Member of the editorial board of the journals:
- "Il lavoro nelle pubbliche amministrazioni" (published by Giappichelli and previously by Giuffrè)
- "Italian Labour Law e-Journal" (by ABIS-AlmaDL)
- "Milan Law Review" (by Univ. statale di Milano)
Member of the evaluation committee of the journals:
- "Argomenti di diritto del Lavoro" (published by LaTribuna and previously by Wolters Kluwer)
- "Equal Rivista di Diritto Antidiscriminatorio" (Pacini),
- "Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro" (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre),
- "Variazioni su temi di diritto del lavoro" (Giappichelli).
Member of The Alma Mater Research Center for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence of the University of Bologna.
2020-2023: Principal investigator of the PRIN research project “Dis/Connection: Labor and Rights in the Internet Revolution” (Italian Ministry of Universities and research, 2017 call for national priority research projects, SH2 Social Sciences and Humanities: Legal studies, constitutions, human rights, comparative law) with the Universities of Bologna, Napoli Federico II, Udine, Venezia Ca’ Foscari.
2018: Qualified as full Professor in Labour Law (“Abilitazione scientifica nazionale come Professore di prima fascia). Since 2017 he is Associate professor in Labour Law at the Bologna University School of Law. 2006-17: Full time Researcher in Labour and Employment Law, Bologna University School of Law.
2022 23, 2021 22, 2020 21, 2019 20, 2018 19, 2017 18, 2016 17, 2015 16, 2014 13, 2013 14, 2012 11, 2011 12, 2010 11, 2009 10: visiting Professor at the Faculté de Droit, Université PARIS X Nanterre.
2022 23, 2021 22, 2020 21, 2019 20: Held the course in Employment Law in the Maritime Sector, Bologna University School of Law.
2022 23, 2021 22, 2020 21, 2019 20, 2018 19, 2017 18, 2016 17, 2015 16, 2014 15: Held the course in Employment Law in the Public Sector, Bologna University School of Law.
2022 23, 2021 22, 2020 21, 2019 20, 2018 19, 2017 18, 2016 17, 2015 16, 2013 14, 2012 13, 2011 12, 2010 11, 2009 10, 2008 09: Held the course in Social Security Law, Bologna University School of Law.
2021 22: Held the course in Employment Law, Bologna University School of Political sciences.
2018 19: Held the course in Employment and Social Security Law, Bologna University School of Management.
2010 to present: Member of the G. Ghezzi and F. Mancini Centre for the Study of Labour Law at the University of Bologna.
2006 07: Under the PRIN programme (Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, ministerial funding scheme) coordinated by Prof. F. Carinci, acted as member of a nationwide project devoted to legal issues of trade unions financing.
2006: Was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Comparative and EC Labour Law (University of Ferrara), with a thesis on temporary agency work, and with summer research periods in 2004 at the London School of Economics and in 2005 at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), London.
2005: Admitted to practice law in Italy, Bologna Court of Appeal.
2003 04: member of the research unit on regional authorities in a research project commissioned by the Italian Department of Public Administration and having as its object the labour law governing the employment of civil service executive officers in Italy.
2003 to present: Member of the Italian Society for Labour and Social Security Law (AIDLaSS).
2003: Selected by the aforementioned AIDLaSS to participate in the international Pontignano XX seminar on nonstandard forms of employment, 20–26 July 2003, Certosa di Pontignano (SI).
2002: Earned a J.D. degree, cum laude, from the University of Bologna.