ben, A. Gasbarrini, P.Picci, G. Bacci, M. Campanacci Pathologic fractures in primary bone tumors: prognostic and therapeutic implications Atti, Italian-Turkish Meeting on Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Milano 21-23 Ottobre 1993

25.         Donati D., Capanna R., Cadossi R., Masetti C., Manfrini M. Electromagnetic stimulation of massive bone allograft following bone tumor resection; a double blind research study Atti, 40th Annual Meeting O.R.S. New Orleans, p.183:1994

26.         Capanna R., Donati D., Campanacci M. Allograft reconstruction after periacetabular resection Atti, 61st Meeting A.A.O.S., New Orleans, p.162, 1994

27.         Manfrini M., Capanna R., Donati D., Del Ben M., Campanacci D. Allograft reconstruction in children Atti, 61st Meeting A.A.O.S., New Orleans, p.163, 1994

28.         Donati D. Resection arthrodesis in the knee: Autogenous versus allograft reconstruction Atti, 61st Meeting A.A.O.S., New Orleans, p.165, 1994  

29.         Levine A.M., Bertoni F., Donati D. Spinal chordomas Atti, 61st Meeting A.A.O.S., New Orleans, p.339, 1994

30.         Baldini N., Donati D., Ercolani C., Manconi V.G., Capanna R. Computer aided radiographic evaluation of intercalary allografts Atti, 3rd Annual Meeting EAMST, April 1994, Leicester

31.         Donati D., Caldora P., Ercolani C., Zavatta M., Campanacci M. Infection in massive bone allografts Atti, 3rd Annual Meeting EAMST, April 1994, Leicester

32.         R. Biagini, S. Boriani, D. Donati, I. Andreoli, F. De Iure, P. Picci, G. Bacci, F. Gherlinzoni, G. Spezioli, P. Ruggeri, E. Michanie. Osteoid Osteoma and Osteoblastoma of the spine  Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology May 20-23, 1995 Los Angeles CA, Proceeding of ASCO Vol. 14, March 1995, pag. 433

33.         S. Ferrari, G. Bacci, M. Mercuri, P.Ruggieri, D. Donati, M. Manfrini, D. Iantorno, A. Tienghi, A. Brach del Prever, A. Mancini Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for non metastatic osteosarcoma of the extremities: results of the 3th rizzoli institute study Joint Meeting EMSOS-AMSTS may 8-9 Florence 1995, pag. 61

34.         Donati D, Masetti C, Brandolini F, Zavatta M, Caldora P, Capanna R. Fracture in Allograft surgery for bone tumors 8th ISOLS Meeting, Firenze,  May 10-12 1995, pag. 5

35.         Mercuri M, Ruggieri P, Donati D, Ferraro A, Tella G, Caldora P, Brandolini F. Allograft prosthesis composite: the Rizzoli experience. 8th ISOLS Meeting, Florence,  May 10-12 1995, pag. 57

36.         Campanacci DA, Gasbarrini A, Casadei R, Caldora P, Donati D, Capanna R. Prosthetic reconstruction after shoulder girdle resections for bone tumors 8th ISOLS Meeting, Florence,  May 10-12 1995, pag. 85 

37.         Donati D, Brandolini F, Aluigi P, Catani F, Benedetti MG, Giannini S. Proximal tibia reconstructions: functional evaluation with gait analysis 8th ISOLS Meeting, Florence,  May 10-12 1995, pag. 134

38.         Manfrini M, Donati D, Gasbarrini A, Caldora P, Capanna R. Knee reconstruction after bone tumor resection in children 8th ISOLS Meeting, Florence,  May 10-12 1995, pag. 145

39.         Mercuri M, Caldora P, Donati D, Brandolini F, Masetti C, Ruggieri P. Proximal femur reconstruction: evaluation of concepts 8th ISOLS Meeting, Florence,  May 10-12 1995, pag.  259

40.         Caldora P, Donati D, Ercolani C, Campanacci M. Extrarticular resection and reconstruction of the proximal femur 8th ISOLS Meeting, Florence,  May 10-12 1995, pag. 262

41.         D. Donati, R. Capanna, L.B. De Sanctis Massive deep frozen allograft replacement in bone tumors resections: Immunological Study Abstract Book, Fourth Annual Meeting EAMST, July 3rd 1995, Munich, Germany

42.         D. Donati, R. Capanna, C. Ercolani The use of calf bone in young patients treated with acetabulum osteotomy Abstract Book, Fourth Annual Meeting, EAMST, July 3rd 1995, Munich, Germany

43.         D. Donati, R. Biscaglia, S. Boriani M. Campanacci Antibiotic impregnated cement in reconstruction after bone tumor resection Abstract Book, 4th International Conference  on the prevention of infection, Nice - France, 6-7 May 1996

44.         D. Donati, S. Giacomini, R. Capanna, M. Mercuri, M.Campanacci  Allograft reconstruction surgery in internal hemipelvectomy for bone tumors Abstract Book, Surgery of the Pelvis and Acetabulum, Third International Consensus, October 5-11, 1996 Pittsburgh, USA, p.196

45.         F. Gherlinzoni, H. Zmerly, D. Donati Treatment of fractures of the tibia or femur after resection and reconstruction with the Howmedica Modular Resection System Abstract Book, IXth Meeting of EMSOS, 24-25 October 1996, Istanbul Turchia, p.29

46.         D. Donati, R. Biscaglia, S. Boriani, M. Campanacci The use of antibiotic impregnated cement in reconstruction after bone tumor resection Abstract Book, IXth Meeting of EMSOS, 24-25 October 1996, Istanbul Turchia, p.34

47.         D. Donati, M. DiLiddo, M.Zavatta, P. Caldora, M. Mercuri, R. Capanna, M. Campanacci Osteoarticular allograft in bone tumor surgery: analysis of complications Abstract Book, IXth Meeting of EMSOS, 24-25 October 1996, Istanbul Turchia, p.44

48.         D.Donati, L. Campanacci, C. Ercolani, M. Mercuri, M. Campanacci Intercalary reconstruction of the femur Abstract Book, IXth Meeting of EMSOS, 24-25 October 1996, Istanbul Turchia, p.45

49.         G. Bacci, E. Figus, S. Ferrari, M. Mercuri, P. Picci, F. Bertoni, D. Donati, M. Manfrini, C. Forni, E. Rulli, H. Zmerly, M. Campanacci Histological response of osteosaroma of the extremities (OE) to intrarterial vs intravenous cisplatinum: result of 2 randomized study in which cisplatinum was preoperativaly administrated within a 3 drug regimen Abstract Book, IXth Meeting of EMSOS, 24-25 October 1996, Istanbul Turchia, p.52

50.         D. Donati, M. DiLiddo, M. Zavatta, M. Manfrini, G. Bacci, P.Picci, M. Campanacci The use of bone allograft for reconstruction in high-grade osteosarcoma 2nd Osteosarcoma research conference, Bologna Italy, November 1996 p.19

51.         S. Ferrari, G. Bacci, A. Briccoli, P. Picci, M. Mercuri, A. Tienghi,, M.Manfrini, D. Donati Osteosarcoma of the extremities with syncronous metastases: results in 67 atientstreated with chemotherapy and simoultaneous resection of primary and metastatic lesions 2nd Osteosarcoma research conference, Bologna Italy, November 1996 p.77

52.         G. Bacci, S. Ferrari,  P. Picci, F. Bertoni, M. Mercuri,P. Ruggieri, M. Manfrini, D. Donati, R.  Biagini, C. Forni,  A. Tienghi, A. Brach del Prevert, A. Comandone, M. Campanacci Local relapse in primary high grade osteosarcoma of the extremities treted with neoadjuvant chemotherapy: risk factors and prognosis in the Rizzoli experience 2nd Osteosarcoma research conference, Bologna Italy, November 1996 p.142

53.         D. Donati, M. Di Liddo, S. Giacomini, M. Mercuri Allograft composite prosthesis reconstruction in proximal femur after resection of a bone tumor 6th EAMST Meeting Barcelona, Spagna, 23 Aprile 1997, pag. 44-45

54.         D. Donati, M. Di Liddo, S. Giacomini, M. Mercuri Extrarticular resection and reconstruction of proximal femur 6th EAMST Meeting Barcelona, Spagna, 23 Aprile 1997, pag. 46-47

55.         Donati D., Gasbarrini A., Campanacci M Proximal humerus resection after bone tumors: comparison between allografts and modular prosthesis III Congress of the European Federation of National Association of Orthopaedic and Traumatology (EFORT) Barcelona Spagna, 24-27 aprile 1997, pag. 26

56.         Donati D., Gasbarrini A., Campanacci M Proximal tibia reconstruction in bone tumor: modular prosthesis versus allograft III Congress of the European Federation of National Association of Orthopaedic and Traumatology (EFORT) Barcelona Spagna, 24-27 aprile 1997

57.         Benedetti M.G., Simoncini L., Donati D., Ensini A., Catani F., Giannini S. Gait analysis after knee arthroplasty for distal femural tumor III Congress of the European Federation of National Association of Orthopaedic and Traumatology (EFORT) Barcelona Spagna, 24-27 aprile 1997, pag. 27

58.         S.A. Bini, M. Manfrini, S. Giacomini, D. Donati, M. Mercuri, P. Ruggieri Radiographic analysis in 32 children of factors influencing bone remodeling and interface stability following distal femural resection for sarcoma and replacement with the uncemented KMFTR prosthesis 9th International Symposium, International Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) September 10-12, 1997 New York  pag.11

59.         Donati D., Giacomini S., Capanna R., Mercuri M., Campanacci M. Allograft reconstruction of the acetabular area after bone tumor resection 9th International Symposium, International Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) September 10-12, 1997 New York  pag.30

60.         Manfrini M., Barbanti Brodano G.Donati D, Gasbarrini A., Mercuri M. Massive osteoarticular allograft as knee reconstruction in children 9th International Symposium, International Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) September 10-12, 1997 New York  pag.39

61.         Donati D., Di Liddo M., Zavatta M., Giacomini S., Mercuri M. Allograft composite prosthesis (ACP) in proximal femur after resection for bone tumor 9th International Symposium, International Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) September 10-12, 1997 New York  pag.40

62.         S.A. Bini, S. Giacomini, D. Donati, M. Mercuri, P. Ruggieri, M. Campanacci Long term radiographic follow-up using uncemented KMFTR prostheses following distal femoral resections for bone tumos: a comparison of 5 and 10 year results 9th International Symposium, International Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) September 10-12, 1997 New York  pag. 110

63.         Donati D., Di Liddo M., Zavatta M., Giacomini S., Mercuri M. Extrarticular resection and reconstruction of the proximal femur 9th International Symposium, International Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) September 10-12, 1997 New York  pag. 215

64.         D. Donati, M. Di Liddo, M. Manfrini, M. Zavatta, S. Giacomini The use of osteochondral allograft in bone tumor surgery 4th Combined Meeting American and European Musculo Skeletal Tumor Societies (AMSTS-EMSOS) May 6-10, 1998 Washington D.C., USA, pag. 73 e 258

65.         M. Manfrini , D. Donati, M. Mercuri,A. Gasbarrini, M. Campanacci Surgical indication in upper limb bone sarcomas in children: twenty years experience at the Istituto Rizzoli 4th Combined Meeting American and European Musculo Skeletal Tumor Societies (AMSTS-EMSOS) May 6-10, 1998 Washington D.C., USA, pag. 92

66.         N. Fabbri, R. Casadei, D. Donati, M. Mercuri , P. Picci Pathologic fracture in central high grade osteosarcoma: outcome of patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery 4th Combined Meeting American and European Musculo Skeletal Tumor Societies (AMSTS-EMSOS) May 6-10, 1998 Washington D.C., USA, pag. 94

67.         D. Donati, U. Albisinni, M.Zavatta Static and dynamic radiological evaluation of proximal femur reconstructions: preliminary results 4th Combined Meeting American and European Musculo Skeletal Tumor Societies (AMSTS-EMSOS) May 6-10, 1998 Washington D.C., USA, pag. 98

68.         D. Donati, S. Bini, S. Giacomini, M. Mercuri P. Ruggieri, M. Campanacci Uncemented distal femoral replacements for tumors: a long term radiographic study 4th Combined Meeting American and European Musculo Skeletal Tumor Societies (AMSTS-EMSOS) May 6-10, 1998 Washington D.C., USA, pag. 100

69.         S. Bini, M. Manfrini , M. Mercuri,S. Giacomini, D. Donati, P. Ruggieri Uncemented distal femural replacement for sarcoma in 32 children 4th Combined Meeting American and European Musculo Skeletal Tumor Societies (AMSTS-EMSOS) May 6-10, 1998 Washington D.C., USA, pag. 256

70.         D. Donati, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Mercuri Allograft-prosthesis composite (APC) in proximal tibia using a modular revision prosthesis The First Combined Meeting Eropean Associations of Tissue Banks (EATB) and Musculo Skeletal Transplantation (EAMST) September 10-12, 1998 Turku, Finland, pag. 60

71.         D. Donati, M. Di Liddo, P. Fornasari, A. Bassi, M. Anastasescou, C. Delloye Graft contamination in massive bone replacements The First Combined Meeting Eropean Associations of Tissue Banks (EATB) and Musculo Skeletal Transplantation (EAMST) September 10-12, 1998 Turku, Finland, pag. 73

72.         D. Donati, The use of Allograft/Composite Prostheses The International Advanced Meeting on Endoprosthetic Replacement for Large Segment Bony Defects 1-2 October, 1998 Luxembourg

73.         G. Beltrami, Campanacci, P. Caldora, D. Donati, R. Capanna  Long term results of the iliofemoral artrodesis with intercalary allograft after pelvic extra-articular resection in children 10th International Symposium on Limb Salvage (ISOLS) April 11-14, 1999 Cairns, Australia, pag. 4

74.         D. Donati, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Mercuri Primary allograft prosthesis composite (APC) in proximal tibia 10th International Symposium on Limb Salvage (ISOLS) April 11-14, 1999 Cairns, Australia, pag. 20

75.         N. Fabbri, D. Donati, M. Mercuri, M. Campanacci Two-stage revision surgery for infected reconstructions after limb salvage surgery for bone tumors 10th International Symposium on Limb Salvage (ISOLS) April 11-14, 1999 Cairns, Australia, pag. 39-40

76.         M. Manfrini, D. Donati, M. Mercuri, N. Fabbri, M. Campanacci A new technique for proximal femur reconstruction in small children 10th International Symposium on Limb Salvage (ISOLS) April 11-14, 1999 Cairns, Australia, pag. 104-105

77.         D. Donati, M. Di Liddo, M. Zavatta, M. Mercui The treatment of subchondral fractures in allograft replacements of the proximal tibia 10th International Symposium on Limb Salvage (ISOLS) April 11-14, 1999 Cairns, Australia, pag 105

78.         D. Donati, A. Bassi, G. Rollo, M. Zavatta, P. Fornasari  Skeletal recostruction and tissue packaging during procurement in Rizzoli Bone Bank 7th annual meeting of EAMST and 2th meeting EAMST-EATB June 3-4 1999, Brussels

79.         D. Donati, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Zavatta, Y. Salphale, E. Sorin Knee resection arthrodesis with allograft. A  long term follow-up study 7th annual meeting of EAMST and 2th meeting EAMST-EATB June 3-4 1999, Brussels

80.         D. Donati, M. Zavatta, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, P. Fornasari, M. Mercuri Massive bone allografts. A ten yars follow-up study 7 th annual meeting of EAMST and 2th meeting EAMST-EATB June 3-4 1999, Brussels

81.         G. Bacci, S. Ferrari, P. Picci, A. Longhi, R. Biagini, D. Donati, M. Manfrini, P.Ruggieri, A. Barch Del Prever, A. Tienghi, A. Comandone, M. Mercuri Neoadjuvant chemotherapy of non-metastatic osteosarcoma of the extremity: the Rizzoli experience International Meeting on multidisciplinary approach to treatment of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas June 28 – july 1 1999, Naples, Italy, pag. 6

82.         G. Bacci, S. Ferrari, P. Picci, D. Donati, M. Manfrini, R. Biagini, P. Ruggieri, D.Mellano, F. Bertoni, M. Mercuri Histiologic response of osteosarcoma of the extremities to intraarterial vs intravenous cisplatinum (CP): results of two randomized studies in which CDP was preoperatively administrated in combination International Meeting on multidisciplinary approach to treatment of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas June 28 – july 1 1999, Naples, Italy, pag. 10

83.         N. Fabbri, D. Donati, S. Ferrari, P. Picci, M. Mercuri, G. Bacci Synchronous multifocal osteosarcoma: results in patients treated with primary chemotherapy followed by simultaneous surgery of all the involved bones International Meeting on multidisciplinary approach to treatment of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas June 28 – july 1 1999, Naples, Italy, pag. 16

84.         D Donati, S Giacomini, E Gozzi, Y Salphale, E Sorin Long term follow-up in knee allograft arthrodesis EMSOS Meeting May 4-5th 2000, Londra

85.         D Donati,  M. Zavatta S Giacomini, E Gozzi, PM Fornasari, M Mercuri Long term follow-up study in massive bone allograft EMSOS Meeting May 4-5th 2000, Londra

86.         S Mini, S Urrai, D Donati, M Mercuri Nursing care in patients treated with internal hemipelvectomy for bone tumors EMSOS Meeting May 4-5th 2000, Londra

87.         Fabbri N, De Paolis M, Campanacci L, Donati D, Manfrini M, Mercuri M Osteofibrus dysplasia of long bones: clinico-pathologic features and relationship with adamantinoma at 20-Year follow-up 67th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons March 15-19, 2000 Orlando Florida p. 461

88.          Fabbri, D. Donati, S. Giacomini, M. Manfrini, M. Mercuri Staged revision for infected reconstruction after limb salvage for bone tumors 688h Annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons February 28th-March 4, 2001 San Francisco, California p. 577

89.         D. Donati, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Mercuri Proximal femur enblock resection for tumor recontruction by allograft-prosthesis composite (APC) 5th EFORT June 3-7, 2001 Rodi, Grecia p. 30

90.         D. Donati, M. Zavatta, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Mercuri Proximal femur modular prosthetic replacement after bone tumor resection – long term follow-up evaluation. 5th EFORT June 3-7, 2001 Rodi, Grecia p. 30

91.         D. Donati, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Mercuri Major allograft reconstruction in pelvic surgery 11th ISOLS October 10-12, 2001 Birgmingham UK p.39

92.         D. Donati, M. Zavatta, E. Gozzi, S. Giacomini, L. Campanacci, M. Mercuri Proximal femur modular prosthetic replacement after bone tumor resection – long term follow-up evaluation. 11th ISOLS October 10-12, 2001 Birgmingham UK p.161-163

93.         H De Groot, D. Donati, E. Gozzi, S. Giacomini, M. Mercuri Osteosarcoma of the pelvis 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon, 13-17 February 2002, Dallas Texas, USA p. 102

94.         Manfrini M, Taddei F, Donati D, Malaguti C, Giacomini S, Viceconti M 3-D Imaging in planning and monitoring biological reconstructions in Orthopaedic Oncology: a Computer Assisted Approach. Future perspectives and preliminarly results. 15th EMSOS May 22-24 2002 Leiden Netherlands 

95.         Davide Donati, Ahmed El Ghoneimy, Franco Bertoni, Claudia Di Bella, Enrico Gozzi and Mario Mercuri Surgical treatment and outcome of primary and recurrent pelvic chondrosarcoma 56 th Annual International Congress of the Egyptian Orthopaedic Association, Cairo Egypt, 29 Nov-2 Dic 2004, pag. 6

96.         D. Donati, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Mercuri Pelvic resections and reconstruction  56 th Annual International Congress of the Egyptian Orthopaedic Association, Cairo Egypt, 29 Nov-2 Dic 2004, pag. 40

97.         Davide Donati, Ahmed El Ghoneimy, Franco Bertoni, Claudia Di Bella, Enrico Gozzi and Mario Mercuri Surgical treatment and outcome of primary and recurrent pelvic chondrosarcoma American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2004 Annual Meeting 10-14 Marzo, San Francisco, California, paper n° 085, pag. 623

98.         Nicola Fabbri, Massimiliano De Paolis, Davide Donati, Pietro Ruggieri, Mario Mercuri, Costantino Errani Periprosthetic fractures in joint reconstruction after limb salvage surgery for bone tumors American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Proceedings, 2005 Annual Meeting February 23-27, Washington, paper n° 102, pag. 629

99.         D. Donati, H. Wafa, C. Di Bella, M. Mercuri Management of giant cell tumor of the pelvic bone, 18th Annual Meeting and 6th Symposium of EMSOS May 25-27 2005, Trieste, paper E-70, Abstract Book.

100.     M. Mercuri, N. Fabbri, D. Donati, M. Manfrini Allograft-Prosthetic Composite for reconstruction of the proximal femur after limb salvage surgery for bone tumors: surgical technique and results, 18th Annual Meeting and 6th Symposium of EMSOS, May 25-27 2005, Trieste, paper E-66, Abstract Book

101.     M. Mercuri, M. De Paolis, N. Fabbri, D. Donati, M. Manfrini Total elbow arthroplasty for malignant bone tumors of the elbow, 18th Annual Meeting and 6th Symposium of EMSOS,  May 25-27 2005, Trieste, paper E-65, Abstract Book.

102.     N. Fabbri, M. De Paolis, D. Donati, P. Ruggieri, M. Mercuri  Periprosthetic fractures around megaprostheses of the knee after limb salvage surgery for bone tumors, 18th Annual Meeting and 6th Symposium of EMSOS,  May 25-27 2005, Trieste, paper E-71, Abstract Book.

103.     N. Fabbri, G. Bacci, S. Ferrari, A. Longhi, D.Donati, M. Manfrini, E. Barbieri, M. Mercuri, F. Bertoni Surgery vs Radiotherapy in Ewing Sarcoma of the extremities: Experience of a single Istitutio, AAOS 2006 annual meeting Chicago, Illinois

104.     M. Mercuri, C. Errani, N. Fabbri, D.Donati, M. Manfrini, Allograft-Prosthetic Composite for proximal femur reconstruction after limb salvage surgery for bone tumors: surgical technique and results, AAOS 2006 annual meeting Chicago, Illinois

105.     Donati D, Colangeli M, Colangeli S, Bianchi G, Mercuri M, Pelvic reconstruction in children after malignant bone tumour resection”, ISOLS 2007, 14th International Symposium on limb salvage, Hamburg, Germany,Proceedings paper O 3.6, pag 43.

106.     Donati D, De Paolis M, Bianchi G, Colangeli M, Benedetti M, Giannini S, Total knee replacement versus osteochondral allograft in proximal tibia bone tumours, EFORT 2007(11-15 maggio), Firenze, Italy

107.     Donati D, De Paolis M, Bianchi G, Colangeli M, Colangeli S, Di Bella C, Long term clinical study of treatment of adult osteomyelitis with osteoset”, EFORT 2007(11-15 maggio), Firenze, Italy




Pubblicazioni a stampa di atti su rivista


1.             R. Giardino, M. Manfrini, M. Ceruso, G. Bettelli, D. Donati, R. Biagini, M. Rocca, M. Fini Microvascular metaphyseal reconstruction without affecting the growth plate inhigh-grade sarcomas of bone in children. Atti 24th Congress European Society for Surgical Research, Brussels, Belgium, Ed. Karger, n.130, p.60, 1989.

2.             R. Capanna, P. Ritschl, P. Ruggieri, R. Biagini, D. Donati, G. Bettelli, M.Rocca Radiographical evolution of the biologic anchorage (stem-bone interface) in K.M.F.T.R. prosthesis. Atti 24th Congress European Society for Surgical Research, Brussels, Belgium, Ed. Karger, n.142, p.65-66, 1989.

3.             R. Capanna , M. Manfrini, D.Donati, G. Bettelli, M Campanacci Limb salvage surgery of high-grade bone sarcoma in children J.B.J.S. Orthopaedic Transactions, Vol 14, 3, Fall 1990, p. 569

4.             R. Capanna, R.Casadei, R. Biagini, D. Donati, M. Manfrini Auto vs Allograft Reconstruction: the Rizzoli Experience Journal Japanese Orthop. Association 65 (2) (3) S 189,1991

5.             R. Capanna, P. Caldora, A. Briccoli, D. Donati, R. Casadei, M. Campanacci Conservative Surgery for Pelvic Tumor Journal Japanese Orthop. Association 65 (2) (3) S49, 1991

6.             F. Bertoni, D. Donati, P. Bacchini, A. Martini, P.Picci, M. Campanacci The morphologic spectrum of osteoblastoma (OBL). Is its "aggressive" nature predictable? United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, March 14-20, 1992 - Laboratory Investigation Vol 66, 3a, 1992

7.             Capanna R., Manfrini M., Donati D., Campanacci D.A., Del Ben M., Caldora P., Masetti C.,Campanacci M. Megaprostheses versus osteoarticular grafts in limb salvage surgery Atti, 1er Congres Europeen d'Orthopedie, Parigi 21-23 Aprile 1993 J.B.J.S Br 1993; 75-B: Supp II, pag 109

8.             Capanna R., Donati D., Campanacci D.A., Del Ben M., Caldora P.,  Masetti C. Resection-arthrodesis for bone tumors: autogenus versus masssive allografts Atti, 1er Congres Europeen d'Orthopedie, Parigi 21-23 Aprile 1993 J.B.J.S Br 1993; 75-B: Supp II, pag 109  

9.             A.M. Levine, S. Boriani, D. Donati, M. Campanacci Benign tumors of the cervical spine J.B.J.S, Orthopaedic Transactions, Vol 16, N°3 Winter 1992-1993, p.798-799

10.         A.M. Levine, F. Bertoni, D. Donati Spinal chordomas J.B.J.S, Orthopaedic Transactions, Vol 17, N°1, 1993,  p.104

11.         Capanna R., Donati D., Masetti C., Campanacci D., Campanacci M. Allograft reconstruction in bone tumor surgery. Atti 6th EMSOS Meeting, Praga 1993, Acta Orthop Scand 1994; 65 suppl (256) pag 107

12.         Donati D., Masetti C., DelBen M., Capanna R., Campanacci M. Fractures in massive allograft reconstruction in bone tumors Atti 6th EMSOS Meeting, Praga 1993, Acta Orthop Scand 1994; 65 suppl (256) pag 107-108

13.         M. Campanacci, M. Manfrini, A Gasbarrini, M. Mercuri, D. Donati Surgical indication in lower limb bone sarcoma of infancy - 20 years experience at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli EMSOS 1997, October 8-11, Munster, Germany Acta Orthop Scand (suppl 276) 1997;68 pag 1-2

14.         G. Bacci, M. Mercuri, S. Ferrari, P. Picci, F. Bertoni, M. Manfrini, D. Donati, C. Forni, A. Gasbarrini, M. Campanacci Local Recurrence in High grade osteosarcoma of the extremities treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy - the Rizzoli experience EMSOS 1997, October 8-11, Munster, Germany Acta Orthop Scand (suppl 276) 1997;68, pag 12-13.

15.         M. Manfrini, D. Donati ,N. Fabbri, M. Mercuri, M. Campanacci Hip reconstruction after limb salvage surgery for high grade bone sarcomas of the proximal femur in chilhood EMSOS 1997, October 8-11, Munster, Germany Acta Orthop Scand (suppl 276) 1997;68, pag 19

16.         S. Giacomini, G Gozzi, N. Fabbri, D. Donati, M. Mercuri The use of antibiotic impregnated calcium sulphate (CaSO4) in osteomyelitis 13th National Congress Italian Society of Polyspecialists Hepato-Gastroenterology 47 Supplement I (2000) pag CLXXVI

17.         S. Giacomini, G Gozzi, M. DePaolis, D. Donati, M. Mercuri The use of allograft and composite prosthesis in bone tumor surgery 13th National Congress Italian Society of Polyspecialists Hepato-Gastroenterology 47 Supplement I (2000) pag CLXXVIN.

18.         G. Papadopoulos, D. Donati, M. Mercuri The use of osteochondral allografts in bone tumor surgery atti del 57° Congresso della Società Ellenica di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica Vol 52 Suppl 2001 Athene p.91

19.         G. Papadopoulos, D. Donati, M. Mercuri Long term follow-up in knee allograft arthrodesis atti del 57° Congresso della Società Ellenica di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica Vol 52 Suppl 2001 Athene p.93

20.         D. Donati, G. Papadopoulos, N. Fabbri, M. Mercuri Staged revision for infected reconstruction after limn salvage for bone tumors atti del 57° Congresso della Società Ellenica di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica Vol 52 Suppl 2001 Athene p.94

21.         G. Papadopoulos, D. Donati, R. Casadei, M. Mercuri Rotation plasty, surgical technique and current indication atti del 57° Congresso della Società Ellenica di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica Vol 52 Suppl 2001 Athene p.189

22.         G. Papadopoulos, D. Donati, R. Casadei, M. Mercuri Surgical treatment of osteoblastic osteosarcoma with pulmonary metastases in a 7 year old female atti del 57° Congresso della Società Ellenica di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica Vol 52 Suppl 2001 Athene p.198

23.         E Lucarelli, A Beccheroni, S. Soddu, S Bacchetti, A. Farsetti, N Di Maggio, C. Di Bella. P Fornasari, R. Giardino, D. Donati  Use of platelet rich plasma for ex-vivo expansion of stromal stem cells  2nd Annual Meeting of the European tissue Engineering Society (ETES) 3-6 Settembre 2003 Genova, Italy, Tissue Engineering Vol 9 N°4 Agosto 2003 pag. 856-857

24.         E. Lucarelli, R. Beretta, B. Dozza, S. Squarzoni, C. Divieto, G. Tresca, D. Donati New platelet-rich plasma based membrane with improved mechanical properties Termis-Eu 2008 Meeting, June 22-26 2008, Porto, Portogallo.

25.         C. Di Bella, E. Lucarelli, B. Dozza, C. Divieto, L. Martini, G. Giavaresi, M. Fini, D. Donati  Mesenchimal stem cell improved bone regeneration around a hip prosthetic uncemented stem Termis-Eu 2008 Meeting, June 22-26 2008, Porto, Portogallo.



Pubblicazioni a stampa di atti per esteso


1.             R. Capanna, D. Donati, G.L. Capello, A. Martini, M. Manfrini Innesti omoplastici massivi Libro XIII° Congresso Naz. Soc. Italiana chirurgia Oncologica, Ed. Monduzzi, 663-670, 1989

2.             R. Capanna, D. Donati, G.L. Capello Organizzazione e gestione di una banca dell'osso. Libro VI Cong. Naz. Società It. per le Applicazioni Tecnologiche in Chirurgia, Ed. Monduzzi., 427-434, 1990

3.             R. Capanna, M. De Pellegrin, D. Donati, G.L. Capello, R. Biagini, R. Casadei Auto- versus Allo-Plastischer Knochenersatz Unsere Erfahrung Georg Thieme Verlag   pp 91-97, 1991     

4.             R. Capanna, R. Biagini, R. Casadei, D. Donati, M. Manfrini, E. Michanie Autograft vs Allograft Reconstruction: the Rizzoli Institute Experience Libro "Complications of Limb Salvage" Edited by Kenneth L.B. Brown 6th International Symposium I.S.O.L.S. , Montreal 1991, pp 49-52

5.             R. Capanna, M. Manfrini, D. Donati, A. Ferruzzi, M. Campanacci Arthrodeses after Malignant Bone Tumor Resection in Children Libro "Limb Salvage - Major Reconstructions in Oncologic and Nontumoral Conditions" Edito da: F. Langlais, B. Tomeno (Springer Verlag),  pp 543-551,  1991

6.             D. Donati, R. Capanna, P. Caldora, D. Campanacci, M. Campanacci Internal hemipelvectomy of the acetabular area using different methods of reconstruction Libro, "Limb Salvage Current Trends" Ed. R. Pho Singapore, 1993 pp. 185-188

7.             R. Capanna, D. Donati, A. Martini, P. Caldora, C. Ercolani, A. Panozzo, M. Campanacci Non-Union in allograft surgery Libro, "Limb Salvage Current Trends" Ed. R. Pho Singapore, 1993 pp. 193-196

8.             R. Capanna, D. Campanacci, M. Del Ben, C. Masetti, and D. Donati Total elbow replacement with osteoarticular allografts Libro, "Limb Salvage Current Trends" Ed. R. Pho Singapore, 1993 pp. 277-282


Testi di Corsi di Aggiornamento:


1.             D. Donati, R. Capanna Problematiche legate ai trapianti espianti e banca dell'osso. Atti, Corso di Aggiornamento degli Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli. "Nursing Intraoperatorio", Bologna, 17-19 Maggio 1990 pp 125-130

2.             Donati D., Campanacci M. "El Tumor de Celulas Gigantes" II° Curso de Tumores del Aparato Locomotor: Tumores Oseos Maligno II Barcellona, Febbraio 1993 pp 5-14

3.             Donati D. "Indicaciones y tecnica de salvamento de la extremidad en la cirugia de los tumores del  Instituto Ortopedico Rizzoli" II° Curso de Tumores del Aparato Locomotor: Tumores Oseos Maligno II Barcellona, Febbraio 1993 pp 5-14

4.             R. Biagini, S. Boriani, F. De Iure, D. Tigani, M. Moscato, I. Andreoli,  D. Donati "Locking nail and Tumor" Basic Course in Intramedullary Locking Nailing, Strasbourg, Francia 8-10/2/1995


Capitoli di libro


1.          Capanna R., Caldora P., Campanacci D., Cadossi R., Donati D., Manfrini M. Effetto dei campi elettromagnetici pulsanti sulla fusione degli innesti omoplastici massivi nella chirurgia oncologica ortopedica in: Traina G.C., Romanini L., Massari L.,Villani C., Cadossi R. Ed, Walberti Editore 1995, pag. 115-124 

2.          Ruggieri P., Ferraro A., Donati D., Tella G., Salducca N., Mercuri M. Innesti ossei in oncologia ortopedica  in Argomenti di Chirurgia: Metodiche di espianto e conservazione di tessuti ed organi per innesto e trapianto. Edises, Napoli 1997, pag.25-34

3.          Campanacci D.A., Caldora P., Beltrami G., Glukert B. Donati D., Capanna R. Osteoarticular allograft and megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumor surgery In: G.O. Phillips ,Advances in Tissue Banking N°3; Agosto 1999, World Scientific, Hong Kong; pag 67-85

4.          Donati D., Tella G., Gozzi E., Giacomini S., Mercuri M The use of allograft prosthetic composite (APC) in the proximal tibia after  bone tumor resection. In G.O. Phillips, Advances in Tissue Banking N°4, Agosto 2000, World Scientific, Hong Kong, pag 313-324

5.          D. Donati, S. Giacomini, E. Gozzi, M. Mercuri Trapianto di segmenti osteoarticolari nelle gravi perdite di sostanza conseguenti a resezione per tumore dell'apparato muscoloscheletrico In Clinica e biologia delle gravi insufficienze d'organo Ed CLUEB, Bologna, 2002 p 185-192

6.          Donati D. Treatment strategies for musculoskeletal tumors and tumor-like lesions In: Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (Pope et al) Ed. Saunders Elsevier Philadelphia 2008, Capitolo 97, pag 1830-1847.