Daniela Memmo , born in Lanciano (Ch) on 30 March 1957,
graduated summa cum laude in Jurisprudence, University of
Macerata in 1980. After graduation she attended for three years the
Institut fur internationales Privatrecht of Munich in Baviera
(Germany). Lawyer since 1985. She won competitive examination for
research worker in 1983 and she came on duty on following January
1984.Confirmed by the University of Macerata, in 1989 she moved to
University of Bologna.
Since 1996 is full time titular professor of civil law at
the faculty of Law of the University of Bologna.
She is also titular of teaching of private law at the faculty of
Political Sciences at University of Bologna, Laurea Magistrale
“Employment, trade, environment, social politics and services”.
She is full professor of the Specialisation School for Legal
She is also titular of an integrative teaching of Institutes of
private law at the faculty of Law, LUISS of Rome.
Since 2011 she is President of training commission of Laurea
Magistrale at the faculty of Law, University of Bologna.
Responsible for coordination of the Doctorate in Civil Law at
the faculty of law of the University of Bologna till 2011. She is a
member of teachers corpse since 1996. She is a member of both the
directive board and the scientific committee of the Doctorate
school in Legal Sciences of the University of Bologna.
She is also a founder member of the board of Contratto e
Impresa, a review established and directed by Prof. Francesco
Galgano and published by Cedam (Wolters-Kluwer group). She is a
member of the directive board of the Italian Society of studious in
Civil Law (Sisdic).
Since 2009 she is a member of the directive board of Superior
School for Science of turism at the University of Bologna,
Since 2011 Expert Peer Reviewer for Italian Scientific Evaluation (REPRISE -Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation).