Foto del docente

Carlotta Capuccino

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PHIL-05/B History of Ancient Philosophy

Short Bio

I graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna in 2004 with a thesis in the history of ancient philosophy (supervised by Walter Cavini) on Plato’s Ion.

In 2006 I was awarded admittance into the ‘Perfezionamento’ in philosophy at Pisa’s SNS, where I completed a trimester of research, as well as into the MPhil in Classics at the University of Cambridge and the Ph.D. at the University of Bologna, where I was awarded the title of Doctor in 2010 with a thesis on proems in Plato’s dialogues. In 2009, I spent a research period in Oxford, at New College and the Faculty of Philosophy.

From 2008 to 2011 I was Adjunct Professor of the History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Ferrara, from 2012 to 2018 a post-doctoral scholar and from 2019 to 2022 a fixed term research fellow at the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies (University of Bologna). Since the 3rd of September 2022 I am Associate Professor at the same Department and, since the 1st of January 2023, at the Department of the Arts. 

I am interested above all in the links in Plato between philosophy and paideia and between writing and philosophy, and the figure of Socrates as a dialogical character.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 2223

Dipartimento delle Arti
Via Azzo Gardino 23, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Il ricevimento studenti si svolgerà ogni mercoledì h 11-13, studio 205, via Azzo Gardino 23, II piano (e su richiesta anche online nello Studio virtuale). Non si accettano prenotazioni per il ricevimento in presenza, salvo diversa indicazione su questa pagina o tra gli avvisi.

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L'ultimo ricevimento prima della pausa estiva si svolgerà (esclusivamente su Teams) venerdì 19 luglio alle ore 11.

Il ricevimento e la corrispondenza via email riprenderanno regolarmente, dopo la pausa estiva, a partire da mercoledì 18 settembre alle ore 11.

In caso di necessità, fino al 26 luglio e a partire dal 2 settembre, i laureandi potranno scrivermi via email.