Davide Viaggi was born in Bologna, 14 october 1967. Bachelor
degree in agricultural science in 1991, was beneficiary of
scholarships at the University of Bologna, Aberdeen, Oxford. In
1996 obtained the European Master in Agricultural Economics and
Agribusiness at ENSAR, Rennes (France) and got the PhD in 1997, at
the University of Siena.
From 2001 to 2008 was researcher in Agricultural economics at
the Department of Agricultural Economics and Engineering of the
University of Bologna, Faculty of Agriculture. He is currently Associate professor at the Department of Agriculture and Food Science.
Participates in research projects funded by the European Union,
the Ministry of University and Research, Region Emilia-Romagna. Among them, he coordinated 3 EU projects (CAP-IRE and CLAIM of FP7, PROVIDE in H2020) and participated in about other 20.
The main research themes concern the common agricultural policy
(CAP), the bioeconomy, the economics and management of water resources and the
evaluation of agri-environmental policies. Main economic tools used include linear
programming, principal-agent models, multicriteria analysis,
cost-benefits analysis and externality accounting and
The results have been presented in about 300 publications.
Participated in the organisation of several national and
international conferences and is referee for some of the main
national and internaitonal journals of the concerned scientific
Since 2001 teaches courses in Economics, Rural appraisal, Real estate
appraisal, Economics, Environmental economics, Policy evaluation,
firm management at the Universities of Bologna and
Is responsible of Socrates/Erasmus exchanges with the
Universities of Iasi, Girona, Gent, Rennes, Valladolid.
He is currently president of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics and is member of the main national and international associations in
the sector of agricultural economics and environmental