Foto del docente

Cinzia Benazzi

Full Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-02/A Veterinary Pathology


VEZZALI E.; MORANDI F.; RODOLFI F.; SARLI G.; BENAZZI C., Fibrous epulis (gingival hyperplasia) in a horse., «ONLINE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH», 2010, 14, pp. 299 - 301 [Scientific article]

SASSI F.; BENAZZI C.; CASTELLANI G.; SARLI G., Molecular-based tumour subtypes of canine mammary carcinomas assessed by immunohistochemistry, «BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH», 2010, 6, Article number: 5 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

BACCI B.; BRUNETTI B.; MORANDI F.; SARLI G.; PISCHEDDA M.; BENAZZI C., Olfactory neuroblastoma in a horse, «ONLINE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH», 2010, 14, pp. 260 - 264 [Scientific article]

BACCI B.; RESSEL L.; ABBONDATI E.; BRUNETTI B.; BENAZZI C.; POLI A.; SARLI G., Phenotypic characterization of spontaneous mammary tumors in pet rabbits., in: , «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY», 2010, 143, pp. 350 - 350 (atti di: XXVIII Annual Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Belgrade (Serbia), 8-11 settembre 2010) [Abstract]

VINCI A.; BACCI B.; BENAZZI C.; SARLI G., Progesterone receptor expression and proliferative activity in uterine tumours in pet rabbits, «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY», 2010, 142, pp. 323 - 327 [Scientific article]

KOLAPPASWAMY K.; WILLIAMS K.A.; BENAZZI C.; SARLI G.; MCLEOD C.G; SHAMSUDDIN A.K.; VUCENIK I.; DETOLLA L.J., Effect of inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) on UVB-induced skin tumor development in SKH 1 hairless mice., «COMPARATIVE MEDICINE», 2009, 59, pp. 147 - 152 [Scientific article]

Morandi F.; Accorsi PA.; Sarli G.; Nicoloso S.; Forleo M.; Bernini D.; Tagliabò A.; Benazzi C., I palchi dei cervidi: il caso di un capriolo (Caprelus capreolus) “parruccato”, «CACCIARE A PALLA», 2009, 10, pp. 14 - 22 [Scientific article]

MORANDI F.; SARLI G.; ISANI G.; CARPENÈ E.; BENAZZI C., Immuno- and enzymohistochemistry in organs of copper-exposed sea bream (Sparus aurata), in: , «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY», 2009, 141, pp. 300 - 300 (atti di: PROCEEDINGS XXVII ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, Krakow (PL), 9-13 settembre 2009) [Abstract]

MORANDI F.; SARLI G.; ISANI G.; CARPENÉ E.; BENAZZI C., Metodica immunoistochimica per l’evidenziazione degli enzimi superossido dismutasi (SOD) e catalasi (CAT) in tessuti di orata (sparus auratus)., in: Il Mediterraneo: aspetti emergenti e risposte dalle scienze del mare, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 71 - 73 (atti di: Convegno organizzato dal CRISM in collaborazione con BMA, CIRSA e CRM, Cesenatico, 8-10 luglio 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

L. Fusaro; S. Panarese; B. Brunetti; D. Zambelli; C. Benazzi; G. Sarli, Quantitative analysis of telomerase in feline mammary tissues, «JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION», 2009, 21, pp. 369 - 373 [Scientific article]

MORANDI F.; NICOLOSO S.; ACCORSI P. A.; SARLI G.; FORLEO M.; BERNINI D.; BENAZZI C., Wig antler in a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), «ONLINE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH», 2009, 13, pp. 121 - 125 [Scientific article]

F. Sassi; G. Sarli; B. Brunetti; F. Morandi; C. Benazzi, Immunohistochemical characterization of mammary squamous cell carcinoma of the dog, «JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION», 2008, 20, pp. 766 - 773 [Scientific article]

VINCI A.; BACCI B.; BENAZZI C.; SARLI G., Immunohistochemical findings of uterine tumours in the rabbit., in: 26th Annual Meeting: programme and book of abstracts., s.l, s.n, 2008, 26th, pp. 50 - 50 (atti di: 26th Annual Meeting European Society of Veterinary Pathology., Dubrovnik (Croatia)., 17-21 setembre 2008.) [Abstract]

SASSI F.; BENAZZI C.; SARLI G., Immunophenotypes of canine mammary carcinomas., in: 26th Annual Meeting: programme and book of abstracts., s.l, s.n, 2008, 26th, pp. 218 - 218 (atti di: 26th Annual Meeting European Society of Veterinary Pathology., Dubrovnik (Croatia)., 17-21 setembre 2008.) [Abstract]

Brunetti B.; Preziosi R.; Morandi F.; Zagonara V; Degliesposti P.; Benazzi C.; Sarli G, Lymphangiogenesis does not influence progression and outcome of canine mast cell tumours, in: European Society of Veterinary Pathology. 26th Annual Meeting - Programme and book of abstracts, ZAGREB, Grabarevic Zeljko and Hohsteter Marko, 2008, pp. 70 - 70 (atti di: Congresso annuale ESVP - Dubrovnik (Croazia) - 17-21 Settembre 2008, Dubrovnik (Croazia), 17-21 settembre 2008) [Abstract]