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Clarissa Ricci

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento delle Arti

Nota biografica

Clarissa Ricci’s research focuses on the history of exhibitions, biennials, fairs, markets, and contemporaneity. She is the Deputy Editor and founder of the academic journal OBOE. On Biennials and Other Exhibitions.

She was a recipient of the Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art (2019–2020), and previously, she was entrusted by Iuav University in Venice (2017–2019) with researching the foundation of Arte Fiera. Moreover, she was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York City and was awarded a Library Research Grant by the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. She is the author of Aperto 1980-1993. La mostra dei giovani artisti alla Biennale di Venezia (2022) and editor of many volumes, such as the one on the Venice Biennale entitled Starting from Venice. Studies on the Biennale (2011), and Double Trouble in Exhibiting the Contemporary: Art Fairs and Shows (2020). She has published numerous essays in the Journal of Curatorial Studies, World Art, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, La Diana, Predella, and many others. She has collaborated with many institutions and assisted in field research for the British Council and ICR.


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