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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
Guarnieri C., Flamigni F., Ventura C., Rossoni Caldarera C.:
Inhibition of rat heart superoxide dismutase activity by
diethyldithyocarbamate and its effects on mitochondrial function.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 30: 2174-2176, 1981.
Rossoni Caldarera C., Curello S., Ventura C., Casmiro M.,
Guarnieri C.: Modification of rat heart metabolism following
inhibition of superoxide dismutase activity by diethyldithyo
carbamate. In: “Advances on Studies on Heart Metabolism”.
Clueb Press, Bologna, pp 441-447, 1982.
Bernardi P., Ghezzi F., Grimaldi R., Minelli C., Ligabue A.,
Ventura C., Muscari C., Facchinetti F., Petraglia F.,
Genazzani A.R., Lenzi S.: Endogenous opioids: Clinical and
therapeutical implications in acute myocardial infarction. In:
“Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases”. S. Lenzi and
G.C. Descovich Eds. M.T.P. Press, pp 379-392, 1983.
Guarnieri C., Ventura C.: Formation of adrenochrome by
bovine cardiac sarcolemma. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
120: 22-27, 1984.
Ventura C., Georgountzos A., Guarnieri C.: Stimulation by
doxorubicin of adrenochrome formation by bovine heart sarcolemma.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 33: 3707-3709, 1984.
Bernardi P., Bastagli L., Ghezzi F., Grimaldi R., Mainardi M.A.,
Cavazza M., Ventura C., Clo C., Danieli A.: Changes in
PGE2urinary excretion and renal function in coronary artery
disease. Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane and Leukotriene
Research 13: 89-91, 1985.
Ventura C., Guarnieri C., Caldarera C.M.: Inhibitory effect
of superoxide radicals on cardiac myofibrillar ATPase activity.
Ital. J. Biochem. 34: 267-274, 1985.
Guarnieri C., Ventura C., Georgountzos A., Muscari C.,
Budini R.: Involvement of superoxide radicals in adrenochrome
formation, stimulated by arachidonic acid, in bovine cardiac
sarcolemmal vescicles. Biochim. Biophys.Acta838:
355-360, 1985.
Guarnieri C., Ventura C.: Inhibition by ceruloplasmin of the
cardiac sarcolemmal adrenochrome formation. Bioscience
Rep.5: 473-476, 1985.
10. Clo C., Muscari
C., Tantini B., Pignatti C., Bernardi P., Ventura C.:
Reduced mechanical activity of perfused rat heart following
morphine or enkephalin peptide administration. Life Sci. 37:
1327-1333, 1985.
11. Guarnieri C.,
Muscari C., Ventura C., Mavelli I.: Effect of ischemia on
heart submitochondrial superoxide formation. Free Rad. Res.
Commun.1: 123-128, 1985.
12. Guarnieri C.,
Ventura C., Muscari C., Caldarera C.M.: Superoxide-dependent
adrenochrome formation in bovine heart sarcolemmal membranes:
effect of arachidonic acid. In: “Superoxide and Superoxide
Dismutase in Chemistry Biology and Medicine”.G. Rotilio Ed.
(Elsevier Publishers B.V. Biomedical Division) pp 416-418,
13. Guarnieri C.,
Muscari C., Ventura C., Caldarera C.M.: Mitochondrial
superoxide production in ischemic and reperfused rabbit heart.
Proceedings of the Workshop on : Oxygen Radicals in
Shock.Int. Workshop. Novelli and Ursini Eds., Florence 1985,pp
165-168, 1986.
14. Bernardi P.,
Ghezzi F., Bastagli L., Grimaldi R., Cavazza M., Clo C., Ventura
C., Capelli M.: Effects of polyunsatured fatty acids and
prostaglandin synthesis on renal function. Prostaglandins
Leukotriene and Medicine22: 235-248, 1986.
15. Ventura
C., Guardigli G., Fontana F., Cavazza M., Bastagli L.,
Turinetto B., Bernardi P.: Enzymic analysis of myofibrillar
Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity in atrial specimens from patients
with coronary or valvular heart disease. In : “Atherosclerosis
and Cardiovascular Diseases”.Vol. 3, S. Lenzi and G.C.
Descovich Eds., Editrice Compositori, Bologna, pp 105-110,
16. Ventura
C., Muscari C., Spampinato S., Bernardi P., Guarnieri C.,
Caldarera C.M.: Effect of naloxone and opioid peptides on the
isolated rat heart contractility. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19
(3): 307, 1987.
17. Cavazza M.,
Fontana F., Guardigli G., Ventura C., Bastagli L., Spagnolo
N., Capelli M., Bernardi P.: Myoglobinemia alterations in patients
with coronary artery disease and various non ischemic illness. In:
“Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases”.Vol. 3, S.
Lenzi and G.C. Descovich Eds. Editrice Compositori, Bologna, pp
101-104, 1987.
18. Spampinato S.,
Ventura C., Fontana F., Guardigli G., Bastagli L., Cavazza
M., Bernardi P.: Evidence for the presence of dynorphin in human
heart. In: “Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular
Diseases”.Vol. 3, S. Lenzi and G.C. Descovich Eds., Editrice
Compositori, Bologna, pp 427-430, 1987.
19. Fontana F.,
Guardigli G., Spagnolo N., Ventura C., Cavazza M., Bastagli
L., Capelli M., Patrono D., Bernardi P., Lenzi S.: Effect of atrial
natriuretic peptide on the cardiovascular and renal function in
patients with chronic heart failure. In: “Atherosclerosis and
Cardiovascular Diseases”.Vol. 3, S. Lenzi and G.C. Descovich
Eds., Editrice Compositori, Bologna, pp 917-921, 1987.
20. Fontana F.,
Spagnolo N., Guardigli G., Ventura C., Cavazza M., Bastagli
L., Capelli M., Bernardi P., Lenzi S.: Analysis of the plasmatic
levels of atrial natriuretic factor in patients with different
cardiac diseases. In: “Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular
Diseases”.Vol. 3, S. Lenzi and G.C. Descovich Eds., Editrice
Compositori, Bologna, pp 961-963, 1987.
21. Ventura
C., Muscari C., Spampinato S., Bernardi P., Caldarera C.M.:
Effects of naloxone on the mechanical activity of isolated rat
hearts perfused with morphine or opioid peptides. PEPTIDES8:
695-699, 1987.
22. Ventura
C., Muscari C., Spampinato S., Bernardi P., Caldarera C.M.:
Inhibitory action of opioid peptides on ouabain-sensitive Na+-K+and
Ca2+-dependent ATPase activities in bovine cardiac sarcolemma.
PEPTIDES8: 709-713, 1987.
23. Ventura
C., Bastagli L., Spampinato S., Guardigli G., Cavazza M.,
Bernardi P., Caldarera C.M.: Analysis of azide-insensitive
Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity in atrial specimens from patients
with coronary or valvular heart disease. Life Sci. 41:
1257-1263, 1987.
24. Guarnieri C.,
Fraticelli A., Ventura C., Vaona I., Budini R.: External
GSSG enhances intracellular glutathione level in isolated cardiac
myocytes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 147: 658-665,
25. Ventura
C., Muscari C., Cavazza M., Bastagli L., Bernardi P.: Effetti
della morfina e di oppioidi endogeni sulla attività meccanica di
cuori isolati e perfusi di ratto. Cardiolgia 32: 95-99,
26. Muscari C.,
Bastagli L., Ventura C., Bernardi P., Caldarera C.M.:
Riduzione della velocità di respirazione mitocondriale in cuori di
ratto perfusi con oppioidi o naloxone. Cardiologia33:
353-357, 1988.
27. Ventura
C., Bastagli L., Caldarera C.M.: Opioids stimulate sarcolemmal
NAD(P)H-vanadate dehydrogenase activity. Basic Res. Cardiol.
83: 376-383, 1988.
28. Ventura
C., Bastagli L., Bernardi P., Caldarera C.M., Guarnieri C.:
Opioid receptors in rat cardiac sarcolemma: Effect of phenylephrine
and isoproterenol. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 987: 69-74,
29. Ventura
C., Bastagli L., Bernardi P., Caldarera C.M., Guarnieri C.:
Opioid receptors in cardiac sarcolemma. J. Endocrinol.
Invest. 12: 149-152, 1989.
30. Guardigli G.,
Fontana F., Ventura C., Spagnolo N., Bastagli L.,Puddu P.,
Bernardi P.: Endogenous opioids and hypertensive crises in patients
with acute cerebrovascular accidents. J. Endocrinol. Invest.
12: 9-12, 1989.
31. Ventura
C., Bastagli L., Bernardi P., Caldarera C.M., Guarnieri C.:
Catecholamines affect the binding of opioids to delta and kappa
receptors in rat heart sarcolemmal membranes. J. Mol. Cell.
Cardiol. 21(2): 540, 1989.
32. Ventura
C., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.: Calcium
release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum mediates the negative
inotropic effect of leucine-enkephalin on myocardial cell.
CIRCULATION80(II): 446, 1989.
33. Ventura
C., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.: Specific
opioid receptor agonists alter the twitch and cytosolic
Ca2+transient of rat myocytes. CIRCULATION 80 (II): 196,
34. Ventura
C., Hano O., Spurgeon H.A., Klockow M., Lakatta E.G.,
Capogrossi M.C.: Novel drug enhances contraction without changing
calcium in guinea pig myocytes. CIRCULATION80(II): 506,
35. Ventura
C., Guarnieri C., Bastagli L., Bernardi P., Puddu P., Caldarera
C.M.: Calcium stimulates opioid receptor agonism in rat cardiac
sarcolemma. CARDIOSCIENCE1: 151-154, 1990.
36. Bastagli L.,
Ventura C., Muscari C., Caldarera C.M., Puddu P.: Receptors
for atrial natriuretic factor in cardiomyocytes and aortic smooth
muscle. CARDIOSCIENCE 1: 177-181, 1990.
37. Spampinato S.,
Canossa M., Ventura C., Bachetti T., Venturini R., Bastagli
L., Bernardi P., Ferri S.: Heterogeneity of immunoreactive
dynorphin B-like material in human, rat, rabbit and guinea-pig
heart. Life Sci.48: 551-559, 1990.
38. Ventura
C., Guarnieri C., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.: Opioid
receptor agonist releases calcium from an intracellular pool and
increases the Ins(1,4,5)P3 level in rat cardiac myocytes. J.
Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 22(III): 1990.
39. Ventura
C., Guarnieri C., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.:
Opioid receptor agonist causes intracellular release of Ca2+in
cardiac myocytes and neuronal cells. Biophysical Journal57:
294, 1990.
40. Ventura
C., Guarnieri C., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.: An increase in
inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate accompanies k opioid alterations in
Ca2+homeostasis in cardiac mycoytes. CIRCULATION 82(4): 141,
41. Ventura
C., Capogrossi M.C., Gambassi G., Spurgeon H.A.,Lakatta E.G.:
Novel thiazinone derivatives differentially modify the contractile
response to calcium in intact cardiac cells.
CIRCULATION82(4): 142, 1990.
42. Ventura
C., Capogrossi M.C., Ferroni C., Guarnieri C., Caldarera C.M.:
Spermine decreases twitch amplitude and cytosolic Ca2+transient in
rat cardiac myocytes. Ital. J. Biochem. 39: 280-282,
43. Ventura
C., Capogrossi M.C., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G.: Opioid
peptide increases pH and contractile response to calciumin cardiac
myocytes. Biophysical Journal 59 (2): 434, 1991.
44. Ferroni C., Hano
O., Ventura C., Lakatta E.G., Klockow M., Spurgeon H.A.,
Capogrossi M.C.: A novel positive inotropic substance enhances
contractility without increasing the Ca2+transient in rat
myocardium. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 23: 325-331, 1991.
45. Ventura
C., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.: Calcium
release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum causes a negative inotropic
effect in rat ventricular myocytes. Atti del III Workshop
Nazionale: I PeptidiOppioidi nei Liquidi Biologici:
Fisiopatologia e Clinica.pp 105-110, 1991.
46. Ventura
C., Mazzanti G., Negroni G., Rossoni C., Capogrossi M.C.,
Guarnieri C.: Negative inotropic effect of a macrocyclic polyamine
in isolated rat cardiac myocytes. Life Chemistry Reports 9:
91-96, 1991.
47. Ferroni C.,
Ventura C., Sisini A., Caldarera C.M., Capogrossi M.C.:
Spermine and spermidine decrease the cytosolic Ca2+transient and
have a negative inotropic effect in rat cardiac myocytes. Life
Chemistry Reports9: 97-102, 1991.
48. Ventura
C., Capogrossi M.C., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G.: k-Opioid
receptor stimulation increases pH and myofilament
Ca2+sensitivity in cardiac myocytes. Am. J.
Physiol.261: H1671-H1674, 1991.
49. Ventura
C., Guarnieri C., Stefanelli C., Cirielli C., Lakatta E.G.,
Capogrossi M.C.: Comparison between alpha-adrenergic- and
k-opioidergic-mediated inositol (1,4,5)-
P3/inositol(1,3,4,5)P4formation in adult cultured rat ventricular
cardiomyocytes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.179: 972-978,
50. Ventura
C., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G., Guarnieri C., Capogrossi M.C.:
Kappa and delta opioid receptor stimulation affects cardiac myocyte
function and Ca2+release from an intracellular pool in myocytes and
neurons. Circ. Res.70: 66-81, 1992.
51. Ventura
C., Miller R., Wolf H.P., Beier N., Jonas R., Klockow M., Lues
I., Hano A., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.: Novel
diazinone derivatives separate myofilament Ca2+sensitization and
phosphodiesteraase III inhibitory effects in guinea-pig myocardium.
Circ. Res.70: 1081-1090, 1992.
52. Kasper E.,
Ventura C., Ziman B.D., Lakatta E.G., Weisman H., Capogrossi
M.C.: Effect of U-50,488H on the contractile response of
cardiomyopathic hamster ventricular myocytes. Life Sci.50:
2029-2035, 1992.
53. Ventura
C., Gambassi G., Spurgeon H.A., Lakatta E.G., Capogrossi M.C.:
Opposite effects of delta and kappa opioid receptor stimulation on
cytosolic pH in myocardial cells. CIRCULATION84: 389,
54. Ventura
C., Capogrossi M.C., Lakatta E.G.: Myocardial function and
endogenous opioids. In: “Clinical Perspectives in Endogenous
Opioid Peptides”.M. Negri, G. Lotti and A. Grossman Eds.
John Wiley & Sons Publishers,pp 393-406, 1992.
55. Ventura
C., Canossa M., Vaona I., Carboni L., Caldarera C.M.,
Spampinato S., Guarnieri C.: Prodynorphin mRNA is synthesized in
adult cultured rat ventricular cardiomyocytes.
CARDIOSCIENCE4: 21-24, 1993.
56. Canossa M.,
Ventura C., Vaona I., Carboni L., Guarnieri C., Spampinato
S.: Prodynorphin mRNA expression in adult cultured rat ventricular
cardiac myocytes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1172: 247-250,
57. Finelli C.,
Guarnieri C., Muscari C., Ventura C., Caldarera C.M.:
Incorporation of (14C)hypoxanthine into cardiac adenine
nucleotides: effects of aging and post-ischemic reperfusion.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta1180: 262-266, 1993.
58. Ventura
C., Spampinato S., Vaona I., Guarnieri C., Caldarera C.M.:
Membrane depolarization modulates opioid gene expression in adult
cultured myocytes. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 25(1): S 64,
59. Ventura
C., Ferroni C., Flamigni F., Stefanelli C., Capogrossi M.C.:
Polyamine effects on [Ca2+]ihomeostasis and contractility in
isolated rat ventricular cardiomyocytes. Am. J. Physiol.267:
H587-H592, 1994.
60. Ventura
C., Guarnieri C., Vaona I., Campana G., Pintus G., Spampinato
S.: Dynorphin gene expression and release in the myocardial cell.
J. Biol. Chem. 269: 5384-5386, 1994.
61. Ventura
C., Pintus G., Vaona I., Bennardini F., Pinna G., Tadolini B.:
Phorbol ester regulation of opioid peptide gene expression in
myocardial cells: Role of nuclear protein kinase C. J. Biol.
Chem.270: 30115-30120, 1995.
62. Ventura
C., Pintus G., Fiori M.G., Bennardini F., Pinna G., Gaspa L.:
Opioid peptide gene expression in the primary hereditary
cardiomyopathy of the Syrian hamster. Part I: Regulation of
prodynorphin gene expression by nuclear protein kinase C. J.
Biol. Chem.272: 6685-6692, 1997.
63. Ventura
C., Pintus G., Tadolini B.: Opioid peptide gene expression in
the primary hereditary cardiomyopathy of the Syrian hamster. Part
II: Role of intracellular calcium loading. J. Biol.
Chem.272: 6693-6698, 1997.
64. Ventura
C., Pintus G.: Opioid peptide gene expression in the primary
hereditary cardiomyopathy of the Syrian hamster. Part III:
Autocrine stimulation of prodynorphin gene expression by dynorphin
B. J. Biol. Chem.272: 6699-6705, 1997.
65. Nigro V., Okazaky
Y., Belsito A., Piluso G., Matsuda Y., Politano L., Nigro G.,
Ventura C., Abbondanza C., Molinari A.M., Acampora D.,
Nishimura M., Hayashizaki Y., Puca G.A.: Identification of the
Syrian hamster cardiomyopathy gene. Human Molecular
Genetics6: 601-607, 1997.
66. Pintus G.,
Tadolini B., Maioli M., Posadino A.M., Bennardini F., Bettuzzi S.,
Ventura C.: Heparin inhibits phorbol ester-induced ornithine
decarboxylase gene expression in endothelial cells. FEBS
Letters423: 98-104, 1998.
67. Ventura
C., Pintus G., Tadolini B.: Opioid peptide gene expression in
the myocardial cell. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine8,
102-110, 1998.
68. Ventura
C., Maioli M., Pintus G., Posadino A.M., Tadolini B.: Nuclear
opioid receptors activate opioid peptide gene transcription in
isolated myocardial nuclei. J. Biol. Chem.273: 13383-13386,
69. Pintus G.,
Tadolini B., Maioli M., Posadino A.M., Gaspa L., Ventura C.
Heparin down-regulates phorbol ester-induced protein kinase c (PKC)
gene expression in human endothelial cells: enzyme-mediated
autoregulation of PKC-a and-d genes. FEBS Letters 449:
135-140, 1999.
70. Ventura
C., Pintus G., Maioli M. Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase
gene expression to the rescue of myocardial contractility in
hypothyroid associated heart failure. Cardiovasc. Res.43:
282-284, 1999.
71. Ventura
C., Maioli M., Pintus G., Gottardi G., Bersani F. Elf-pulsed
magnetic fields modulate opioid peptide gene expression in
myocardial cells. Cardiovasc. Res.45: 1054-1064, 2000.
72. Ventura
C., Maioli M. Opioid peptide gene expression primes
cardiogenesis in embryonal pluripotent stem cells. Circ.
Res.87:189-194, 2000.
73. Ventura
C.Maioli M. PKC control of gene expression. Critical Reviews
in Eukaryotic Gene Expression, 11:243-267, 2001.
74. Sanna B., Debidda
M., Pintus G., Tadolini B., Posadino A.M., Bennardini F., Sava G.,
Ventura C. The anti-metastatic agent imidazolium
trans-imidazoledimethylsulfoxide-tetrachlororuthenate induces
endothelial cell apoptosis by inhibiting the mitogen-activated
protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling
pathway. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 403:209-218, 2002.
75. Pintus G.,
Tadolini B., PosadinoA., Sanna B., Debidda B., Bennardini F., Sava
G., VenturaC.Inhibition of the MEK/ERK signaling
pathway by the novel antimetastatic agent NAMI-A down regulates
c-myc gene expression and endothelial cells proliferation. Eur.
J. Biochem.269:5861-5870, 2002.
VenturaC., Zinellu E., Maninchedda E., Fadda M.,
Maioli M. Protein kinase C signaling transduces endorphin-primed
cardiogenesis in GTR1 embryonic stem cells. Circ.
Res.92:617-622, 2003.
VenturaC., Zinellu E., Maninchedda E., Fadda M.,
Maioli M. Protein kinase C signaling transduces endorphin-primed
cardiogenesis in GTR1 embryonic stem cells. Circ. Res. online
supplement, 92:1-20, 2003.
VenturaC., Zinellu E., Maninchedda E., Maioli M.
Dynorphin B is an agonist of nuclear opioid receptors coupling
nuclear protein kinase c activation to the transcription of
cardiogenic genes in GTR1 embryonic stem cells. Circ.
Res.92: 623-629, 2003.
VenturaC., Zinellu E., Maninchedda E., Maioli M.
Dynorphin B is an agonist of nuclear opioid receptors coupling
nuclear protein kinase c activation to the transcription of
cardiogenic genes in GTR1 embryonic stem cells. Circ. Res.,
online supplement, 92:1-7, 2003.
80. Debidda M., Sanna
B., Cossu A., Posadino A.M., Tadolini B., Ventura C., Pintus
G. NAMI-A inhibits the PMA-induced ODC gene expression in ECV304
cells: involvement of PKC/Raf/Mek/ERK signalling pathway. Int.
J. Oncol. 23: 477-482, 2003.
81. Pintus G.,
Tadolini B., Posadino A.M., Sanna B., Debidda M., Carru C., Deiana
L., Ventura C. PKC/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway modulates
native-LDL-induced E2F-1 gene expression and endothelial cell
proliferation. Cardiovasc. Res.59:934-944, 2003.
82. Newman
J.H., Trembath R.C., Morse J.A., Grunig E., Loyd J.E., Adnot
S., Coccolo F., Ventura C., Phillips III J.A., Knowles J.A.,
Janssen B., Eickelberg O., Eddahibi, S., Herve P., Nichols W.C.,
Elliott G. Genetic Basis of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Current
Understanding and Future Directions. J. Am. Coll.
Cardiol.43:33S–39S, 2004.
83. Ventura
C., Maioli M., Asara Y., Santoni D., Scarlata I., Cantoni S.,
Perbellini A. Butyric and retinoic mixed ester of hyaluronan: A
novel differentiating glycoconjugate affording a high-throughput of
cardiogenesis in embryonic stem cells. J. Biol.
Chem.279:23574-23579, 2004.
84. Ventura
C., Maioli M., Asara Y., Santoni D., Mesirca P., Remondini D.,
Bersani F. Turning on stem cell cardiogenesis with extremely low
frequency magnetic fields. The FASEB Journal express article
10.1096/fj.04-2695fje. Published online October 26, 2004.
85. Ventura
C., Maioli M., Asara Y., Santoni D, Mesirca P., Remondini D.,
Bersani F. Turning on stem cell cardiogenesis with extremely low
frequency magnetic fields. FASEB J. 19:155-157, 2005.
86. Ventura
C.Forced myocardin expression primes cardiac and smooth muscle
transcription patterning in human mesenchymal stem cells.
Cardiovasc. Res.67:182-183, 2005.
87. Ventura
C.CAM and cell fate targeting: molecular and energetic insights
into cell growth and differentiation. Evid. Based Complement.
Alternat. Med.2:277-283, 2005.
88. Ventura
C., Branzi A. Autocrine and intracrine signaling for
cardiogenesis in embryonic stem cells: a clue for the development
of novel differentiating agents. Handb. Exp.
Pharmacol.174:123-146, 2006.
89. Ventura
C., Cantoni S., Cavallini C. Stem Cells: a promise for cardiac
repair. Organ Tissues and Cells9: 167-173, 2006.
90. Alviano F.,
Fossati V., Marchionni C., Arpinati M., Bonsi L., Franchina M.,
Lanzoni G., Cantoni S., Cavallini C., Bianchi F., Tazzari P.,
Pasquinelli G., Foroni L., Ventura C.,Grossi A., Bagnara G.
Term amniotic membrane is a high throughput source for
multipotent mesenchymal stem cells with the ability to
differentiate into endothelial cells in vitro. BMC Dev.
Biol.7:11 doi:10.1186/1471-213X-7-11, 2007.
91. Marini M.,
Lapalombella R., Margonato V., Ronchi R., Samaja M., Scapin C.,
Gorza L., Maraldi T., Carinci P., Ventura C.,Veicsteinas A.
Mild exercise training, cardioprotection and stress genes
profile.Eur. J. Appl. Physiol.99:503-510, 2007.
92. Maioli M., Asara
Y., Pintus A., Ninniri S., Bettuzzi S., Scaltriti M., Galimi F.,
Ventura C.Creating prodynorphin-expressing stemcells alerted
for a high-throughput ofcardiogenic commitment. Regenerative
Medicine 2:193-202, 2007.
93. Ventura
C.,Cantoni S., Bianchi F., Lionetti V., Cavallini C., Scarlata
I., Foroni L., Maioli M., Bonsi L., Alviano F., Fossati V., Bagnara
G.P., Pasquinelli G., Recchia F.A., Perbellini A. Hyaluronan mixed
esters of butyric and retinoic acid drive cardiac and endothelial
fate in term placenta human mesenchymal stem cells and enhance
cardiac repair in infarcted rat hearts. J. Biol.
Chem.282:14243-14252, 2007.
94. Ventura,
C.,Cavallini, C., Bianchi, F., Cantoni, S. Stem cells and
cardiovascular repair: a role for natural and synthetic molecules
harboring differentiating and paracrine logics. Cardiovasc.
Hematol. Agents Med. Chem.6:60-68, 2008.
95. Ventura,
C.,Cantoni, S., Bianchi, F., Cavallini, C. Paracrine, Autocrine
and Intracrine Patterning for Cardiovascular Repair with Human
Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Role of New Chemistry for Regenerative
Medicine. In: "Stem Cell Applications in Diseases", pp
261-282. NOVA Publishers, 2008, Editors: Mikkel L.
96. Maioli, M.,
Pintus, A., Montella, A., Bandiera, P., Cantoni, S., Cavallini, C.,
Bianchi, F., Ventura, C.Hyaluronan mixed esters of butyric
and retinoic acids drive smad gene expression and signaling during
the cardiogenic commitment of mouse embryonic and human mesenchymal
stem cells. J. Biol. Chem.2008, Submitted.