Foto del docente

Claudio Trombini

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Curriculum vitae



Claudio Trombini, full professor retired in Nov. 2020, is currently Alma Mater Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna as member of the teaching staff of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Chemical Innovation and Regulation.

The mission of his lab has been to educate students in the field of organic synthesis, with special attention to the solution of environmental and biological problems.


- He studied chemistry at the University of Bologna where he received his degree in chemistry cum laude in 1973 under the supervision of Angelo G. Giumanini, working on Stevens and Sommelet rearrangements in heterobenzyl quaternary ammonium ions.

 - In 1974-75, he spent 18 months as an EURATOM fellow with Sergio Facchetti at the EURATOM Joint Research Centre of Ispra (Italy), where he was involved in the synthesis and mass spectrometry studies of organomercury compounds.

- In 1975 he joined the Achille Umani-Ronchi group and worked at the University of Bologna as an Italian CNR fellow up to 1979, carrying out research activity in the field of organic synthesis. His main interest focused in the development of new reduction protocols using the lamellar compound potassium-graphite and in the preparation of highly dispersed metals on graphite and their use as heterogeneous catalysts or reagents in organic synthesis.

- In 1979 he was appointed as Lecturer at the Faculty of  Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Bologna.

- In 1985 he was appointed as Associate Professor.

- In 1990 he moved part of his teaching duties and research activities at the campus of Ravenna of the University of Bologna, where he taught Organic Chemistry to the bachelor students of Environmental Sciences. In Ravenna he co-founded the lab of environmental chemistry, where he carried out studies on (i) the biogeochemical cycle of mercury in an industrially polluted coastal wetland, (ii) the development of new analytical protocols for mercury speciation, and (iii) the monitoring of airborne fine particulate matter in industrial and urban environments and on its organic component.

- In 1994 he was promoted to Full Professor of Organic Chemistry.

- From 1994 to 2003 he also taught Organic Synthesis to the students of the Master Course in Chemistry at the University of Bologna.

- In 2003 he moved back to Bologna, and since 2007 he has served as Chairman of the Master's Course in Chemistry, where he has been responsible of the course of Organic Synthesis.

Professional, Organization and Administrative Positions

- From 1995 to 1996 he represented the Dean of the Faculty of  Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Bologna at the campus of Ravenna.

- From 1996 to 1998 he was member of the Organizing Committee of the Corbella Summer School of Organic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society, yearly held in Gargnano.

- From 1997 to 1999 he was appointed Director of Administrative Center of the Ravenna campus.

- From 1997 to 2002 he was Chairman of the Doctorate School of Environmental Sciences: Preservation and Management of the Natural Resources, of the University of Bologna.

- In 2001 he was Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd Italian German Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Ravenna, 30/03 - 01/04/2001.

- From 2003 to 2013 he was member of the teaching staff of the Doctorate School of Chemical Sciences of the University of Bologna.

- From 2009 to 2018 he has been member of the Scientific Committee of the Ischia Advanced School in Organic Chemistry (IASOC) organized by the Italian Chemical Society.

- From 2007 to 2013 he was Chairman of the Master degree in Chemistry of the University of Bologna.

- Since 2010 he ha been member of the International Advisory Board of CHEMCATCHEM.

- In the period 2011-2014 he was member of the management committee  of COST Action CM905-Organocatalysis (ORCA). 

- In 2012-2014 he was coordinator of a "great relevance bilateral project" with India and funded by the Italian Foreign Office entitled: Design and Synthesis of new antimalarial molecules. 

- Frm 2010 to 2015 period he has been visiting professor at the Universities of Pune (India), Algarve (P), Friburg (CH), Goettingen (D), and Barcelona (E).

- In 2015 he co-organized the the XXXVI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della Società Chimica Italiana (13-17 Sep. 2015, Bologna).


- In 2012 he received the GICO senior Prize from the Interdivisional Group of Organometallic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society.

- In 2013 he received the PINO medal from the Division of Organic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society.

- In 2013 he has been elected as a fellow of the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna.

Scientific Interests

The expertise in applied organic chemistry and sustainable approaches to organic synthesis is now focused on the following topics:

1) Development of new catalysts and experimental protocols in asymmetric organocatalysis and stereo-controlled organometallic catalysis.

2) Synthesis of bioactive molecules, in particular of new antimalarial hits.

3) Synthesis of sensors for bioanalytical applications.

4) Use of graphite  as support for catalytically active metal species.

Bibliometric data (SCOPUS): 162 pubblications, h index = 40, more than 4800 citations.

Total number of publications 193, that include 4 patents, 7 chapters of books and 1 book.