Foto del docente

Chiara Gualandi

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-04/A Industrial Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Chiara Gualandi (born in 1982) took the Master's Degree in “Photochemistry and Chemistry of Materials” in 2006 with full marks. In 2010 she got the PhD in Industrial Chemistry working on “Porous polymeric bioresorbable scaffolds for tissue engineering” (supervisor Prof. M. Scandola). In 2006, 2008 and 2009 she was visiting researcher at the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials in Zabrze (group of Prof. M. Kowalczuk ), at the Chemistry Department of Nottingham University (groups of Prof. S. M. Howdle and Prof. K. M. Shakesheff) (financially supported by a “Marco Polo” grant) and at the Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials of Manchester University (group of Prof. N. Tirelli). She won the Springer Thesis Award for outstanding scientific research at PhD level that led to the publication of the thesis by Springer publisher. In 2010 she won a Spinner fellowship dedicated to excellent research project in the framework of “Azione pilota Donne, Tecnologia e Innovazione”, to act as principal investigator in the knowledge-transfer project REGELSKIN. In 2011-2013 she worked with a research fellowship at the Advanced Mechanics and Materials Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research (CIRI MAM) of UNIBO. In 2012 she won the “European Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Doctoral Award” granted by the European Society of Biomaterials. In 2013-2021 she was “Ricercatore a tempo determinato” at the Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician” in UNIBO where she now works as Associate Professor. She coordinates an international projected financied by NATO "Science for Peace and Security programme", coordinator of a FISR 2020- COVID project (Surf-ACE), unit coordinator of a PRIN2017 project "Functional supramolecular polymers for self-diagnostic composites", unit coordinator of a project financiated in the framework of "Bando ricerca finalizzata 2019" (NUTperOA - A novel functionalized NUTraceuticals-laden hyaluronic hydrogel for gender-based PERsonalized treatment for osteOArthritis care: a novel proof-of-concept in viscosupplementation) and coordinator of PRIN 2022 project “ALICE - light-Activated high-performance actuators by electrospinning of reversibly crosslinked LIquid CrystallinE networks”. She is co-author of about 80 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, 4 book chapters and 9 patents.

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