Foto del docente

Daniele Donati

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: GIUR-06/A Administrative and Public Law

Curriculum vitae


Associated Professor in Administrative Law at the University of Bologna, where since 2001 he teaches in several graduate and postgraduate courses, Masters, PhD and Specialization Schools different subjects in the field of Public Law (Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Communication and Media Law, Legal studies on Arts and Culture).



His main research topics have been

  • Arts, Culture and law systems;
  • The reform of metropolitan and local authorities;
  • Welfare and Health care system, with specific focus on citizen rights;
  • Transparency Principle and juridical topics related to communication and ICT;
  • Subsidiarity Principle and Civic Participation.

He took part in several national and international research projects since 2005.

Among them:

  • Cohesion and innovation at the time of the economic crisis;
  • Federalism as a method of government;
  • Legal regulation of information and transparency in the protection of savings;
  • Public ethics and interests. Rules, control, responsibilities;
  • Principle of democracy, transparency and public administration.

He has been a speaker at several conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad (in particular in USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Greece). Between 2015 and 2017 he has been a speaker at various seminars organized bylocal, metropolitan and provincial authorities about: stretegic planning;Transparency Principle; Subsidiarity Principle.



Abroad, he has worked and taught at


  • University College of London, and Institute for Advanced Legal Studies in May 2018 and May 2019, for the Staff Exchange Program, Erasmus
  • Université Panthéon Sorbonne - Paris 1, Paris (F), from October 18th to 26th, 2015, for the Staff Exchange Program, Erasmus
  • University of Virginia (USA) September/October 2010, as Distinguished International Fellow
  • CERSA, Centre d’Études et de Recherches de Science Administrative, Université Panthéon-Assas -Paris 2 e Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS, Paris (F) from April to May, 2006
  • London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Law Governance and International Relations, London (UK) giugno 1997, with specific interest for the Constitutional systems of Maghreb area

Furthermore, for his research work he keeps several contacts and exchanges with universities in Europe, United States, Tunisia and Morocco.

In 2015 he has started a cooperation between University of Bologna and the newly established chair of Islamic Studies of Université Panthéon Sorbonne - Paris 1, with prof. Eric Vallet, for the implementation of international exchanges and research in this field of studies.

Since 2010, he is

  • Distinguished International Fellow at the University of Virginia (USA)
  • Member of the Editorial Committee of Politische Italien-Forschung (PIFO) of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen (Germany)

Since 2019, he is 

  • Member of the Edorial Committee of Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental (Spain)



He is

  • President of the Library system of the Municipality of Bologna;
  • President of the Scientific Committee for the Strategic Plan of Bologna metropolitan area;
  • Member of the Administration Board of the society “Museo per la Città . Genus Bononiae”
  • Member of ASTRID Foundation (Foundation for the analysis, studies and research on the reform of democratic institutions and on the innovation in public administrations)
  • Member of Scientific Committee of the online journal LabSus – Laboratorio per la Sussidiarietà.

As a consultant, he works for the Italian Government and several regional and local authorities.

Currently he is involved in the process for

  • the national reform of metropolitan cities
  • strategic planning of larger areas 


Member of the Scientific Commitee for the PhD in Sanità Pubblica e Medicina del Lavoro from 2005 to 2010

Vice President of the course in Communication Sciences from 2006 to 2012

Member of the Scientific Commitee of Interdipartimental Center on Islamic Sciences (CISDI) of University of Bologna from 2011 to 2013

Member of the executive body of the Department of Philosophy and Communication sciences from 2012 to 2015

Director of Journalism School and Master in in Journalism of University of Bologna from 2011 to 2015.

Member of the Scientific Council SportComLab - Center for Studies and Researches on Communication and Sport of the Department of Education Sciences  - University of Bologna

Member of Center for Advanced Studies on Consumers and Communication  of University of Bologna from 2014 / present 

Member of the Scientific Commitee of the Center for Islamic Studies, University of Bologna, from july 2016 / present





Apart his book on The subsidiarity paradigm, published with Il Mulino in 2013, he is the author pf a popular textbook on Health and Welfare system for legal studies (2014), and more than 50 essays published in collective works, Italian and foreign journals (see specific section)