Foto del docente

Corrado Caruso

Associate Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: IUS/08 Constitutional Law

Curriculum vitae

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Curriculum Studiorum

Corrado Caruso

Date of birth: June 26th, 1983

Citizenship: Italian (European)

e-mail address:;


  • Current position

    2019-present Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna

    Associate Professor of Constitutional of Law

  • Other affiliations

    2021-present Italian Association of Constitutional Lawyers

    Member of the executive board

    2021-present Regional Affair Minister, Italian Government

    Member of the research&advisory commission on constitutional judgments between regional governments and central government

    2021-present Council for Statutory Guarantee of the Regione Emilia-Romagna (advisory institution in charge to guarantee the Italian Constitution and the Emilia-Romagna Fundamental Chart – “so called: Statuto regionale” – against their violations brought by regional law proposals)


    2020-present Alma Mater Research Center for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, University of Bologna


    2017-present ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law


    2018-present Gruppo di Pisa Constitutional Lawyer Association


  • Academic qualifications and previous positions

    2017-2021 Italian Constitutional Court

    Law Clerk

    2020 National Scientific Qualification (“Abilitazione scientifica nazionale”.)

    Full Professor

    2019 National School for Judicial Training (“Scuola Superiore della Magistratura”)

    Professor, module coordinator

    2016-2019 Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna

    Assistant Professor

    2014-2016 Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies, University of Milan Post-doctoral researcher

    2014 National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione scientifica nazionale”)

    Associate Professor

    2011-2014 Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna

    Post-doctoral researcher

    2008-2011 Department of Legal studies, University of Bologna

    Ph.D. in Constitutional Law

    2010 (spring term) Yale Law School

    Visiting researcher

    2011 Bologna District Court

    Admitted to the Bar

  • Education & Training training

    2010-2011 Italian Constitutional Court


    2004-2007 Master of Law, University of Bologna

    2006 Faculty of Law, University of Paris Panthéon Sorbonne

    Erasmus Student

    2001-2004 Bachelor of Laws, University of Bologna

  • Awards and scholarships

    2016 Italian National Agency For The Evaluation Of Universities And Research Institutes

    Award for the annual research productivity

    2013 Quaderni costituzionali, Journal of Constitutional Studies

    Best article

    2010 Marco Polo Scholarship, University of Bologna

    2008-2011 Ph.D. Scholarship, University of Bologna

    2016 Erasmus Scholarship, University of Bologna

  • Legal Journals editorial boards

    2021-present Member of the Osservatorio AIC (Italian Association of Constitutional Lawyers) editorial board

    2020-present Member of the Quaderni costituzionali editorial board

    2019-present Member of the Giustizia insieme scientific committee

    2018-present Director of the Monitore della giurisprudenza costituzionale (section of the law

    journal Forum di Quaderni costituzionale on the Constitutional Court case law)

    2016-present Member of the Diritti regionali editorial board

  • Research projects

    2019-2020 P.I. of the project, funded by the University of Bologna Institute of Advanced Studies, Internet and the identity trilogy (about the impact of Internet on personal, cultural and political identity)

    2019-2020 Member of the National Project, funded by the Italian Ministery of the Research (P.R.I.N.), “Where is Europe going? Perspectives on the european federalizing process”

    2017-2020 P.I. of the Alma Idea project, funded by the University of Bologna, on Governing numbers: economic indicators and the budget decision in the Constitutional State

    2016-2019 Member of the Research Project on Protección de las minorías frente a los discursos del odio. La construcción multidisciplinar de la tolerancia desde el Derecho penal a las políticas públicas (“The protection of minorities against hate speech. Tolerance building from crime law to public policies”), promoted by the Loyola Univiersity in Sevilla (Spain), and funded by the Spanish Ministery of the Research;

    2015-2018 Member of the Jean Monet Module on Mobility, Security and the New Media, promoted by the University of Palermo and funded by the European Union Commission

    2012-2014 Member of the National Project, funded by the Italian Ministery of the Research (P.R.I.N.), “La costituzione finanziaria. La decisione di bilancio dello Stato, tra vincoli europei e coordinamento delle politiche di governo territoriale (“The financial constitution: the State budgetary process between EU constraints and coordination of local government policies”);

    2012-2013 Member of the research project on La sicurezza urbana e il ruolo delle autonomie locali (“Urban safety and the role of the local governments”) and funded by the National Association of Police Officers (ANFP);

    2011-2012 Member of the Research Project on La qualità della legislazione regionale (“The quality of the regional legislation”), funded and promoted by the Camera dei deputati (Italian House of Representative);

  • Teaching experience

    2016-present: University of Bologna, School of Law (Bologna and Ravenna Campus)

    Professor in Constitutional Law, Fundamental rights, Constitutional Justice, Regional Law, Public Security Law.

  • Publications

About 80 publications since 2008, including seven books (two monographs) and several essays in A-class journals (highest rank in the classification established in 2012 by the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes).

Publications in English

Majority (forthcoming), entry for the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, Oxford University Press (2022);

Governing with numbers. Economic indicators and the budget decision in the constitutional state (with M. Morvillo, eds.), Bologna, il Mulino, 2020, 1-393;

Halving the “Italicum”: The Italian Constitutional Court and the Reform of the Electoral System (with M. Goldon), in VerfBlog, 2017/2/28 (;

Procedural Strengths, Political Weaknesses? Transparency and Parliamentary Oversight in TTIP Negotiations (with M. Morvillo), in Rivista AIC, 4/2016, 1-24;

Economic governance and budgetary rules in the European context: a call for a new European constitutionalism (with M. Morvillo), in Il Diritto dell'Unione Europea, 4/2014, 699-731.

Publications in Spanish

El “lugar” de la interpretación conforme con el cedh en el ordenamiento italiano, in Anales de Derecho, Número especial: El TEDH en su sesenta aniversario (2020), Universidad de Murcia, 1-22;

El Hate speech en Estrasburgo. El pluralismo militante del sistema convencional, in L. Alonso, V.

Vazquez (eds), Sobre la liertad de expression y el discurso del odio, Sevilla, Athenaica, 2017, pp. 109-127;

La juridificación de la austeridad fiscal en Europa: restricciones presupuestarias dentro de la dinámica federal europea, in Derecho y critica social, 1(2), 447-504;

Main publications in Italian


La garanzia dell’unità della Repubblica. Studio sul giudizio di legittimità in via principale

(“Securing the republican unity. An essay on the principaliter proceeding before the Italian Constitutional Court”, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2020, 1-472 (open access, Department of Legal Studies book series);

La libertà di espressione in azione. Contributo a una teoria costituzionale del discorso pubblico

(“Freedom of speech in action. A constitutional theory of the public discourse” Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2013, 1-416 (open access, Department of Legal Studies book series);

Edited books

Grammatica del costituzionalismo (with C. Valentini, “The grammar of constitutionalism”), Bologna, il Mulino, 2021, 1-338;

Granital revisited? L'integrazione europea attraverso il diritto giurisprudenziale (with F. Medico and A. Morrone, “Granital revisited? The european integration through the judge-made law”), Bononia Univesity Press, 2020, 1-233;

Alla ricerca del metodo nel diritto pubblico. Vittorio Emanuele Orlando reloaded (with F. Cortese and S. Rossi, “Looking for the method in public law. Vittorio Emanuele Orlando reloaded”), FrancoAngeli 2020, 1-403;

Immaginare la Repubblica. Mito e attualità dell’Assemblea costituente (with F. Cortese and S. Rossi, “Imaging the Repubblic. Mith and newness of the Italian Constituent Assembly”), FrancoAngeli, 2018, 1-376;


La leale collaborazione ai tempi del judicial regionalism. Da metodo di governo a standard di

giudizio (“Sincere cooperation in times of judicial regionalism. From a method of governance to a standard of judgment”), in Quaderni costituzionali, 4/2021, 909-930;

Giustizia costituzionale (“Constitutional justice”), in C. Caruso, C. Valentini (eds.), Grammatica

del costituzionalismo (“The grammar of constitutionalism”), Bologna, il Mulino, 187-204;

Cooperare per unire. I raccordi tra Stato e Regioni come metafora del regionalismo incompiuto (“Cooperate to unite. The connections between the State and the Regions as a metaphor for the italian unaccomplished regionalism”), in M. Cosulich (ed.), Il regionalismo italiano alla prova delle differenziazioni, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 303-341;

I custodi di silicio. Protezione della democrazia e libertà di espressione nell’era dei social network

(“The silicon keeper. Protection of the democracy and freedom of speech in the social network age”) in Consulta online, 2020, 1-12;

Granital reloaded. La precisazione nell' "integrazione" attraverso i conflitti (“Granital reloaded. The ‘clarification’ in the integration by conflicts”, in C. Caruso, F. Medico, A. Morrone (eds.), Granital revisited. L'integrazione europea attraverso il diritto giurisprudenziale (“Granital revisited? The european integration through the judge-made law”, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2020, 29-


Il "posto" dell'interpretazione conforme alla Cedu (“The place of the ECHR conforming interpretation”), in Giurisprudenza costituzionale, 4/2018, 1985-2000;

Le prospettive di riforma dell’Unione economico-monetaria e il mito dell’unità politica europea (“The reform perspectives of the EMU and the myth of political unity”), in Rivista di diritti comparati, 1/2018, 90-131;

Art. 20. Eguaglianza davanti alla legge (with A. Morrone), in Carta dei diritti fondamentali

dell'Unione europea, Milano, Giuffrè, 2017, 386-411 (“Art. 20. Equality before the law”, Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union);

Vincoli di bilancio e dinamica federale europea: itinerari di una comparazione (“Budget

constraints and european federal dynamic: comparative itineraries”), research paper for the Centro

Studi sul Federalismo, 1-30 ( and in

Forum di Quaderni costituzionali, Rassegna n. 7/2015 (, 1-30;

Dignità degli “altri” e spazi di libertà degli “intolleranti”. Per una rilettura dell'art. 21 Cost.

(“Dignity of the others and freedom spacs for the intolerants. A new reading of art. 21 of the

Const.”), in Quaderni costituzionali, 4/2013, 795-821.