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Daniela Memmo

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies


She is primarily interested in obligations and contracts and published a monograph on Linguistic declaration and contractual communication(Cedam, Padova, 1990) and several essays on negligent and innocent misrepresentation. She is currently studying in depth new techniques of contract conclusion, with a special focus on on-line contracts and distance sale contracts. Since 1985 she also studying the contracts of the public authority and she published a monographic casebook titled, Private law in public authority's contracts (Cedam, Padova, 1999). About contracts agreement, both concerning on-line contracts and contracts between customers and the public authority, she recently published the monograph  The consense in contracts. New techniques of conclusion (Cedam, Padova 2007).

Her interest for international private law led her to approach the problems of the legal status of foreigners and of civil rights, with important topics of her current researches.


She is primarily interested in obligations and contracts and published a monograph on "Linguistic declaration and contractual communication" (Cedam, Padova, 1990) and several essays on negligent and innocent misrepresentation. She is currently studying in depth new techniques of contract conclusion, with a special focus on on-line contracts and distance sale contracts. Since 1985 she also studying the contracts of the public authority and she published a monographic casebook titled

"Private law in public authority's contracts" (Cedam, Padova, 1999). About contracts agreement, both concerning on-line contracts and contracts between customers and the public authority, she recently published the monograph “The consense in contracts. New techniques of conclusion” (Cedam, Padova 2007).


Among her fields of research, it's worth to point out the relationship between language and law as well as the problems connected with the translation of legal texts. She indeed has collaborated with the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters, publishing several essays on the association's review "The new translator". She has also personally edited the translation of previously unpublished German scholars' essays, resulting in publishing on Italian law reviews (such as Contratto e Impresa, Il diritto fallimentare, and others).


Her interest for international private law led her to approach the problems of the legal status of foreigners and of civil rights, two important topics of her current researches.


Evenually she had the chance to go into several issues related to sports law, to which she dedicated lectures at seminars (Olbia, Capri, Bologna) and essays.