Master Thesis at the Universita' di Firenze, 110/110 cum laude, 2010
Ph.D. at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 70/70 cum laude, 2013.
Postdocs at the Institut Fourier in Grenoble and the Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Paris 2014-2015
Maitre de Conference (permanent position) at the Institut Montpellierains Alexandre Grothendieck, Montpellier, 2015-2022 & RTDB at the Università di Bologna 2019-2022
Associate professor at the Università di Bologna, 2022-today.
Research interests
Mathematical Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Geometric Measure Theory, Regularity of elliptic PDEs, Optimal Transport Theory.
Some more details in the (often not updated) in the attached file.