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Professor Benilde Cosmi
Current position
Permanent appointment as ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES of the University of Bologna, Bologna Italy
Director of the Division of Angiology and Blood Coagulation of the University of Bologna, at the Department of Specialty, Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine, Division of Angiology e Blood Coagulation, S.Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital Research Institute -IRCCS, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Main research interests: clinical research
Antithrombotic therapies
Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of venous thomboembolism
Peripheral arterial disease
My research activity has produced 269 articles In Peer Review Journals and my current bibliometric indexes are:
H Index :Total citations
SCOPUS= 44 ; 7746
ISI WOS= 32; 4910
Google Scholar = 58 ; 11769
Total citation/Academic age: SCOPUS: 206 ISI WOS: 136; Google Scholar: 326
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