Foto del docente

Daniela Francia

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-03/B Design Methods for Industrial Engineering


Conventional and not conventional Optimization Methods  

Design and Manufacturing innovative Methods

Numerical and experimental analisys of bio-mechanical components.

Interaction Methods and Virtual Reality Applications

Conventional and non- Conventional Optimization Methods

The main activity is focused on the study and application of optimization methods aimed to the optimal solution of single and multi-objective functions, by means of solution algorithms based on natural Evolution, on Shape Similarity and Fuzzy Logic.

Manufacturing-cycle optimization, based on the combination of conventional algorithms with heuristic methods such as genetic algorithms and Shape Similarity techniques.

Virtual modeling to predict the mechanical behavior of products, validated by experimental analysis based on strain gauge.

Innovative methodologies are investigated in order to optimize the disassembly (DfD) of products directed to a non-automated production.

Ecologic composite materials, made of eco-resin matrix and natural fibers, are tested and characterized.

The focus research activities are centred on innovative design methodologies like QFD, TRIZ, Design for Assembly, Design for Disassembly, Design for Additive Manufacturing, Design for Six Sigma, Bench Marking.

Modeling and Simulation of Innovative Architectures for Hybrid and Diesel  Propulsion Systems

This theme, which began during the thesis and developed during the PhD research, concerns studies for the tranformation of common rail diesel engines for their use on aircraft for general aviation, in the small-middle class. The study also extends to hybrid solutions aimed at achieving  power / weight optimum.

Virtual models for interaction methods in industrial engineering

Development of applications based on mixed reality (virtual reality and augmented reality) for the positioning and visualization of objects in a fixed space. The communication between multiple detection systems uses client-server architecture based on the wireless connection.

Virtual Reality application on education and training, developping virtual manuals.