Foto del docente

Cinzia Benazzi

Full Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-02/A Veterinary Pathology


Morandi F.; Benazzi C.; Simoni P., Adenocarcinoma of apocrine sweat glands in a mouflon (Ovis musimon)., «JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION», 2005, 17, pp. 389 - 392 [Scientific article]

BRUNETTI B.; SARLI G.; PREZIOSI R.; MONARI I.; BENAZZI C., E-cadherin and beta-catenin reduction influence invasion but not proliferation and survival in canine malignant mammary tumours, «VETERINARY PATHOLOGY», 2005, 42, pp. 781 - 787 [Scientific article]

DI GUARDO G.; MARRUCHELLA G.; AFFRONTE M.; ZAPPULLI V.; BENAZZI C., Heterotopic kidney tissue in the lung of a free-living common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), «VETERINARY PATHOLOGY», 2005, 42, pp. 213 - 214 [Scientific article]

Panarese S.; Brunetti B.; Benazzi C.; Sarli G., Immunohistochemistry and TRAP-ELISA comparative evaluation of telomerase in feline mammary tissues, in: Proceedings 23rd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 163 - 163 (atti di: 23rd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Napoli, 7/10 September 2005) [Abstract]

Sarli G.; Brunetti B.; Rizzo A.; Benazzi C., Lymphangiogenesis in mammary tumours of the cat assessed by VEGF-3 expression, in: , «THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LYMPHOLOGY AND RELATED PROBLEMS», 2005, 15, pp. 33 - 33 (atti di: First International Symposium on Lymphatic Microcirculation and Neoplastic Metastasis, Parma, 9-10 June 2005) [Abstract]

Sarli G.; Diracca L.; Sassi F.; Brunetti B.; Benazzi C., Lymphangiotropism of mammary carcinomas of the cat: role of VEGF-C and CD-44, in: , «THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LYMPHOLOGY AND RELATED PROBLEMS», 2005, 15, pp. 34 - 34 (atti di: First Internationl Symposium on Lymphatic Microcerculation and Neoplastic Metastasis, Parma, 9-10 June 2005) [Abstract]

SMITH J.M.; RAO S.S.; STUMP K.C.; BENAZZI C.; SARLI G.; DETOLLA L.J., Mammary ductal carcinoma with comedo pattern in a Rhesus Macaque, «CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2005, 44, pp. 29 - 33 [Scientific article]

Di Guardo G.; Marruchella G.; Della Salda L.; Benazzi C.; Marsilio F.; Zucca P.; Fichtel L.; Garcia Hartmann M.; Marà M.; Bongiovanni L.; Iorio R.; Perugini M.; Ligios C.; Kennedy S., Post-mortem findings in cetacean stranded on the Italian coastline, in: Proceedings of 23rd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 62 - 62 (atti di: 23rd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Napoli, 7/10 September 2005) [Abstract]

BENAZZI C.; GENTILE A.; BRUNETTI B.; SCONZA S.; SARLI G., A Case of Malignant Catarrhal Fever by OHV-2 in Italy, «BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH», 2004, 15, pp. 107 - 109 [Scientific article]

BRUNETTI B.; SARLI G.; BERNARDINI C.; FORNI M.; BENAZZI C., Determinazione immunoistochimica e western blot della caderina “E” nei tumori mammari della cagna, in: , «ATTI DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE VETERINARIE», 2004, LVIII, pp. 67 - 67 (atti di: Meeting annuale SISVet, Grado, 23 - 25 settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

SARLI G.; PREZIOSI R.; DE TOLLA L.; BRUNETTI B.; BENAZZI C., E-cadherin immunoreactivity in canine mammary samples, «JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION», 2004, 16, pp. 542 - 547 [Scientific article]

Di Guardo G.; Marruchella G.; Affronte M.; Zappulli V.; Benazzi C., Heterotopic kidney tissue in the lung of a common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) found stranded on the coast of Italy., in: Proceedings 23rd ESCPB Conference, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 15 - 15 (atti di: 23rd ESCPB Conference, Cesenatico (FC). Italy, 23-26 settembre 2004) [Abstract]

Sarli G.; Brunetti B.; Rizzo A.; Benazzi C., Lymphangiogenesis in mammary tumours of the cat, in: Pathology in Nowadays, OLSZTYN, s.n, 2004, pp. 190 - 190 (atti di: 22nd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Olsztyn - Poland, 15-18 September 2004) [Abstract]

Shipley T.S.; Benazzi C.; Sarli G.; O'Neill T.; Smith M. J.; Tatarov I.; DeTolla L., Second occurrence of mammary ductular adenocarcinoma in a Rhesus macaque, in: Pathology in Nowadays, OLSZTYN, s.n, 2004, pp. 199 - 199 (atti di: 22nd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Olsztyn - Poland, 15-18 September 2004) [Abstract]

BENAZZI C.; SARLI G.; BRUNETTI B., Sertoli cell tumour in a cat, «JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE. SERIES A», 2004, 51, pp. 124 - 126 [Scientific article]