Foto del docente

Clarissa Ricci

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento delle Arti

Curriculum vitae




PH.D. in Theories and History of Arts. School of Advanced Studies in Venice (SSAV), Cà Foscari University/Iuav University, Venice, Italy:Thesis: Venice Biennale from 1993 to 2003. The Exhibition as platform. Advisor: Prof. Angela Vettese


Visiting Scholar Columbia University, New York. Seminar participation: Contemporaneity and contemporary Art (Prof. Alexander Alberro)


Bachelor of Arts in History of Contemporary Art University La Sapienza, Rome. Thesis: Utopia, Identity and Relational Aesthetics from the documenta X to the 50th Venice Biennale. Advisor: Prof. Silvia Bordini




Adjunct Professor, Università di Bologna, Department of the Arts, Graduate Courses: “The System of Contemporary Art” (AMaC, Art Museology and Curatorship Degree) ; “Avanguardie e Neo-avanguardie (Visual Art Degree)


Getty/ACLS postdoctoral fellow in Art History.
Project: Shifting Platforms: The Venice Biennale and the Formation of the Contemporary Art System


Post doctoral fellow, Iuav University in Venice: Postdoctoral research project: Relazioni Arte Contemporanea e mercato con specifico interesse al Caso Arte Fiera di Bologna


Post doctoral fellow, Iuav University in Venice: Postdoctoral research project: Relazioni Arte Contemporanea e mercato con specifico interesse al Caso Arte Fiera di Bologna




“Venezia il più bel mercato del mondo”: le politiche commerciali della Biennale di Venezia, at le Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia, nell’ambito di Progetto Rialto “Lezioni della Storia: il mercato dell’arte, l’arte del mercato”, April 18, 2023.


Situating the Venice Biennale. Format, Market and Contemporaneity,  Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, lecture organized by prof. Marina Griznic, March 13, 2023. 


After Bodies. lecture part of the series “The Exposed Body” at the Scuola di Dottorato, Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice, Palazzo Badoer, November 8, 2022.


Arte Fiera in the 70s, or did the Art Fair System develop after the Closure of the Venice Biennale Sales Department? Ringvorlesung, Kunstmessen-Kunstmarkt / Art Fairs-Art Market, Universität zu Köln, January 9, 2020.


Becoming Contemporary: The Venice Biennale and the Market, Istituto de História de Arte (IHA) Faculdade de Ciência Sociais e Humana, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, November 25, 2019.




Adjunct Professor, Università di Bologna, Department of the Arts. Courses: “The System of Contemporary Art” (English) ; “Avanguardie e Neo-avanguardie (Italian)


Biennials and Biennale. The expanding phenomenon of international large scale exhibitions, seminar as part of the course of Angela Vettese at Iuav University in Venice


From Michelangelo to Picasso, course, CLIL Storia dell’arte at Istituto Comprensivo Magnaghi, Salsomaggiore (PR)


Arte e territorio: la Biennale Syndrome, lessons, Master MUMAT, Investment, Tourism and Culture, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza


Teaching Assistant of prof. Agnes Kohlmeyer at Iuav Universivty in Venicecourse: Tendenze dell’ Arte Contemporanea



2022 - ongoing Part of the research group BITes (Biennale di Venezia. Storia e Teorie) at Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto, Università Iuav di Venezia coordinated by Francesca Castellani.

2019 - ongoing. Founder and Editor, OBOE. On Biennials and Other Exhibitions, published in OJS, with a double-blind peer review process

2019- Part of the research group LABIM Laboratorio di Teoria delle Immagini (Universitá Iuav di Venezia), coordinated by Angela Mengoni.

2019 - Library Research Grant, Getty Research Institute (GRI) Los Angeles, Project: The Recipe for Success: Willi Bongard’s Algorithm for the Art Market

2018 - Ongoing member of CAA, College Art Association

2018 - Research Group: “Contemporary Condition research project & Contemporary Aesthetics and Technology research programme” organised by Aarhus University, & Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool John Moores University

2017 - Ongoing member of TIAMSA, The International Art Market Association

2008 - 2009 - Research Group: Fare Mostre per Fare Storia - Venice Biennale Study Group, Iuav University in Venice



Chair: The Place of Art. The Re-definition of the Exhibition Format in the 70s, CAA 107th Annual Conference, New York, February 16, 2019

Chair: Share and Connect: Datamodeling for the Art Market, TIAMSA Meeting, with Sandra Van Ginhoven) at CAA 107th Annual Conference, New York, February 15, 2019

Organizer and Chair: Between Exhibition and Fair: Entre chien et loup, Università degli Studi di Bologna and Iuav University in Venice, Bologna, February 2-3, 2018

Chair: Display: Exhibition practice at the Venice Biennale at “Starting From Venice”, Ex-convento delle Terese, Fare Mostre per Fare Storia- Venice Biennale Study group, Iuav University, Venice, October 5, 2009

Chair and Organiser: PhD.ars /Conference: Fare Storia6. When is Sculpture, Scuola di Dottorato, Iuav University, in collaboration with École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Venice, December 11-13, 2008



Museum as a Sticker, "Andere Museen ‒ Imaginationen in Comic, Film und Video // Altri Musei: immaginari e immaginazioni del museo nei fumetti, nel cinema e nei video”, organized by Henry Kaap Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Eike Schmid, director of Gallerie degli Uffizi, Villa Vigoni, Como, July 17-20, 2023.

Becoming Contemporary: Venice Biennale and the Institutionalization of the “New”, International Conference “Novi horizonti: generacije, umetnost in teme prihodnosti/New Horizons: Generations, Art and Themes of the Future”, Galeriji Monfort, Portorose (Slovenia) organized by Mara Ambrosič, October 21-22, 2022

Feminine Futures, Panel “Curating from feminist perspectives”, nell’ambito di Meetings on Art alla 59. Esposizione Internazionale di Venezia, lectures in honor of Leonora Carrington at Teatro piccolo dell’Arsenale, Venice, June 11, 2022

Museum in the Age of Image Distribution. Re-visiting Exhibition Strategies in Pandemic Times, “OPEN ARTS. New Audiovisual Scenarios for the Circulation of the Arts” Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Centro La Soffitta, DAMSLab, Ministero della Cultura, Universidad de Murcia, IULM University, Milan, April 20-21, 2021

The Biennale paradox. Art Market in the 70s, “Exhibition (and) History”, Bibliotheca Hertziana- Max Planck Institute for art History, Rome, December 6-7, 2018 

The Legitimation Knot: Shaping Contemporary Art through Exhibition Platforms, Symposium “Art and the Contemporary’ University of Surrey, Guilford, November 9, 2018

The Production of Art in the Age of Political Practice. Venice Biennale 1970, “Art for the People? Questioning Democratization of the Art Market”, TIAMSA Conference, Vienna, September 27-29, 2018

Documenting the Change. Exhibitions as evidence. Italian Art Fair in the 70s, “Documents, Documenter, Documentaire,” Iuav University in Venice in collaboration with labdoc – UOAM. Technès –Université de Montréal, Concordia University, Université catholique de Louvain, March 6, 2018

Building Platforms for Legitimacy: Bologna Art Fair in the 1970s, CAA College Art Association’s 106th Annual Conference, Los Angeles, United States, February 21-24, 2018

1993: Revisioning the Role of National Pavilions, “The Politics of Display: Collateral Events and Pavilions at the Venice Biennale”, Symposium, EU-LAC- MUSEUMS, University of Saint Andrews, Upper College Hall, November 24, 2017

Marketing contemporaneity in the 70s, “Contemporary Research Intensive”, Organized by The Contemporary Condition research project & Contemporary Aesthetics and Technology research programme, Aarhus University, & Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool John Moores University, in partnership Venice Faculty for Arts and Design, University of Architecture Iuav, Uniarts Helsinki and the Research Pavilion, Venice, October 3, 2017

At the Origins of Art Fairs: The Venice Sales Department after WWII, “The Art Fair”, The 2017 TIAMSA Conference, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, July 13-15, 2017

Tra mercato e Governance. L’ufficio Vendite della Biennale di Venezia, “London at Venice. La Biennale e il Mercato, la Biennale come Mercato”, Cà Foscari, Venice, Italy, May 13, 2016

To sell or not to sell. Attempts at reopening the Sales Bureau, “The Venice Biennale and the Art Market”, London, IESA; Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London, United Kingdom, February 3-5, 2016

1993. La Biennale a mosaico, “confrontARSi, Giornata di Studi sulla Biennale di Venezia”, a cura di Francesca Castellani, Chiara Di Stefano - Dentro e fuori dai Giardini - Ricerche attorno alla Biennale di Venezia, Cà Foscari, Venice, Italy, May 14, 2014

Isamu Noguchi: Between East and West.The research of abstraction as a search for permanence, “Pensare la scultura astratta. La scultura del XX secolo nella riflessione dei suoi protagonisti”, Study Day, G, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, November 6, 2013


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