Foto del docente

Carlotta Capuccino

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PHIL-05/B History of Ancient Philosophy

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 720KB )


  • Place and date of birth: San Felice sul Panaro (MO), 27thof March 1976.
  • Nationality: Italian
  • E-mail:
  • Skype: carlotta.capuccino


  • Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna.


 September 3, 2022 Associate Professor (SSD M-Fil/07), Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna.

February 1, 2022-February 1, 2031 Ntional scientific qualification for the functions of associate professor of history of philosophy (11/C5).

September 3, 2019-September 2, 2022 Senior assistant professor (fixed-term), Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna.

April 2013-July 2018 Research assistant in the history of ancient philosophy, on the theme Episteme: A structural analysis of Plato’s cognitive lexicon, at the department of Philosophy and Communication, University of Bologna.

2014-2017 Teaching tutor for the course Philosophical Alphabetisation (Philosophy 0workshop) at the School of Letters and Culture Heritage, University of Bologna (Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies).

2015-2016 Teaching tutor in the history of ancient philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna.

15/03/12-14/03/13 PRIN (Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale [Projects of Relevant National Interest]): Research grant in the history of ancient philosophy, co-financed by Bologna’s 2009 PRIN research unit (Department of Philosophy, subsequently the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies [Henceforth FILCOM]): The Aristotelian concept of philosophical science. Project administrator: Prof. Walter Cavini, national coordinator: Prof. Carlo Natali (University of Venice). Project title: Science and Philosophy in Plato: A structural analysis of Plato’s corpus.

2011-2012 Teaching tutor for the Thesis Writing Workshop (45 hour teaching contract for 6 cfu) at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna.

2008-2011 Adjunct Professor of the history of ancient philosophy at the University of Ferrara.

September 2010 Research Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Philosophy, (21stCycle), Department of Philosophy at the University of Bologna (January 2006-Settember 2010). Thesis in the history of ancient philosophy: ΑΡΧΗ ΛΟΓΟΥ: Sui proemi platonici e il loro significato filosofico [ΑΡΧΗ ΛΟΓΟΥ: On the Platonic proems and their philosophical meaning]. Supervisor: Prof. Walter Cavini. External Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Cambiano. Assessment: excellent.

March 2005 Cultore della Materia [subject expert/teaching assistant] in the field of the history of ancient philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna.

March 2004 Laurea quadriennale [equivalent to a UK MA] in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna. Thesis in the history of ancient philosophy: Filosofi e Rapsodi: Traduzione e commento dello Ione platonico (Philosophers and Rhapsodes: Translation and Commentary of Plato’s Ion). Supervisor: Prof. Walter Cavini. Co-supervisor: Prof. Simonetta Nanninni. Grade: 110/110 with distinction.


IPS - International Plato Society (2020-)

ISNS - International Society for Neoplatonic Studies (2020-)

ISSS - International Society for Socratic Studies (2020-)

SISF - Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia (2022-)

SISFA - Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia Antica (2020-)

SFI - Società Filosofica Italiana (2017-)



December 2020- President of the Bologna / Emilia Romagna Branch of the SFI (

2020- Director of the APToday - Ancient Philosophy Today Interdisciplinary Research Centre (FILCOM Department, University of Bologna) (

2020- Ordinary member of the GAME Science Research Center (IMT - Scuola Alti Studi Lucca) (

2020- Member of the scientific Commettee of the Cogito-Unibo Research Center (FILCOM Department, University of Bologna) ( .

2019- Co-founder of ΑΙΩΝ/ AIÓN– Gruppo di Ricerca sulla Didattica della Filosofia e le Pratiche Filosofiche [Research Group on the Teaching of Philosophy and Philosophical Practices]. (

2019- Member of Filò – Il filo del pensiero [The filo of thought], association of philosophical practices with children and adolescents (

2018- Member of the scientific Commettee for the journal “Philosophia” of the Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia [Italian Society of the History of Philosophy] (director: Prof. Walter Tega).

2018 Member of the project Startup Il filo del pensiero [The filo of thought Startup]. Finalist in the Call for Ideas 2018 for Startup Day 2018 (

2017- Member of the Società Filosofica Italiana (SFI) [Italian Philosophical Society]; treasurer and secretary of the Bologna / Emilia Romagna Branch of the SFI (

2017- Member of the research group FarFilò – UNIBO (Official website: The group has been the winner of the Alma Idea Grant provided by the University of Bologna for the support of basic research and innovative projects (Alma 2021 –

2017 Member of the PRIN 2017 Bologna Research Unit: Books and Readers in Florence from the Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Century: The Library of Santa Croce / Libri e lettori a Firenze dal XIII al XV secolo: La biblioteca di Santa Croce. Project Administrator: Prof. Costantino Marmo, Project Coordinator: Prof. Giorgio Inglese.

2016- Member of the organisational Committee of the SeRiC FILCOM – Ongoing Research Seminars in the Department of Philosophy and Communication at the University of Bologna (

2016 Scientific collaboration with the journal “Anuario Filosófico” of Navarre.

2007 Member of the PRIN Bologna Research Unit: Aristotele e il problema della scienza universale [Aristotle and the problem of universal science]. Project Administrator: Prof. Walter Cavini, National Coordinator: Prof. Carlo Natali (University of Venice).



2023 Translation with commentary: Platone: La Repubblica [Plato: The Republic], books VI-VII, with an introductory essay and notes, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN): Rusconi, 2021 (under contract). 

2023 Translation with commentary: Epicuro: Epistola a Meneceo (Epicurus: Letter to Meneceus), translation and notes, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN): Rusconi, 2019 (under contract, with an introductory essay by Walter Cavini).

* For a full list of my publications, please see my attached CV and the section Publications of my web page.



2004-2019 Teaching Assistant: student tutor during exam periods and thesis supervisor for both undergraduates and graduates.

2003-2019 Writing Philosophy Seminar as a component of the course History of Ancient Philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students, University of Bologna (between six and eighteen hours annually).

April-June 2017 Ancient Greek Reading Seminar as a component of the course History of Ancient Philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students (University of Bologna): Plato and the immortality of the soul: Reading Seminar on Plato’s Phaedo (30 hours). Role: Seminar Leader in collaboration with Prof. Walter Cavini.

October-December 2016 Workshop for Philosophical Alphabetisation – Philosophy 0: The Diachronic Development of Philosophical Ideas and Vocabulary (53 ore).

April-June 2016 Ancient Greek Reading Seminar as a component of the course History of Ancient Philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students (University of Bologna): Parmenides, Fragments on being and Gorgias, Treatise on nature (30 hours). Role: Seminar Leader in collaboration of Prof. Walter Cavini.

2015-2016 Teaching Support Tutor for the course History of Ancient Philosophyin the Department of Philosophy and Communication at the University of Bologna (25 hours).

October-December 2015 Workshop for Philosophical Alphabetisation – Philosophy 0: Vocabulary and Traditions of Philosophical and Scientific Thought from Classical Antiquity.

April-June 2015 Ancient Greek Reading Seminar as a component of the course History of Ancient Philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students (University of Bologna): Plato, Parmenides (30 hours). Role: Seminar Leader in collaboration with Prof. Walter Cavini.

October-December 2014 Workshop for Philosophical Alphabetisation – Philosophy 0: Institutions and History of Philosophical Thought (53 hours).

April-June 2014 Ancient Greek Reading Seminar as a component of the course History of Ancient Philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students (University of Bologna): Plato, Euthyphro (30 ore). Role: Seminar Leader in collaboration with Prof. Walter Cavini.

April-June 2013 Ancient Greek Reading Seminar as a component of the course History of Ancient Philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students (University of Bologna): Plato, Theaetetus 187a-200d (30 hours). Role: Seminar Leader in collaboration with Prof. Walter Cavini.

10th May 2012 Doctoral Seminar: How to write an argumentative paper, as part of the inter-doctoral seminar: Professional Research Instruments – Writing Seminar, organised by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici at the University of Bologna. (

April-June 2012 Ancient Greek Reading Seminar as a component of the course History of Ancient Philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students (University of Bologna): Aristotele, de Memoria et Reminiscentia (30 hours). Role: Seminar Leader.

7th March 2012 Lecture given for the undergraduate course History of Ancient Philosophy (University of Bologna, Prof. Walter Cavini): Socrates: A man of Athens.

26 January 2012 Seminar: The platonic dialogue and philosophical writing, as part of the fixed seminar on Philosophical Writing organised by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Florence and coordinated by Prof. F. Bazzani, R. Lanfredini and S. Vitale. (

2011-2012 Philosophy Workshop for the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bologna. In particular, collaboration in the Writing Workshop (10 hours).

April-June 2011 Ancient Greek Reading Seminar as a component of the undergraduate and graduate course History of Ancient Philosophy (University of Bologna): Plato, Gorgias (30 hours). Role: Seminar Leader.

21, 24/02/2011 Lectures given for the graduate course History of Medieval Philosophy (University of Bologna, Prof. Riccardo Fedriga): Boethius on contingent futures and divine prescience (1. The Aristotelian principles of contradiction; 2. Ammonius and Boethius on De Interpretatione 9).

2008-2011 Adjunct Professor of the History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Ferrara: 60 hours annually (30 hours of undergraduate teaching and 30 hours of graduate teaching), for two years, with further teaching responsibilities during the third year (exams, office hours, thesis supervision).

2009-2010 Writing Workshop for the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bologna (10 hours).



27-29/11/2020 Participation in The 3rd Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society: Image and Imagination in Plato, with a communication entitled: Speaking through Images: A Platonic Model of Analogical Argumentation.

19-20/11/2020 Participation in the discussion at the International Conference La virtù tra paideia, politeia ed episteme: una questione di lungo periodo (Collegio Ghislieri / University of Pavia).

2020- Organiser of the fixed seminar Il Vento del Logos: Ancient Philosophy Today (APT) (in collaboration with W. Cavini).

2016- Organiser of SeRiC FILCOM – Ongoing Research Seminars in the Department of Philosophy and Communication at the University of Bologna.

2015- Organiser of the Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (in collaboration with W. Cavini).

20-22/06/2019 Participation as chair in the International Conference New Explorations in Plato’s Theaetetus: An International Conference (Alghero, UNISS-DISSUF – Organised by Prof. D. Zucca).

17-20, 24-25/09/2018 Organiser of the Bologna-Oxford International Conference Blowing in the Wind of Logos: Ancient Philosophy Today (in collaboration with L. Castagnoli and P. Fait [University of Oxford]).

March-June 2018 Organiser of the International Seminar Il Vento del Logos: Pagine di Filosofia [The Wind of Logos: Pages of Philosophy] (University of Bologna, in collaboration with W. Cavini).

2017-2020 Organiser of the Public seminar series for self-education and study events (Meet the Author) FarFilò.

25/01/18 FarFilò – Study day composed of the official presentation of the group’s research programme and Meet the Author event: the presentation of S. Bevilacqua and P. Casarin, Philosophy for children in gioco. Esperienze di filosofia a scuola: I bambini (ci) pensano, Milano: Mimesis, 2016.

18/01/18 FarFilò Public seminar series for self-educationAnalytic tools for practicing philosophy at school (held by S. Moruzzi, E. Tassoni e L. Zanetti).

14-15/11/17 J. Barnes, Epicarmo and personal identity / Aristotle and Boethius on De Interpretation – Seminar series organised by the Department of Letters, Philosophy and Communication at the University of Bergamo within the Teaching Quality Programme (Prof. M. Bonelli).

9-11/11/17 Natura, cultura e realtà virtuali [Nature, culture and virtual reality] – National Conference for the Società Filosofica Italiana (SFI) (Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca).

9/11/17 FarFilò Meet the Author event: conversation with Maura Striano and Stefano Oliverio. Guests: M. Striano (University of Federico II – Naples, founder of the the P4C in Italia) and S. Oliverio (Vice-President of the ICPIC – International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children).

2/10/17 FarFilò Public seminar series for self-education: C. Capuccino: Socrate’s secret: the maieutics of thought.

29/09/17 FarFilò Get involved in philosophizing: European Research Night.

25/05/17 FarFilò study group launch day – UNIBO, with the presentation of di N. Zippel’s, I bambini e la filosofia [Children and Philosophy], Roma: Carocci, 2017, at the Department of Education, University of Bologna.

19/05/17 Organiser of the Aristotelian Encounters (in collaboration with W. Cavini and W. Tega) at the Academy of Sciences of Bologna including the presentation (together with E. Berti and W. Cavini) of M. Vegetti and F. Ademollo, Incontro con Aristotele: Quindici lezioni, [Encounter with Aristotle: Fifteen lessons], Torino: Einaudi, 2016.


12/04/17 A Lesson on Plato’s Ion at the Archimede Linguistic High School in San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) (Prof. A. Ruco).

6/12/16 The Sight of Anti-Fashion (SeRiC FILCOM – Prof. N. Pappas, CUNY: City University of New York).

17/11/16 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – M. Nasti De Vincentis (University of Salerno), Can the impossible follow from the possible? A Crucial and controversial point in Stoic Logic (together with Modes of Logic and Forms of Science, held by G. Corsi and R. Lupacchini).

11/11/16 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – G. Volpe (University of Bologna), Conjunctive theory and pleonastic facts.

21/06/16 What we believe, what we know: Propositions, facts, truth (SeRiC FILCOM – Prof. G. Volpe, University of Bologna).

10/05/16 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – Ch. Rosso (Bologna Centre for Psychoanalysis), Anxiety of death in psychoanalysis: history and clinical development.

6/05/16 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – F. Campione (University of Bologna), Thanatology and identifying the I.

3/05/16 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – B. Centrone (University of Pisa), Book presentation: Prima lezione di filosofia antica [First lesson in Ancient Philosophy], with the participation of A. Jori (University of Ferrara).

22/03/16 Aristotle and the ethics of happiness (SeRiC FILCOM – Ongoing Research Seminars in the Department of Philosophy and Communication at the University of Bologna).

10-12/12/15 Paradoxical Proems: The Relationship between Diégesis and Mímesis in Plato’s Dialogues (International Conference Framing the Dialogues: How to Read Openings and Closures in Plato, University of Cyprus) (

1/12/15 Meta-metaphysics: Aristotle and Contemporary Aristotelian Metaphysics (SeRiC FILCOM – Prof. W. Cavini, University of Bologna).

24/06/15 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – L. Castagnoli (Oriel College, Oxford), Plato and Aristotle on the objects of memory and reminiscence.

16/06/15 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – A. C. Varzi (Columbia University, NY), Abstract entities.

21/05/15 Study Day on Plato’s Symposium (Bologna, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies – Prof. A. Giavatto, S. Nannini, M. Tulli).

18/05/15 Keynote Lecture: The interpretation of dreams (Bologna, Surgical Medicine Society, Conference: Metabolic Sindrome – Prof. W. Cavini).

12/03/15 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino and W. Cavini) – Diego Marconi (University of Tourin), Presentation of the book Il mestiere di pensare [The profession of thinking].

26/01/15 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino e W. Cavini) – Miranda Occhionero (University of Bologna), What are dreams made of?

19/01/15 Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars (organised by C. Capuccino e W. Cavini) – Stefano Bolognini (President of the International Psychoanalytic Society), Meaning and Functions of dreams in the human psychism.

03/09/14 Seminar on emotions: Reflecting on Bernard William’s Shame and Necessity, Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge, University of Pisa (Prof. A. Fussi).

16/05/14 Rêve et Aporie: L’Argument Sceptique du Rêve de Platon à Wittgenstein [Dream and Aporia: The Skeptical Argument of Dream from Plato to Wittgenstein] (Nantes, Centre Atlantique de Philosophie – Prof. W. Cavini, University of Bologna).

15/05/14 Séminaire Aitia (Paris 4 Sorbonne, Centre Léon Robin – Prof. C. Viano e J.-L. Labarrière).

08/05/13 A New Fragment of Pythagoras? Heraclitus on Pythagoras (Again) (Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars, Bologna: Prof. Ph. Horky, Durham University).

06/05/13 The commentary on the Categories in Archimede’s Palimpsest (Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars, Bologna: Prof. R. Chiaradonna, University of Rome 3).

27/03/13 Preparatory meeting for the 3rd volume edition of the Corpus of Philosophical Papyri (Bologna – Department of Philosophy and Communication University of Bologna, in collaboration with the SNS at Pisa).

13/12/12 Persistence is an illusion: Successive entia and radical sequentialism (Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars, Bologna: Prof. A. C. Varzi, Columbia University, New York).

16/11/12 Conference Philosophy, literature, the tragic (Bologna – Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies).

15/10/12 Identity in time (Bologna, Department of Philosophy – Prof. A. C. Varzi, Columbia University, New York).

10/05/12 Seminar How to write an argumentative paper, as part of the Inter-doctoral Seminar Professional Research Tools – Writing Seminar, organised by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici University of Bologna.

21/02/12 Motion or Activity? The Being and Temporality of Life in Heidegger and Aristotle (Rodolfo Mondolfo Seminars, Bologna: Prof. F. J. Gonzalez, University of Ottawa).

26/01/12 Seminar The Platonic dialogue and philosophical writing, as part of the fixed seminar Philosophical Writing organised by the Department of Philosophy of the Florence University and coordinated by Prof. F. Bazzani, R. Lanfredini and S. Vitale.

16-17/11/11 UNESCO Philosophy Days, organised by the Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna.

10/11/11 Truth and Knowledge in Plato beginning from the Theaetetus (Episteme and truth: three days of study, organised by Stefano Maso, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice – Prof. F. Ferrari).

14-15/10/11 Reading Aristotle, Nicomanean Ethics I (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Philosophy – Inter-University Seminar, Prof. E. Spinelli and R. Chiaradonna).

06/06/11 ISA Topic 2011 – The brain and mind (seminar series): Prof. J. Searle, Neuroscience, philosophy and the nature of mind.

26/05/11 Doctorate School in Humanistic Sciences – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia/Philosophical, historical and social macro-area (seminary lecture cycle): Prof. W. Cavini, Philosophy of philosophy.

22/03/11 ISA Topic 2011 – The brain and mind (seminar series): Prof. A. Kenny, Myths of the mind and myths of the brain.

21, 24/02/11 Lectures given for the graduate course History of Medieval Philosophy (Prof. R. Fedriga, University of Bologna): Boethius on future contingents and divine prescience (1. The Aristotelian principles of contradiction; 2. Ammonium and Boethius on De Interpretation 9).

03, 04/02/11 Reading Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics I (University of Pisa, Department of Philosophy – Inter-University Seminar, Prof. B. Centrone): I presented the passage EN I 6.

22, 23/11/10 UNESCO Philosophy Days, organised by the Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna.

30/09-01/10/2010 International Conference: The Principle of Non-Contradiction: History and Theory (Department of Philosophy University of Bologna, Prof. W. Cavini).

26/05/10 XI International Kantian Congress: Kant and philosophy in the cosmopolitan sense (Pisa).

25/05/10 Seminars of the Department of Philosophy (University of Bologna): History of Ancient Philosophy, Prof. D. Wiggins, The Paradox of Analysis and the Paradox of Synonymy.

19/05/10 Institute for Advanced Studies (ISA) Bologna, Prof. D. Wiggins, Practical Knowledge: Knowing How To Versus Knowing That.

07/05/10 Seminars of the Department of Philosophy (University of Bologna): History of Ancient Philosophy, Prof. G. Fine, Aristotle Two Worlds: Knowledge and Belief in Posterior Analytics I 33; Prof. T. Irwin, The influence of the Magna Moralia on the Nicomachean Ethics.

19/04/10 Seminars of the Department of Philosophy (University of Bologna): History of Ancient Philosophy, Prof. O. K. Oymen, Nietzsche’s Sceptical Mind.

21-22/09/09 Reading Plato, Meno 79e5-86c3 (University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy –Inter-University Seminar, Prof. W. Cavini).

13, 20/05/09 Seminar on Logic, Ontology and Argument in Late Plato and Early Aristotle (Oxford, Queen’s College – Prof. P. Crivelli, B. Morrison and A. Schiaparelli).

30-31/03/09 Conference on the Logical Papyri (Pisa, SNS – Prof. M. S. Funghi).

09/03/09 Aristotle’s Dialectical Approach to Rhetoric (Bologna – Discussion Seminar, Prof. Ch. Rapp).

15-16/01/09 Reading Plato, Meno 70a-79e (University of Pisa, Department of Philosophy – Inter-University Seminar, Prof. M. M. Sassi).

07/11/08 The Proem of Parmenide’s Poem (Prof. S. Nannini – Reading Seminar).

06/05/08 Science or Knowlede? The concept of episteme between Plato’s Theaetetus and Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (Prof. W. Cavini – lecture for the graduate course History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Pisa).

22/04/08 On Wittgenstein’s ethics (Prof. E. Picardi and W. Cavini – A meeting of the Doctoral Seminar of Philosophy On the Good).

3/04/08 The ‘fragment’ ofAnaximander during and after the Eighteenth century (Pisa, SNS – Prof. J. Mansfeld).

11-12/03/08 Ancient and Modern theories of predication, In Memoriam: Maurizio Ferriani (1944-2007) (Bologna, Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici).

4/02-4/03/08 Davidson, Truth and Predication (Bologna – Prof. E. Picardi / Prof. W. Cavini). Discussion Seminar.

31/01/08 Presentation of my book: Carlotta Capuccino, Filosofi e Rapsodi: Testo, traduzione e commento dello Ione platonico [Philosophers and Rhapsodes: Text, translation and commentary of Plato’s Ion], Bologna: CLUEB, 2005 (Bologna, Ph.D. in Philosophy – Prof. M. Vegetti).

18, 25/01/08 Epistemic Models: The Aristotelian Model. Advanced course in general and applied epistemology (Florence, Department of Philosophy – Prof. W. Cavini).

21/12/07-1/06/08 Aristotele, De Interpretatione, 9 (Bologna – Prof. W. Cavini). Reading Seminar: I presented two sessions.

2007/2008 Seminar On the Good, organised by and for doctorate students of Philosophy at the University of Bologna (November/March).

6/11/07 “An Extraordinary Exaggeration”: The idea of the good in Plato’s Republic book VI (Bologna – Prof. M. Vegetti).

16/10/07 The Ancient Greek verb of knowing in Plato, Aristotle, Alexander of Afrodisia and Simplicius (Pisa, SNS – Prof. M. Burnyeat).

4/06/07 Aristotle and Kant on Happiness and the Highest Good (Bologna – Prof. W. Cavini). Reading Seminar: I presented one session.

14-18/05/07 Plato and the art of philosophical writing (Bologna – Prof. Ch. Rowe). Erasmus Seminar.

24/04/07 Thrasyllus’s second platonic tetralogy: A new papyrus testimony (Pisa, SNS – Prof. D. Sedley).

13/03/07 Time in a Moment: Aristotle with and against Heidegger (Bologna – Prof. F. Gonzalez). Seminar for the graduate course History of Ancient Philosophy on the concept of time.

16/02/07 Conference in memory of A. Santucci (University of Bologna).

25/09/06 Traces of the mind: The theory of memory from Plato to the Moderns, a seminar organised by M. M. Sassi (University of Pisa, and SNS).

28/02-13/06/06 Plato, Theaetetus, 151b6-160e5 (Prof. S. Nannini / Prof. W. Cavini). Reading Seminar: I presented one session.

3-5/05/06 Plato and the Poets (Louvain-la-Neuve/Leuven): I held a conference in French under the title: Le poète, qui est-il? Une réponse platonicienne à partir de l’Ion.

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20/01/06 Aristotele, Metaphysics, Z13 (Paris – École Normale Superieure).

5-8/07/04 Ancient Skepticism, Philosophy in Assos (Assos, Turchia).