Foto del docente

Danila Longo

Full Professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-08/C Technological and Environmental Design of Architecture

Short Bio

Architect, PhD, Full Professor of Technology for Architecture at DA, University of Bologna. Referent for the UNIBO in the ECTP (EU Construction Technology Platform) and in the Built Environment Decarbonisation (BED) Committee. Member of EERA–JPI on smart cities and of the UNIBO GTA on Climate Energy and Mobility.

Contact person for TRACE team in the Italian Local Agenda 21 Coordination within the NECPlatform project as a member of the Multilevel Dialogue on Climate and Energy (DEC) in Italy.

Her FIELDS OF EXPERTISE are technologies for energy efficiency, buildings innovation, mitigative initiatives for adaptation to climate change, co-design and co-construction processes for green transition of cities, accessibility and valorization of cultural heritage. She has been involved in 14 EU RESEARCH PROJECTS. Currently she is involved - as coordinator of the UNIBO research team - in H2020 projects: GRETA GReen Energy Transition Actions; 4CH - Competence Centre on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage and on protection of urban spaces (Horizon Europe - SAFE-CITIES riSk-based Approach For the protEction of public spaces in European CITIES).

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0547 338349

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Dipartimento di Architettura
Via dell'Università 50, Cesena - Go to map

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Office hours

Cesena: Wednesday 13:00-15:30 by appointment by email

Bologna: Thursday 10:00-12:00 by appointment by email

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