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Bruno Pierri

Adjunct professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Curriculum vitae

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1989-1995: First Class Honours Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English and German), University of Lecce, Italy. Title of Dissertation: The Battle of Britain in the British Press.

1995-1996: Postgraduate Course in “The Teaching of Foreign Cultures and Literature”, University of Bari, Italy.

1996-1997: Postgraduate Course in “Foreign Languages and Literatures”, University of Lecce, Italy.

1997-1998: Postgraduate Course in “ The Town and Territory in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present Day”, University of Lecce, Italy.

2003-2006: PhD in “The History, Institutions, and International Relations of Extra-European Countries”, University of Pisa, Italy. Title of Thesis: Anglo-American Policy on the Eastern Mediterranean: The Suez Question and the Relations with Egypt, 1948-54.

2006-2008: University Master’s Degree in “International Cooperation, Human Rights and Peace Keeping in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Areas and the Balkans”, University of Lecce.


1991-92: ERASMUS exchange programme, Metropolitan University, London (UK).

2000-01: INTERREG II European-funded project ITALY-GREECE, University of Lecce, Italy, Research project: “Regulations for the Protection of Linguistic Minorities in Italy and Greece”.

04-07 July 2005: Summer School by CISPEA (Interuniversity Centre of Euro-American History and Politics), Quattro Castella (Reggio Emilia), for Course of The United States of America and European Nations: The Question of “American Exceptionalism”.

2006-2008: University Master’s Degree in “International Cooperation, Human Rights and Peace Keeping in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Areas and the Balkans”, University of Lecce.

15 June-26 July 2007: United States Dept. of State; EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM (Course on “American Politics and Political Thought”), University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute Civic Initiative, DIRECTORS: Proff. J. MILEUR, M. HANNAHAN.

7-9 October 2008: Scholarship to take part and deliver a speech at the Seminar “Current Research Studies on US History and Transatalantic Relations”, CISPEA (Interuniversity Centre of Euro-American History and Politics), University of Eastern Piemonte, Vercelli-Torino: Speech on “Britain, the US, and the Relations with Egypt in the First Détente Years”

10-11 October 2011: Scholarship to take part and deliver a speech at the Seminar “New Research Studies on US History and Transatlantic Relations”, CISPEA (Interuniversity Centre of Euro-American History and Politics) and US Embassy in Rome, Centre of US Studies, Rome


January 2008-August 2009: “History of International Relations”, University of Lecce. Field of study: Anglo-American Policy towards Egypt in the Détente Years; Tutor: Prof. Antonio Donno

November 2010-October 2011: Scientific Divulgation and Scholarly Writing with Reference to Public Policies and International Relations, University of Lecce. Field of study: British and American Oil Policies in the first half of the 1970s; Tutor: Prof. Grazia Marisa Saracino Favale


2007-2008 English Language, Degree Course in “Political Sciences and International Relations”, Faculty of Humanities, University of Lecce. Course on US and UK Political system

2008-2009 English Language, Degree Course in “Political Sciences and International Relations”, Faculty of Humanities, University of Lecce. Course on US and UK Political system and analysis of English diplomatic language

2008-2009 Supplementary Course on “Anglo-American Institutions and Specific Language”, within the Course of “English Language”, Degree Course in “Economics and Finance”, Faculty of Economics, University of Lecce.

2009-2010: English Language, Degree Course in “Business Economics (M-Z), Faculty of Economics, University of Lecce.

2010-2011: Supplementary Course on Business English, within the course held by Prof. M.G. Saracino, II Facolty of Economics, University of Bari in Taranto

2012-2013: History of Italian Foreign Policy, Degree Course in “International and European Relations”, Department of Law, University of Parma

2013-2014: History of Italian Foreign Policy (held in English), Degree Course in “International and European Relations”, Department of Law, University of Parma

2014-2015: History of Italian Foreign Policy (held in English), Degree Course in “International and European Relations”, Department of Law, University of Parma

2015-2016: History of Italian Foreign Policy (held in English), Degree Course in “International and European Relations”, Department of Law, University of Parma

2016-2017: History of Italian Foreign Policy (held in English), Degree Course in “International and European Relations”, Department of Law, University of Parma

2017-2018: History of Italian Foreign Policy (held in English), Degree Course in “International and European Relations”, Department of Law, Political and International Studies, University of Parma

2017-2018: Eight-hour-Seminar on “Introduction to the study of history of International relations, o studio della storia delle relazioni internazionali, ”, Department of Law, Political and International Studies, University of Parma

2018-2019: History of Italian Foreign Policy (held in English), Degree Course in “International and European Relations”, Department of Law, Political and International Studies, University of Parma

2020-2021: History of International Relations (36-hour-seminar), Degree Course in International and Diplomatic Sciences Department of Political and Social Sciences, branch of Forlì, University of Bologna

2021-2022: History of International Relations, M-Z Course, and 24-hour-seminar, Degree Course in International and Diplomatic Sciences, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Campus of Forlì, University of Bologna

2022-2023: History of International Relations, Degree Course in International and Diplomatic Sciences, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Campus of Forlì, University of Bologna

2024-2025: History of International Relations (26-hour-seminar), Degree Course in International and Diplomatic Sciences, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Campus of Forlì, University of Bologna



June 2000: Teacher Status in English Language and Civilization (Secondary Schools), Department of Education, Rome.

25/03/2014-25/03/2023: National Qualification as University Associate Professor of History of International Relations SPS/06

20/12/2019-20/12/2028: National Qualification as University Associate Professor of History of International Relations SPS/06


Italian (native speaker), English (fluent in speaking, reading, writing), German (intermediate in speaking, reading, writing), French (lower intermediate in speaking, reading, writing).


2020-2021: FCE course 20-hour-teaching, c/o I.I.S. Racchetti-Da Vinci di Crema (CR)

2021-2022: FCE course 40-hour-teaching, c/o I.I.S. Racchetti-Da Vinci di Crema (CR)

2022-2023: FCE course 40-hour-teaching, c/o I.I.S. Racchetti-Da Vinci di Crema (CR)

2023-2024: FCE course 40-hour-teaching, c/o I.I.S. Racchetti-Da Vinci di Crema (CR)

2023-2024: Project “STEM e lingue: leggere, capire e progettare il presente”: Teachers’ Training 40-hour-FCE course, Istituto Comprensivo P. Sentati, Castelleone (CR), to activate in October 2024



November 1995: Third Prize awarded by The Italian Army for dissertations on Military History.


2003- Member of SHAFR (Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations).

2011- Member of SISI (Italian Society of International History)

2022 – Member of BIHG (British International History Group)



2003: Research Grant, MURST (Ministry of University and Research), Department of History, University of Lecce; Project title: “American Hegemony in the Eastern Mediterranean: from the Rising of Gorbaciov to the Gulf War”.

2005: Research Grant, MURST (Ministry of University and Research), Department of Historical Studies, University of Lecce, Project Title: “Italian Foreign policy in the Dètente Years, 1968-1975”.

2008: Research Grant, MIUR (Ministry of University and Research), Department of Historical Studies, University of Salento, Project Title: “US-Italian Relations in the Second Post-War Period and the American Role in the Mediterranean”.

2020: Research Project “Italy and the Middle East. Geopolitics, Dialogue and Power during the Cold War”, University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences


  • Peace and War in the Middle East in the Modern and Contemporary Ages”, SeSaMO (Society for the Study of The Middle East), University of Lecce, 18-20 November 2004: Speech on “Anglo-American Policy towards Egypt, 1948-1954”.
  • Current Research Studies on US History and Transatlantic Relations”, CISPEA (Interuniversity Centre of Euro-American History and Politics), University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli-Torino, 7-9 October 2008: Speech on “Britain, the US, and the Relations with Egypt in the First Détente Years”
  • “New Research Studies on US History and Transatlantic Relations Stati Uniti”, CISPEA (Interuniversity Centre of Euro-American History and Politics), in collaboration with Embassy of the United States in Rome, Centre of American Studies, Rome, 10-11 October 2011
  • “Intra-European Relations in the XX Century: Europe and Extra-European Realities in the XX Century” – Paper on “The Relations between the United States and the Middle East during the Oil Revolution, 1969-1974”, SISI -Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale (Italian Society of International History), I National Conference, Florence, 15-16 December 2011
  • Prospettive di ricerca: Mediterraneo e Africa nel confronto della guerra fredda (New Research Outlooks: Mediterranean and Africa in the Cold War Confrontation); Presentation on “Giganti petroliferi e grandi consumatori: Stati Uniti, Gran Bretagna e la rivoluzione petrolifera, 1969-1974 (Oil Giants and Great Consumers: The United States, Great Britain and the Oil Revolution, 1969-1974 )”, C/O LUMSA University, Rome, 23 March 2013
  • 09/03/2015: Il fenomeno del terrorismo internazionale: aspetti storici, politici, giuridici, economici, sociali e culturali; Relazione su “Petro-dollari, Guerra Fredda e rapporti tra Occidente e monarchie arabe” (Petro-Dollars, Cold War, and Relations between the West and Arab Monarchies), University of Parma
  • 22/03/2017: Workshop on refugees, forced migration and immigration policies: speech on “The German Response to the Syrian Refugees Crisis”, University of Parma
  • 02/05/2018: Workshop on strategies of contrast to organised crime: speech on Cyber Crime and Cyber Security: A comparison on political systems
  • 19/11/2021: Seminario su Italy and the Middle East: Geopolitics, Dialogue and Power During the Cold War, Campus of Forlì, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna

    • 02/05/2023: Conference “L’inglese – un ponte tra l’Italia e Malta”. Presentation on “The Importance of the Mediterranean in International Relations”, Caorso (PC)

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