Foto del docente

Cristian Balducci

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: M-PSI/06 Work and Organizational Psychology


Burholt V.; Windle G.; Ferring D.; Balducci C.; Fagerström C.; Thissen F.; Weber G.; Wenger G. C., Reliability and validity of the older Americans resources and services (Oars) social resources scale in six European countries, «JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES», 2007, 62B(6), pp. S371 - S379 [Scientific article]

McKee K.; Balducci C.; Krevers B.; Mnich E.; Prouskas C.; Wojszel B., The EUROFAMCARE Common Assessment Tool (CAT): Item and scale development and description, in: EUROFAMCARE: TEUSURE – Trans-EUropean SUrvey REport, HAMBURG, University of Hamburg, 2006, pp. 41 - 63 [Chapter or essay]

Mnich E.; Balducci C.; Krevers B.; McKee K.; Prouskas K.; Wojszel B., Typology of caregiving situations in Europe: A cluster analysis approach, in: EUROFAMCARE: TEUSURE – Trans-EUropean SUrvey REport, HAMBURG, University of Hamburg, 2006, pp. 127 - 143 [Chapter or essay]

Balducci C.; De Fabritis P.; Bedford N.; Monero D.; Peacey V., Il ruolo delle informazioni configurali nella percezione del volto umano, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA», 2004, 31(2), pp. 335 - 351 [Scientific article]

Ferring D.; Balducci C.; Burholt V.; Wenger C.; Thissen F.; Weber G.; Hallberg I., Life satisfaction of older people in six European countries: Findings from the European study on adult well-being, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGEING», 2004, 1(1), pp. 15 - 25 [Scientific article]

Favretto G.; Balducci C.; Sartori R.; Bortolani E., Mobbing e attribuzioni di colpa, «RISORSA UOMO», 2004, 2-3, pp. 173 - 194 [Scientific article]

Windle G.; Woods B.; Balducci C.; Weber G., Profiles of Psychological Efficacy: Resources in Old Age, in: Proceedings of the International Sociological Association (ISA) meeting: Ageing Societies and Ageing Sociology: Diversity and Change in a Global World, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 73 - 73 (atti di: International Sociological Association (ISA) meeting: Ageing Societies and Ageing Sociology: Diversity and Change in a Global World, Roehampton (UK), 7-9 settembre 2004) [Abstract]