Foto del docente

Cinzia Bevitori

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics

Curriculum vitae


2015 to present
Associate Professor
English Language and Linguistics

Senior Researcher and Lecturer
English Language and Linguistics Università di Bologna,
Alma-Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì

Research Assistant - English Language and Linguistics
Università di Bologna, Dipartimento Studi Interdisciplinari Traduzione, Lingue e Culture (SITLeC),
Facoltà di Scienze Politiche sede di Forlì


2022-to present

Analysis of Political Language
University of Bologna, Dept of Political and Social Sciences
LM - Second Cycle Degree Programme - International Relations and Diplomatic affairs (LM-SID)

Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies
University of Bologna, Dept of Political and Social Sciences
LM - Second Cycle Degree Programme in Specialized Translation (SPEcTRA)

2008 - to present
English I and Lab - Advanced Group (G.A)
L-SID First cycle Degree Programme - International Relations and Diplomatic affairs (LT-SID)

2019/2020 - 2020/2021 - 2021/2022
Analysis of Political Language
LM-Mass Media and Politics - Dept of Political and Social Sciences
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Forlì Campus

a.a. 2008-2015
Senior Lecturer and Researcher (Tenured) English Language and Linguistics
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Forlì Campus

University of Bologna
Senior Lecturer in English Language and LinguisticsDepartment of Interdisciplinary Studies on Languages, Culture and Translation (SITLeC), Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus)

Assistant Professor in English Language and Linguistics
University of Bologna
Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus)

Researcher University of Bologna
Dipartimento Studi Interdisciplinari Traduzione Lingue e Culture (SITLeC): “Corpora and Discourse: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of political and media discourse on the conflict in Iraq in 2003” (PRIN 2004-2006)

a.a. 2002/2003; 2003/2004
Lecturer in English Language I, Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus)

a.a. 2000/2001
Lecturer in English Language and New Media
SSIS (Scuola di Specializzazione all'Insegnamento Secondario) Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna

Tutor - English Language II
Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus)

a.a. 2001/2002;2000/2001;1999/2000;1998/1999
Tutor - English Language I
Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus)

Participation in Funded Research Projects

Horizon 2020 (2016-2020)
GLOBUS: Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice
Coordinator ARENA -University of Oslo - ARENA Centre for European Studies.
UNIBO Coordinator: Prof.ssa Sonia Lucarelli.
Funding: Research and Innovation Action, Horizon 2020, Societal Challenges 6: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies. GLOBUS

PRIN Project (PRIN 2004-2006) (funded by the Ministry of Education)
Title: “CorDis. Corpora and Discourse: a quantitative and qualitative analysis of political and media discourse on the conflict in Iraq in 2003”, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, University of Siena, LUISS

Academic Awards
2017: FFABR
Funding for basic research activities, granted by ANVUR to top 25%.


  • Bachelor's Degree (BA+MA) (Hons.) in English Language and Literature, University of Florence, 1994
  • MA in Multimedia Translation, University of Bologna-SSLMIT, a.a.1996/1997.
  • MA in English Language Teaching with a specialism in ICT and Multimedia, University of Padua, aa.2000/2001.
  • Research Fellowship: “CorDis. Corpora and Discourse: a quantitative and qualitative analysis of political and media discourse on the conflict in Iraq in 2003”, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna-SITLEC, 2003/2004
  • Qualified teacher status - AD 5 // K05B - English Language, Provveditorato agli Studi di Parma 16.05.2000
  • Summer School: Grammaticalization and Language Acquisition, International Center for semiotic and cognitive studies, Republic of S.Marino, a.a. 1999/2000.

Scientific Committees and Institutional roles

  • Member of Scientific Committee and Research Unit, Interuniversity Centre Dis-4Change: Studies on Climate Change and Environmental Discourse (since 2023)
  • Member of ALMA CLIMATE - Alma Mater Research Institute on Global Challenges and Climate Change
  • Member of Scientific Committee International Conference Clavier 2023 – Framing Nature: Discourse Past and Present of Nature and the environment. A sustainability perspective
  • Member of Scientific Committee International Systemic Functional Congress (ISFLA 2023)
  • Member of Scientific Committee 23rd European Systemic Functional Linguistics – Conference and Workshop “Permeable Contexts and Hybrid Discourses”, University Residential Centre Bertinoro of 9-11 luglio 2011.
  • Member of Scientific and Organizing Committee Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) Conference 2022 - 6th Corpora & Discourse International Conference 26 August 2022 - 28 August 2022
  • Member of PhD Committee in "Traduzione, Interpretazione and Interculturalità" (DIT)
  • Erasmus Exchange programme coordinator - University of Sussex (UK)
  • Academic Tutor (Internship -LT- SID)
  • Member of CoLiTec - Corpora, Language and Technology
  • Member of the Scientific Committee ESFL - European Systemic Functional Linguistics

  • Member of the organizing committee of several conferences (23rd European Systemic Functional Linguistics - Conference and Workshop “Permeable Contexts and Hybrid Discourses”, University Residential Centre Bertinoro of 9-11 luglio 2011, Corpora and Discourse, International Conference, University Residential Centre Bertinoro 26-28 August 2022)

International scientific journals
Member of the Editorial Board Anglistica: An Interdisciplinary Journal (A.I.O.N.) – A Rating

Corpora, journal of Corpus Linguistics, JCCads, Critical Discourse Studies, Pragmatic and Society, Text & Talk, Language, Context and Text

Membership and Affiliations
Member ISFLA (International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association)
Member of AIA (Italian Association for English Studies)
Member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English)
Member of CESLiC (Centre for Linguistic and Cultural Studies

Publications (see Publications)



Forthcoming (2024)

  • The Language of Crisis in the ‘Virocene’: A Critical Corpus-Assisted analysis of COVID-19 and Climate Change Discourse in the EU, (with K.E. Russo), Iperstoria, April 2024
  • What’s missing from climate-related human mobility across time and space? Revisiting absence in discourse, (with J.H. Johnson), April/May 2024

In preparation:

  • Language, Politics, and the Environment, to appear in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Ecolinguistics (under contract, 2025)

  • Construing Health and Disability: A diachronic critical corpus assisted investigation (with G. Bencini) to appear in Routledge, Healthcare, Language and Inclusivity (under contract 2025)

  • “Because climate change is the crisis that will stay with us”: Polycrisis in EU Discourse

  • Probing the dynamics of addressee-management in Corporate Sustainability Reports:A corpus-assisted SFL study

Selected Papers presented at Conferences (since 2005)

  • 2023 C. Bevitori & G. Bencini (Cà Foscari, Venezia), "Constructing Disability Identities: Person-first and identity-first as a case study", Paper accepted at Languaging Diversity International Conference (I-Land), Languaging indentities in changing times: challenges and opportunities, University of Turin, 14-16 December 2023
    2023 C. Bevitori & K.E Russo (L'Orientale, Naples) (Co-Convenors) Panel: Framing, Re-framing and Counter-Framing Nature and Climate Change in Discourse to Effect Change and Action, International Conference CLAVIER 2023, Framing nature: discourses past and present of nature and the environment. A sustainability perspective, University od Milan, 22-24 November 2023.
  • 2023 C. Bevitori, Jane H. Johnson, Future? Tense! : Exploring the Future in a climate change non-fiction corpus, Paper accepted at the In 12th International Corpus Linguistics conference (CL2023), University of Lancaster 3-6 July 2023
  • 2023, C. Bevitori, Jane H. Johnson, Future? Tense! : Exploring the Future in a climate change non-fiction corpus, Paper accepted at the In 12th International Corpus Linguistics conference (CL2023), University of Lancaster 3-6 July 2023
  • 2023 C. Bevitori (with K.E. Russo), Crisis as a “lesson to be learned”: Legitimation and consensus-building strategies in Covid-19 and Climate Change Discourse in the EU, Paper accepted at DNC5ALED: Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises, University of Valencia, 25-28 July 2023
  • 2023 Jane H. Johnson, Engaging with the Future. Paper accepted at PALA Conference 2023, University of Bologna, Bertinoro Reisdential Center, 12-16 July 2023
  • 2023 C. Bevitori, DR Miller, Corpus-assisted SFL Research: Exploring the dynamics of (dis)empowerment in CSR reports, Paper accepted at 48th International Systemic Functional Congress ISFC48 University of Sfax/Sousse - Tunisia 16-21 March 2023
  • 2022 C. Bevitori, K.E. Russo, The Language of Crisis in the ‘Virocene’: A Critical Corpus-Assisted analysis of COVID-19 and Climate Change Discourse in the EU, Paper delivered at International LinC International Conference The language of crisis from the pandemic to politics: forms of discourse and models of communication, Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro", 1-2 dicembre 2022.
  • 2022 C. Bevitori, J.H. Johnson, In search of climate-related human mobility across time and space: what’s missing?, Paper accepted at CADS Conf 2022 - 6th Corpora & Discourse International Conference []26 August 2022 - 28 August 2022
  • 2022 C. Bevitori, K.E.Russo, Seminar Convenors "Climate Change Discourses and Beyond: Re-mediation and Re-contextualisation in News and Social Media" AIA XXX EXPERIMENT AND INNOVATION: BRANCHING FORWARDS AND BACKWARDS CATANIA, 15th-17th September 2022
  • 2022 C. Bevitori, D.R. Miller, Engaging with stakeholders in Corporate Sustainability Reports: A corpus-assisted SFL study, Paper accepted at 31st European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference Theme: Social Semiotics and Sustainability24th-26th of August 2022
    University of Odense (Denmark), 24th-26th August 2022.
  • 2021 C. Bevitori, J. H. Johnson, "The challenges of adapting to a changing climate: Risk and Resilience in the press across the globe", Paper presented at CL2021 Corpus Linguistics International Conference, University of Limerick, 13/16 June 2021
  • 2021 C. Bevitori, JH. Johnson, "Moving or staying? Exploring im/mobility in the context of climate change"", Paper presented at 30th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference – Online conference, 15th to 17th September 2021Social Semiotics & Social Justice, University of Sheffield UK 15-17 September 2021
  • 2021 C. Bevitori, JH. Johnson, "Moving or staying? Exploring im/mobility in the context of climate change"", Paper presented at the 30th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference – Online conference, 15th to 17th September 2021Social Semiotics & Social Justice, University of Sheffield UK 15-17 September 2021
  • 2020 C. Bevitori, J.H Johnson, "Investigating climate resilience across genres over time: a cads perspective", Paper accepted at Corpora and Discourse International Conferences, University of Sussex 17-19 June 2020.
  • 2020 C. Bevitori J.H. Johnson, ''Adapting to Risk? Analysing discourses of human mobility in the context of climate change", Paper accepted at the 30th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference: "Social Semiotics and Social Justice" Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, U.K. 1st to 3rd July, 2020
  • 2019 C. Bevitori, Ways of meaning, ways of acting: the case of climate change in TED Talks, Paper accepted at the 29th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference3-5 July 2019, University of Leiria, Portugal - SFL on multiliteracies, professional discourse and education
  • 2019 C. Bevitori and J.H. Johnson, “Exploring diachronicity in specialized corpora to investigate discourse: the case of climate-induced migration”, Contribution at International Corpus Linguistics Conference, University of Cardiff – UK 23-27 July 2019.
  • 2018 C. Bevitori and J.H. Johnson, "Climate Change and Migration: Exploring the nexus", Paper accepted at the Panel Environmental issues and the Anthropocene: Problems and Opportunities- 14h ESSE International Conference,29 August / 2 September, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 2018,
  • 2018 C. Bevitori and J.H Johnson, "Patterns of movement, patterns of meaning", Paper presented at the International CADaaD Conference, University of Aalborg, 4-6 July
  • 2018 C. Bevitori and J.H. Johnson, "Climate Change and Displacement: a diachronic-corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the migration-climate change nexus in the", Paper presented at Corpora and Discourse International Conference, University of Lancaster 22-24 June
  • 2018 C. Bevitori and J.H. Johnson, "Language, mobility and climate change at the crossroad", Paper presented at IVACS International Biennial Conference, Univ.ersity of Malta, 13-15 June
  • 2017 C. Bevitori, Debating ‘migration’: a corpus-assisted discourse analysis approach to an interdisciplinary agenda. Paper accepted at the 21st International Conference Language for Specific Purposes, Interdisciplinary Knowledge-Making: Challenges for LSP, 27-30 June 2017, University of Bergen.
  • 2017 C. Bevitori, “Exploring ‘justice’ through the lens of corpora. Paper accepted and presented at ICAME38, Orbis et Corpus: Looking at the World through Corpora, 24-27 May 2017, University of Prague.
  • 2016 C. Bevitori, “Using Corpora to analyse Discourse” , Seminario nell’ambito del Progetto GLOBUS: Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice, November 2017, LABIC: Forlì
  • 2016 C. Bevitori, "Across the border: the mediatization of the ‘migration crisis' in the Italian and British Press. Some reflections from a contrastive corpus-assisted meaning analysis perspective". Paper accepted at the 26thEuropean Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, Functional Linguistic and Social Semiotic Approaches to the Media, 13-15 July, 2016 University of Salzburg, Austria
  • 2015 C. Bevitori, “may God bless America” : Patterns of in/stability in Presidential Discourse. Contributo accettato al Convegno Internazionale Corpus Linguistics 2015, University of Lancaster 21-24 July 2015, UK.
  • 2014 C. Bevitori, "Discourses of (in)security" in the State of the Union Addresses. A diachronic corpus-assisted discourse study". Contributo accettato al Convegno Internazionale 5th CADAAD Conference 1-3 September 2014, ELTE University Budapest, Hungary.
  • 2013 C. Bevitori, "Healthy, Clean and Safe: Environmental Discourses within the State of the Union Addresses, Contributo accettato in forma di poster al Convegno Internazionale Corpus Linguistics 2013, University of Lancaster 23-26 luglio 2013
  • 2013 C. Bevitori (and Paul Bayley), "In search for meaning: what corpora can/cannot tell", contributo nell'ambito del Themed Colloquium Ticklish trawling : the limits of corpus assisted meaning analysis, Convernor Prof. D. Miller , Convegno Internazionale 24th ESFLCW, Coventry 1-3 luglio, 2013
  • 2011 C. Bevitori (and P. Bayley), "Addressing the Congress: Language change from Washington to Obama (1790-2011)", contributo accettato al Convegno Internazionale CLAVIER 11 Tracking Language Change in Professional and Specialised Genres, Università di Modena 26-28 November 2011.
  • 2011 C. Bevitori, "living up to the vision: The quest for ‘sustainability' in environmental news blogs", XXV AIA Conference, Regenerating Community, Territory, Voices, Memory and Vision,Contributo accettato in forma di poster, L'aquila 15-17 September 2011.
  • 2011 C. Bevitori “Jumping on the green bandwagon: The discursive construction of green across 'old' and 'new' media genres at the interesection between corpora and discourse”, Contributo accettato al Convegno Internazionale, Corpus Linguistics 2011 - Discourse and Corpus Linguistics, University of Birmingham 20-22 luglio 2011.
  • 2010 C. Bevitori, "Climates of meaning: The rhetorical functionality of “should” in UK and US editorials on climate change", contributo al 22nd ESFL Conference, University of Koper 9-11 luglio 2010.
  • 2010 C. Bevitori, "Gendered discourses on war at the intersection between party affiliation and institutional role: The case of legislative Assemblies", relazione su invito, BAAL Gender and Corpus Linguistics Event, University of Lancaster, 30 March 2010. at:
  • 2009 C. Bevitori (2009), "Imagine, if you will…: Argumentative strategies in newspaper opinion articles on climate change". Contributo accettato alla Conferenza: AIA XXIV National Conference, Challenges for the 21st century: dilemmas, ambiguities, directions. Università Roma Tre, Roma, 1-3 October 2009.
  • 2009 C. Bevitori, "The meanings of responsibility in the British and American press on climate change: a corpus-assisted discourse analysis perspective" Contributo accettato al Convegno Internazionale: PALC 2009 (Practical Applications in Language and Computers), Università di Lodz, Polonia, 6-8 Aprile 2009.
  • 2006 C. Bevitori, “Engendering conflict? A corpus-assisted analysis of women MPs positioning on the war in Iraq”. Contributo accettato al Convegno Internazionale: Conflitti: strategie di rappresentazione della guerra nella cultura postmoderna./ Conflicts: strategies of representation of war in postmodern culture. Università di Bologna, aula Prodi, 5- 7 ottobre 2006.
  • 2005 C. Bevitori, “Speech representation in parliamentary discourse. Rhetorical strategies in a heteroglossic perspective: a corpus-based study.” Contributo accettato al Convegno Inteernazionale: LSP 2005 – New Trends in Specialized Discourse. University of Bergamo , 29th August- 2nd September 2005.
  • 2005 C. Bevitori (con P. Bayley), “To secure a better future for the people ...”: positive spin on political decisions. A corpus-based study of the British House of Commons in 2003. Contributo a ISFC – Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference 2005. University of Sydney 18-22 July 2005.
  • 2005 C. Bevitori (and P. Bayley), “Parliamentary Corpus: the House of Commons 2003”, CorDis workshop, Bologna, marzo 2005.
  • 2005 C. Bevitori (and P. Bayley), “Discourse of Justification in the House of Commons”, con Paul Bayley CorDis workshop, Portico, luglio 2005.

Research projects (up to 2004)

  • 2003/2004
    University of Bologna (Forlì Campus), CLIRO (Language Center)
    Design and creation of tests for language skills (for students of political science and international relation) .
  • 2002/2003
    University of Bologna (Forlì Campus), CLIRO (Language Center)
    Research Project: Re-views. On-line Reading Skills.
    Self-access course, intended for use in an academic, non-native setting . Upper Intermediate level
  • 2001/2002
    University of Bologna (Forlì Campus), SSLMIT
    Leonardo Project in partnership with the University of Lancashire (UK) and the University of Valencia (SP), and SINFORM (IT). Project Manager: Prof. M. Soffritti
  • 2000/2001
    University of Bologna (Forlì Campus), SSLMIT
    Leonardo Project: WELL – Web Environment For Language Learning For Trade Union And Vocational Training Sectors. In partnership with the University of Newcastle (UK) and SINFORM (IT). Project Manager: Prof. M. Soffritti.
  • 1998/2000
    University of Bologna (Forlì Campus), CLIRO
    Research Project: MeDiArte: Learning English through Culture and Heritage.
    self-access hypermedia course, intended for use in an academic and non-native setting. Intermediate level
    University of Bologna (Forlì Campus), CLIRO
    Research Project: New Europe: The European Integration
    Creation of multilingual corpora

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