Foto del docente

Cristiana Bragalli

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-01/B Hydrology and Hydraulic and Maritime Structures

Curriculum vitae


Enrolled as Associate professor of DICAM - University of Bologna as of September 20, 2021, and before as an tenured Assistant professor (since March 1, 2011) of the same Department.

Scientific director of the Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering – LIDR at the Department DICAM- University of Bologna.


Post-Doctoral fellowship, 2007- 2009. University of Bologna (Italy). Ph.D in Water Engineering, 2002, Polytechnic of Milan (Italy). Masters Degree with honors in Civil Engineering, 1997, University of Bologna (Italy).


 Research themes include application of optimization algorithms to the design and operation of water distribution networks; design and management of district meter areas in water distribution networks; issues related to evaluation and reduction of water losses, water and energy efficiency and water-energy relationship in pressure systems; pressure control on the network; management of water systems under water scarcity conditions; the application of smart technologies to pressurized networks; hydropower generation by pressurized networks and run-of-the river; the management of pressure irrigation systems; application of indicators to the assessment of the technical quality of water distribution systems.

Associate Editor of the IWA journal Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. Reviewer for several international leading journals in the fields of hydrology and water resources management (Journal of Hydroinformatics and Environmental Modelling & Software, edit by Elsevier; Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, edit by ASCE; Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA edita da IWA).

Assistant researcher in National and European research projects:

H2020-EU.2.1.1 – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadeirship in enabling and industrial technologies – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) SWAMP – Smart Water Management Platform (2017-2020).

MIUR SMART WATERTECH - Smart Community for Development and Application of Technologies of Monitoring and Control Systems for Innovative Service Integrated Water (2014 – 2016).


LIFE08/INF/IT/000308 “WATACLIC - WATER AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE. Sustainable water management in urban areas” (2010-2012).

FP7-ENV-2010 TRUST - Transactions to the Urban Water Services of Tomorrow (2011-2015).



Supervisor or Co-Supervisor of over 70 Degree thesis and two PhD Thesis in Hydraulic Engineering. Professor of Advanced Hydrosystem Engineering (Module 1, 3 ECTS) of the Master of Science in Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering and Architecture of University of Bologna.

Professor of Urban Water Systems (Module 1, 4.5 ECTS) and Hydraulic systems (Module 1 - Hydropower generation, 4 ECTS) for the Masters Degree in Ingegneria Civile (Civil Engineering) at University of Bologna.



In 2002, visiting at University of Exeter (UK), on the theme: "New Ideas for Multi-objective Optimization of Water Distribution Systems", coordinated by Prof. Godfry A. Walters and Professor Dragan Savic, Centre for Water Systems, School of Eng., Maths & Computing (SECAM).

Taught in a series of master classes for Latin American engineers titled: “Design of river engineering works and structural/non-structural measures for the prevention of hydro-geological disasters” in various editions from 2004 to 2008 (sponsored by IILA - Italo-Latin American Institute, through the Italian Department of Foreign Affairs; held at University of Bologna).

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