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Member of editorial boards: "Il lavoro nelle pubbliche amministrazioni", "Milan law review"" and "Italian Labour Law e-Journal"; and in evaluation
committees: "Arg. Dir. Lav.”, "Equal", "Riv. It. Dir. Lav.; "Var. Temi Dir. Lav.".
2020-2023: Principal investigator of national priority research project “Dis/Connection: Labor and Rights in the Internet Revolution” (Italian Ministry of Universities), Universities of Bologna, Napoli Federico II, Udine, Venezia Ca’ Foscari.
2018: qualified as a Full professor in Labour Law (ASN).
2017-present: Associate professor, Bologna University School of Law. 2006–17: Researcher.
2022-23 - 2008-09: Held 33 courses in Employment Law and in Social Security Law, Bologna Univ. School of Law.
2009-2022: Visiting professor (12 times), Faculté de Droit, Université Paris X Nanterre.
2006: Ph.D. degree in Comparative and EC Labour Law, Univ. of Ferrara.
2005: Admitted as a lawyer in Italy.
2002: J.D., cum laude, Univ. of Bologna.
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