Home > News > Dates of exams of the CI IMMUNE, RHEUMATIC, AND SKIN DISEASES – aa 24/25 - year 5
Dates of exams of the CI IMMUNE, RHEUMATIC, AND SKIN DISEASES – aa 24/25 - year 5
20/12/24 - exam written - 11:00am - Aula Magna Dermatologia pad. 29
08/01/2025 - exam written - 11:00am -Aula Magna dermatologia Pad. 29
6/02/2025 - exam written - 11:00am - Sant'Orsola - Polo Murri - AULA MURRI
26/03/2025 - exam written - 11:00am - Sant'Orsola - Polo Murri - AULA MURRI
17/04/2025 - exam written - 11:00am - Sant'Orsola - Polo Murri - AULA MURRI
02/07/2025 - exam written - 11:00am - Sant'Orsola - Polo Murri - AULA MURRI
17/09/2025 - exam written - 11:00am _ Sant'Orsola - Polo Murri - AULA MURRI
The exam for this integrated course is a written, multiple-choice test. The number of questions for each subject is proportional to its credit value:
- Skin & STD (3 credits): 15 questions
- Immunology (2 credits): 10 questions
- Rheumatology (2 credits): 10 questions
- Pathology (1 credit): 5 questions
In total, there are 40 questions. To pass, the student must achieve at least 60% correct answers in each subject area.
Scoring system:
- Each correct answer earns 0.8 points.
- Incorrect answers do not subtract points.
- The total score is rounded to the nearest whole number.
This system allows the student to score 30 with 2-3 incorrect answers, and even 30 cum laude with one incorrect answer.
Important note: The exam is a single, unified test. The student must pass each subject individually. If the student doesn’t pass one or more subjects, the entire exam will need to be retaken, regardless of the overall score. This rule is incontestable.
Published on: November 11 2024