Foto del docente

Clarissa Ricci

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento delle Arti



Editor in chief

OBOE Journal, On Biennials and Other Exhibitions

[link to OBOE Journal]

Editorial team (comitato di redazione)

Venezia Arti 

[link to Venezia Arti]


Books (author) 

  • APERTO, 1980-1993. La mostra dei giovani artisti della Biennale di Venezia, Postmedia Books, 2022 [isbn 9788874903375]

Books (editor)

  • Art, Market and Agency at the Venice Biennale, 1895-1993. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Special Issue, Vol 24, No. 4, 2021 [link]
  • Double Trouble in Exhibiting the Contemporary: Art Fairs and Shows
    (with C. Baldacci e A. Vettese), Scalpendi Editore, 2020
  • Quando è scultura, (with C. Baldacci) Et. al. Edizioni, 2010
  • Starting from Venice. Studies on the Biennale, Et. al. Edizioni, 2010


Essays (Journals) - selection - 

  • “Passage to the Orient (1993). Re-assessing the Role of the “Orient” as “Avant-garde” during the Rise of Globalisation” in World Art, vol. 13, issue 1, 2023, pp. 10-124; [ link to paper ]

  • “The Atlas as Method: The Museum in the Age of Image Distribution”, in DigitCult / Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, vol. 7, issue 2, 2022, pp. 39-51; [ link to paper ]

  • “La coesistenza dell’arte (1993), ovvero il transnazionalismo alla prova della caduta del muro di Berlino”, in Novecento Transazionale, vol. 6, 2022, pp. 74-88; [link to paper]

  • "To sell or not to sell? Attempts at reopening the Venice Biennale’s sales office after 1973" in Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 26, n. 4, 2021, pp. 459-481 [Classe A] [link to paper]

  • Hi Tech Gondola. The Venice Biennale in an Advertisement” in Predella Journal of Visual Arts, n. 48, 2021, pp. 133-151; ISSN 1827-8655 [Classe A] [link to paper]

  • “From Obsolete to Contemporary: National Pavilions and the Venice Biennale After 1993” in Journal of Curatorial Studies, vol 9, issue 1, 2020 [link to paper]
  • “Towards a Contemporary Venice Biennale: Reassessing the Impact of the 1993 Exhibition” in OBOE Journal of Biennials and Other Exhibitions, vol.1, 2020 [link to paper]
  • “Brief History of the Venice Biennale Sales Department (1895-1972)” in Ricerche di S/Confine, Università di Parma, vol. VIII, 2017
  • “Quand la Biennale de Venise vendait les ouvres exposées” (con M. Tavinor) in Le Journal des Arts, n°491, 15 Dicembre 2017
  • “Il Museo della città di Granada: la casa de los Tiros” (The museum of the city of Granada: la casa de los Tiros) in Città & Storia, University of Roma Tre, 2008 [Classe A] 


Chapters (in volumes) - selection - 

  • “Venezia e l’arte. La Biennale a mosaico” in Ballarin M., Ruggeri D. (eds.) Venezia. Città sostenibile, Wa.Ve. 2019, Anteferma edizioni e Iuav, 2020 
  • “Between a Fair and a Biennial: Confronting the end of sales at the Venice Biennale and the beginning of the Arte Fiera in Bologna” in C. Baldacci, C. Ricci, A. Vettese (eds.), Double Trouble Exhibitions facing Fairs in Contemporary Art, Scalpendi Editore, 2020.
  • “Isamu Noguchi: Between East and West. The research of abstraction as a search for permanencein C. Baldacci, M. Bortolotti and A. Pinotti (ed) Abstraction Matters. Contemporary Sculptors in Their Own Words, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019
  • “Nomenclature” in Contemporary Research Intensive, Stenberg Press, 2018
  • “Future Anterior as the Temporal Mode of Contemporary Monuments” in Continental Breakfast, The Fragile Pedestal, Trieste Contemporanea, 2012
  • “Hans Peter Feldmann: Shadowplay” in T. Migliore (ed), Quaderni della Biennale n2, Et. al. Edizioni, 2011;
  • “Display and exhibition practice at the Venice Biennale: prolegomeni” in C. Ricci (ed.) Starting from Venice. Studies on the Biennale, Et. al. Edizioni, 2010
  • “Qui e Ora come dispositivo temporale” (Here and Now as a temporal device) in C. Ricci, C. Baldacci, (Eds.) Quando è scultura, Et. al. Edizioni, 2010



  • “ Venice Biennale” in Guide to the Art Market, Oxford University Press, (forthcoming 2024) [entry]
  • "Biennale di Venezia” in Bloomsbury Art Markets. Protagonists, Networks, Provenances (BAM), Bloomsbury Visual Arts, Londra, 2023 [ entry ]

  • “Galleria Gian Ferrari” in Bloomsbury Art Markets. Protagonists, Networks, Provenances (BAM), Bloomsbury Visual Arts, Londra, 2023 [ entry ]

    • “ Venice Biennale” in Grove Art Dictionary, online, Oxford University Press, 2018 [ entry ]


    For Further Reading 

    Clarissa Ricci on Researchgate

    Clarissa Ricci on Academia


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