Foto del docente

Davide Viaggi

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-01/A Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal


D'Alberto R.; Targetti S.; Schaller L.; Bartolini F.; Eichhorn T.; Haltia E.; Harmanny K.; Le Gloux F.; Nikolov D.; Runge T.; Vergamini D.; Viaggi D., A European perspective on acceptability of innovative agri-environment-climate contract solutions, «LAND USE POLICY», 2024, 141, Article number: 107120 , pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]Open Access

Jin, Y.; Borgia, R.; Guesmi, B.; Rahmani, D.; Larvoe, N.; Targetti, S.; Viaggi, D.; Gil, J. M., Citizens’ willingness to pay for sustainable innovations: evidence from six European Union Member States | Consentement des citoyens à payer pour des innovations durables : observations dans six États membres de l'Union européenne | Die Bereitschaft der Bürger, für nachhaltige Innovationen zu zahlen: Erkenntnisse aus sechs EU-Mitgliedstaaten, «EUROCHOICES», 2024, 23, pp. 22 - 28 [Scientific article]Open Access

Russo, Silvia; Ghelfi, Rino; Raggi, Meri; Viaggi, Davide, Factors Affecting the Land Investment Decisions in the Old Members of the European Union: A Systematic Literature Review, «LAND», 2024, 13, Article number: 527 , pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]Open Access

Yaprak Kurtsal; Giacomo Maria Rinaldi; Federica Savini; Rubina Sirri; Martin Melin; Elena Pacetti; Alessandra De Cesare; Marialetizia Fioravanti; Elena Luppi; Gerardo Manfreda; Davide Viaggi, Improving the Education and Training Policies of the Agri-Food and Forestry Sectors: Identifying New Strategies to Meet the Needs of the Sector and Farm-to-Fork Priorities, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2024, 16, Article number: 1267 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

Raina, Nidhi; Zavalloni, Matteo; Viaggi, Davide, Incentive mechanisms of carbon farming contracts: A systematic mapping study, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT», 2024, 352, Article number: 120126 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

D'Alberto R.; Raggi M.; Viaggi D., Innovative contract solutions for the AgriEnvironmental-Climate Public Goods provision: Which features meet the farmers’ approval? Insights from Emilia-Romagna (Italy), «BIO-BASED AND APPLIED ECONOMICS», 2024, 13, pp. 73 - 101 [Scientific article]Open Access

Braschi, Ilaria; Viaggi, Davide; Lanciotti, Rosalba, Video promozionale openDISTAL, Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari - Università di Bologna, 2024 [Audiovisuals]

Bareille F.; Zavalloni M.; Viaggi D., Agglomeration bonus and endogenous group formation, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS», 2023, 105, pp. 76 - 98 [Scientific article]Open Access

Donati, IIM; Viaggi, D; Srdjevic, Z; Srdjevic, B; Di Fonzo, A; Del Giudice, T; Cimino, O; Martelli, A; Dalla Marta, A; Henke, R; Altobelli, F, An Analysis of Preference Weights and Setting Priorities by Irrigation Advisory Services Users Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, «AGRICULTURE», 2023, 13, Article number: 1545 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Pellegrini, E., Dalmazzone, S., Fasolino, N.G., Frontuto, V., Gizzi, P., Luppi, F., Moroni, F., Raggi, M., Zanni, G., Viaggi, D., Economic Analysis under the Water Framework Directive: The State of the Art and Way forward, «WATER», 2023, 15, Article number: 4128 , pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]Open Access

Yaprak Kurtsal; Giacomo Maria Rinaldi; Marco Maria Grande; Davide Viaggi, Education and training in agriculture and the Bioeconomy: Learning from each other, in: Agricultural Bioeconomy: Innovation and Foresight in the Post-COVID Era, London, Elsevier Academic Press, 2023, pp. 1 - 345 [Chapter or essay]

Chatzinikolaou, Parthena; Ghelfi, Rino; Viaggi, Davide, IO3 - GUIDELINES ON INNOVATIVE TEACHING FORMATS TO FOSTER ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH TRAINING -Exchange of good practices among professors, 2023. [Technical report]

N. G. Fasolino, M. Zavalloni, D. Viaggi, The role of collaboration and entrepreneurship in strengthening the participation of primary producers in the bioeconomy, in: C. Keswani, C. Possan, E. Koukios, D. Viaggi, AGRICULTURAL BIOECONOMY Innovation and Foresight in the Post-COVID Era, Londra, Academic Press, 2023, pp. 231 - 244 [Chapter or essay]

Viaggi, D., Agricultural waste management and valorisation in the context of the circular bioeconomy: Exploring the potential of biomass value webs, «CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & HEALTH», 2022, 27, Article number: 100356 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cavazza F., Galioto F., Raggi M., Viaggi D, Ambiguity, Familiarity and Learning Behavior in the Adoption of ICT for Irrigation Management, «WATER», 2022, 14, Article number: 3760 , pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]Open Access