Foto del docente

Beatrice Girotti

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Curriculum vitae


(in breef)

Researcher at the University of Bologna, she conducts her research in the field of ancient pagan and Christian historiography, in particular Roman historiography, with the related social analysis of the underlying ancient reality. She focuses her research on gender-related historiographical issues with a transdisciplinary and transcultural methodological approach that focuses on the complex significance of the distinctive signs of female status, mostly aristocratic. She is currently working on a research project focusing on communication codes, value systems and political vocabulary in Late Antiquity.

Current and previous academic positions

2019- (Rtd b L240/10) University of Bologna
2016-2019 Rtd a L240/10 University of Bologna

Institutional Responsibilities

Since 2021 she has been a member of the Quality Assurance (QA) Management Committee for the History degree course (Unibo).

As a researcher, she has been a committee member in numerous selection and evaluation procedures for research grants, post-doc scholarships, tutorships, collaboration contracts, and contract teaching assignments.
As a researcher (and previously as a contract professor) she organises and participates in the "ALMA ORIENTA" orientation days.

2021- co-responsible for mission III "Ancient world and contemporary sensitivities".

2021-2022 responsible for the Section of Ancient History at the III mission of the DiSci Department (with M.E. Deluna).

December 2019-ongoing: Head of Erasmus Université Bordeaux-Montaigne
2017-2019 Teaching activity (UniBo) at the Dozza Prison Bologna
2018 Participation in the Best Practices Showcase for Innovative Didactics (June 2018).

2018 Delegate of the President of the DiSCi Didactics Commission: Participation in the AFORM Workshop for Innovative Didactics "Designing didactics in university classrooms. Objectives, methodologies, interventions' (November 2018).
Delegate of the Department of Ancient History (University of Bologna) for the VII FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME BOLOGNA 2006-2007 from 01-01-2006 to 31-12-2007.
Major collaborations

He has participated in the following national and international research projects:
Member of the Bologna Unit of the PRIN 2004: "Italy of the regions: origins and developments in the Roman age" coordinated at national level by U. Laffi from 01-01-2004 to 31-12-2005
Member of the Bologna Unit of the PRIN 2007: "Central power and city autonomies in the Roman State" coordinated at national level by U. Laffi from 01-01-2007 to 31-12-2008
(P.I.) Direction of the Research Group JOINT FIELD WORK ON LATE ANTIQUITY / TOWARDS A JOINT LAB UdeM-UNIBO (University of Bologna; Université de Montreal), formalised by obtaining funding from the Call for Proposals UNIBO STRUCTURES: INNOVATIVE INITIATIVES OF DIPARTITIONS UNDER ATHENAO FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS AND SECTOR AGREEMENTS from 27-06-2017 to 31-10-2018
(P.I.) Principal Investigator of the Project "The Power of Image and Word. Distinctive signs of female aristocracy in Late Antiquity and Byzantium", admitted for funding on the basis of peer review in the Alma Idea Junior Grant line (protocol 15772 of 15.02.2017) from 01-11-2017 to date
Member of the international project (P.I. Prof. Carla Salvaterra) International Career Development for History Graduates with the following international partners: CUNY College of Staten Island - New York - USA; University of California-Berkeley-USA; Université de Montréal- Montréal CANADA from 20-02-2019 ongoing
Participation in the international project Universidad de Sevilla "Marginación y visibilidad de la mujer en Roma (siglos I-IV)" from 30-09-2020 to 31-01-2022

Other projects

Visiting Professor at the Université de Montréal (Faculté des Arts et des Sciences - Departement d'Histoire) in the framework of the Programme International Cooperation Agreements - Teacher and Researcher Mobility Projects (DD 3784/2016 of 18.10.2016 Protocol 94991) from 28-03-2017 to 09-04-2017
Visiting Professor (through Erasmus+ Project) at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid from 19-03-2018 to 22-03-2018
Visiting Professor at Université de Montréal (Faculté des Arts et des Sciences - Departement d'Histoire) as part of the Joint Field Work Project on Late Antiquity from 28-07-2018 to 9-09-2018
Visiting Professor (through Erasmus+ Project) at Paris 8 from 1-03-2021 to 5-03-2021 (virtual mobility)
Reviewing activities

Editor-in-chief of the  RIVISTA STORICA dell'ANTICHITÀ from 21-07-2021 to date

Member of the Editorial Board of the RIVISTA DI STUDI MILITARI from 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2020

Member of the Editorial Board of  EPIGRAPHICA from 01-01-2017 to 01-12-2017

Member of the Editorial Board of the RIVISTA STORICA dell'ANTICHITÀ from 15-10-2018 to

Member of the Editorial Board of the journal OCCIDENTE/ORIENTE. Journal of Late Antiquity Studies from 01-01-2020 to Today
Member of the Editorial Board of the Collana Studi Storici Pàtron Bologna from 01-11-2019 to date

Responsible for the PANDORA project c/o Casa Editrice IL MULINO for the book by G. Poma "Le fonti per la storia antica" (Bologna, il Mulino, 2016) from 29-01-2016 to 31-12-2016

Track record (5 years)

2016-2019: The research project investigated in a critical-historical perspective the concept of the court in Late Antiquity and the horizontal and vertical relations in this context, starting with the historians of the 4th century and, for the 5th century, with Olympiodorus-Zosimus, whose focus on the West is to be compared with the Latin tradition. Specific attention was paid to the role in the historiography of the late antique elites in their relations with the centre of power and the modalities of their appointment to the court. Key research concepts and terms: absolute kingship, comitatus, formation of political groups and alliances, political ideologies, female element in the late antique court.
2019-2022: Social history and gender history. Ethics, society and politics in Late Antiquity (with a focus on the lexicon of pagan authors compared with the new lexicon of Christian authors).
The research aims to make a contribution to the definition of the specific traits of female eminence between Late Antiquity and the Byzantine era in the regulatory sphere, in the administrative sphere, in the economic sphere and in terms of representation. The comparison between sources of different nature and the intercultural approach are the methodological key to compare different situations and contexts, and allow to reread the comparison between the male and female social condition with its possible gender contaminations in different geographical horizons.


2017 Beneficiary FFABR award quota (extraordinary) of 3000 euros. National selection for 3000 euros in recognition of the research activities of researchers and associate professors

Activities in the field of equal opportunities

In addition to scientific work, ongoing projects and conferences and symposia (, in relation to the history of Roman women BG has conducted training and public engagement activities in recent years:

- Participation in the I Seminar The female figure in Rome. Politics, law, economy, as part of the History of Roman Women course a.y. 2020/2021 (organised by Silvia Giorcelli, lectures by Aglaia McClintock, Andrea Trisciuoglio, Silvia Braito, Laura Fontana)
- 2020- ongoing Co-directing Unibo 6CFU Seminar "The Image of the Other"

- 2018 Participation in the Summer School "Belonging and social distinction from ancient to modern times" Integrated Italian-German course in Historical and Oriental Sciences Bielefeld-Bologna (BiBoG)

- 2014-ongoing Participation in the project "The Ancients at School" organised and coordinated by the Section of Ancient History in collaboration with the Liceo Galvani (Bologna): the project aims to raise awareness and deepen knowledge of Roman and Greek history and historiography for high school students. Organisation of lessons on stuprum, the female body in antiquity, marriage, maternity, and the inclusion and exclusion of the feminine.

Translated with (free version)

Ai sensi dell'art. 15 co. 1 lett. c) del Decreto Legislativo 33/2013 ed in ottemperanza delle disposizioni del D.P.R. 445/2000 il sottoscritto _Beatrice Girotti______________________ nato a _Bologna_________________ il _____21/07/1975______ Dichiara di NON svolgere incarichi, di NON avere titolarità di cariche di diritto privato regolati o finanziati dalla pubblica amministrazione e di NON di svolgere attività professionali.