Foto del docente

Daniele Donati

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Useful contents

Instructions for writing the Final Paper

First of all, the degree thesis is preferentially assigned to those who have achieved a grade of at least 25/30 in the exam.

In drafting the paper privilege quality over quantity. If a student intends to carry out a compiling thesis only, she/he must discuss it with the professor before assigning the title.

For the thesis of master's degree courses, 100 - 150 pages (each of about 1800 characters, 30 lines by 60 columns) may be sufficient if they offer an in-depth and complete elaboration.

For the theses of the three-year degree courses, while referring to the specific indications of each degree course, a text of maximum 60,000 characters is due, in which is explored a specific and limited topic, a case, a sentence.

An analysis work is therefore preferable to a reconstructive one.

Once the topic of the thesis has been agreed with the teacher, the bibliographic research, the study of the texts and the drafting of an index that must be approved by the teacher begin (with the teacher or a collaborator).

The delivery of the paper to the teacher takes place during the drafting and must be done for complete chapters.

The complete paper must be forwarded to the teacher and assistant 15 days before the final delivery date to the secretariats.


To find the material it is recommended to start from the general texts, as Tretaies, or Encyclopedias, using also the databases made available by Alma Mater:

Do not consider web searches exhaustive

The work takes place according to this order of drafting:

  • Index
  • Paper (already complete with notes)
  • Bibliography.

The drafting of the thesis must be standardized according to the requirements of the academic senate, that is: the page is 32 - 35 lines, each line is 65 - 70 characters such as Times New Roman, Courier or Helvetica, the line spacing must be set at 1.5. the margins are: upper / lower 2,5. side: left / right 3 the writing must be on the front and back the cover is in light clear cardboard.

The pages must be numbered.

Very important is the drafting of notes that must be used to provide an effective synthesis of the doctrinal opinions on the subject, avoiding burdening the text of the thesis.

Each quote from the author's thought must be reported in quotation marks and must be directly attributed to her/him.

Notes should always be composed at the foot of the page.
The numbering of notes is progressive for the entire document

The notes should be structured as follows:
a) for books:
author (pointed name, surname), title of the work (in italics), city of edition, publisher, year of publication, reference pages.
Eg C. Bottari, New organizational models for health protection, Turin, Giappichelli, 1999, pag. 36 (or p. 36 et seq. If the citation takes up several pages, or if the entire volume is cited).

In the case of works already mentioned in the discussion, it is possible to add the wording op. cit. and the indication of the pages
Ex. C. Bottari, op. cit, p. 72

In the case of texts written by several hands but edited by a single author, both the author and the editor must be mentioned as well as both titles:
Eg D. Donati, The European Union: harmonization and links in sector legislation, in M. Gola (edited by), Evolution and perspectives of tourism legislation, Rimini, Maggioli, 2002, p. 41

b) for journals:
author (Bulleted Name, Surname), title of the essay, name of the journal in which it appears, issue number, year of publication, reference pages
Ex. G.U. Rescigno, Principle of horizontal subsidiarity and social rights, in Public Law, Year VIII n. 1, 2002, p. 27. (or p. 27 et seq if the citation takes up several pages, or if the entire essay is cited).

c) for essays on web pages: author, title of the essay, web page, reference pages
Eg. G. Arena, The principle of horizontal subsidiarity in art. 118 u.c. of the Constitution on www.

In recalling the works that have been consulted, evaluative and descriptive hints of the content are appropriate, as "fundamental study in this matter is ...." "For a more in-depth analysis of the subject ..", or even just "see ..." or "see ...".

A bibliography of materials consulted is required according to the scheme:
• Volumes
• Articles
• Other material, in which the documents are inserted, the “gray material” (circulars, plans, etc.), any web pages consulted.

If the student has made extensive use of references on the net, specify them in a Sitography section.

The indication of the bibliography must be sorted alphabetically by author for all the material, and author by author in chronological order.
Cassese S, consulted work ...
Gola M.,     consulted work ...

The laws and norms must be quoted according to the following criteria:
In the first quote, the full details
E.g .: law 14 December 2000, n. 376 (and not law no. 376 of 14 December 2000)

In the following quotations, in abbreviated form
Eg: law n. 376 of 2000 or l. 376 of 2000.

It is not necessary to mention the title of the law or the placement in the official gazette in the discussion.

In the event that the article or paragraph of a regulatory text is also cited, the following formula must be used:
art. 22, paragraph 2, of law no. 376 of 2000

Any letter of an article must be written in italics: for example, art. 3, paragraph 4, lett. b) of the law.
For the writing of the thesis it is recommended to read the following text: in the attachments section.

If original material or specific documentation has been used, the inclusion of such materials and documents as an attachment at the end of the work, in the appendix, is allowed.
It is absolutely not recommended to attach material that is widely known or easy to find.