Foto del docente

Daniela Iorio

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

- J. Ham, D. Iorio, M. Sovinski “Caught in the Bulimic Trap?: Persistence and State Dependence of Bulimia Among Young Women,” Journal of Human Resources, 48(3), 2013.

- A. Gandhi, D. Iorio, C. Urban. “Negative Advertising and Political Competition,” forthcoming The Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.

Winner of the 2016 Oliver E. Williamson Prize for Best Article in JLEO

- J. Ham, D. Iorio, M. Sovinski“- The Incidence of Bulimia Among Social Classes,” Economics Letters, 136, 2015.

- “Earnings Mobility: an Empirical Analysis for the US” Rivista di Politica Economica, 2001.

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