Foto del docente

Barbara Ferrari

Assistant professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-11/A Psychiatry

Director of First Cycle Degree in Professional education

Curriculum vitae




At 3 April 2008 confirmed in role of Research Professor in Psychiatry at  DIBINEM, headquarters Institute of Psychiatry "P.Ottonello", University of Bologna, SSD MED/25 Psychiatry.

PhD in Sociology and Social Policies at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna in 2003.




Various studies in collaboration with Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and Department of Neurotec, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. The aim of this studies are to identify the risk factor for dementia to improve psychiatric diagnosis to connect with dementia. Barbara Ferrari have engaged to these studies and they confirmed the important role of depression and cognitive impairment on dementia in elderly.



This study aims to detect the impact of stroke on the occurence of dementia and cognitive impairment/no dementia (CIND) in different age, sex, and education groups. Stroke is a strong risk factor for dementia among younger -old and higher-educated subject.

  celebral reserve hypothesis In community study  having no education is associated with dementia independent of gender, occupation, life habits, and hypertension. This association was stronger among younger old persons, and decreased with increasing age. The findings suggest that the first decade of life is a critical period for developing dementia later in life. The decrease in dementia risk may be due to schooling. According to the celebral reserve hypothesis, or to other factors associated with a higher educational level during chilhood.



The combined effect of very early dementia and symptoms of depression on functional disability was assessed

with a logistic-regression model in which functional disability was the dependent variable. The same model was repeated with each item on the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale as the dependent variable.  Elderly people who suffer from very early dementia and who also have symptoms of depression are at very high risk for functional disability and have a great need for accurate diagnostic assessment. If confirmed, the results are relevant for  prevention because people who suffer from very early dementia and have symptoms of depression may be a suitable

target group for intervention before the development of severe disability.




According to the self-medication hypothesis, individuals with depression and anxiety disorders use alcohol to control their symptoms and subsequently become dependent. Conversely alcohol dependence (ADD) can cause or exacerbate psychiatric disorders. Depression and social phobia secondary to ADD are independent

conditions that do not completely remit after cessation of drinking. Specific treatments are needed to reduce residual depressive and anxiety symptoms in abstinent alcoholics.



 In the last few years the correlation between personality and genetics has been largely investigated. Harm Avoidance seems to be strongly associated with the serotonin transporter gene. Studies on Reward Dependence, Persistence, Self-Directedness,  Cooperativeness and Self-Transcendence dimensions are still conflicting. Though further studies are necessary to replicate and validate those results, genetic factors play an important role for specific susceptibilities of human personality.


To evaluate the prevalence of personality disorders (PDs) in the outpatients attending an addiction service, with particular  attention to the effects of PDs on social and occupational functioning and on the intensity of treatment required. II comorbidity occurs in 62% of addiction outpatients and has substantial effects on social and occupational functioning as well as on treatment programs.




1) De Ronchi D, Bellini F, Berardi D, Serretti A, Ferrari B, Dalmonte E. Cognitive status, depressive symptoms, and health status as predictors of functional disability among elderly persons with low-to-moderate education: The Faenza Community Aging Study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY 2005; vol. 13, pp. 672 – 685.


2) De Ronchi D, Palmer K, Pioggiosi PP, Atti A.R, Berardi D, Ferrari B, Dalmonte E, Fratiglioni L. The combined effect of age, education, and stroke on dementia and cognitive impairment no dementia in the elderly Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorder 2007; 24 (4):266-273.


3)Olgiati P, Liappas I, Malitas P, Piperi C, Politis A, Tzavellas EO, Zisaki A, Ferrari B, De Ronchi D, Kalofoutis A, Serretti A ,Depression and social phobia secondary to alcohol dependence Neuropsycobiology 2007, 56 (2-3):111-118.


4)Pioggiosi PP, Berardi D, Ferrari B, Quartesan R, De Ronchi D. Occurrence of cognitive impairment after age 90: MCI and other broadly used concepts Brain Research Bulletin. 2006; 68 (4):227–232.


5)De Ronchi D, Bellini F, Berardi D, Serretti A, Ferrari B, Dalmonte E. Cognitive status, depressive symptoms, and health status as predictors of functional disability among elderly persons with low-to-moderate education: The “Faenza Community Aging Study”. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2005;.13 (8): 672–685.


6)Serretti A., Calati R, Ferrari B, De Ronchi D, Personality and genetics  Current Psychiatry Reviews 2007, 3(1): 147-159.


7) Forlani C., Atti A.R, Ferrari B., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi D. Somatic complaints, Depression and Functional Impairment. Data from the “Faenza Community Aging Study” Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2007; 63(3),  316-317.


8) Forlani C.,. Atti A.R, Ferrari B., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi D. Ederly complaining Somatic Symptoms Associations with  Anxiety and Depression. Data from the “Faenza Community Aging Study” Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2007, 63 (3)2007, 316


9) Olgiati P, Liappas I, Malitas P, Piperi C, Politis A, Tzavellas EO, Zisaki A, Ferrari B, De Ronchi D, Kalofoutis A, Serretti A.   Depression and social phobia secondary to alcohol dependence Neuropsychobiology. 2007;56(2-3):111-8. Epub 2008.

10)Bernabei. V.,  Morini V., Moretti F., Marchiori A. , Ferrari B., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi   D., A.R. Atti  Vision and Hearing impairment are associated with Depressive-Anxiety syndrome in Italian elderly 2010 (in print on Aging &Mental Health).

11) Moretti F., De Ronchi D., Palmer K., Forlani C., Morini V., Ferrari B., Dalmonte E., Atti A.R., Prevalence and characteristics of mild cognitive impairment in general population. Data from Italian population-based study:The Faenza Project, Aging Mental Health, 2012 October, 17 (3):267-75.

12. Casadio P., Olivoni D.,  Ferrari B., Pintori C., Speranza E., Bosi M., Belli V., Baruzzi L., Pantieri P., Ragzzini G., Rivola F., A.R. Atti, Personality Disorders in Addiction Outpatients: Prevalence and Effects on Psychosocial Functioning, Substance Abuse: Research and Treatmnet 2014:8, 8-24.

13. Atti AR., Morri M, Gibiino S, Forlani M, Scudellari P, Dal Monte E, Ferrari B, De Ronchi D, Late-Life Mental Health Disorders. Data from a Population-Based Study, J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2015, volume 5, Issue3.








B. Ferrari, A.R. Atti, S. Caprini, M. Morri., P.Casadio, E. Dal Monte, De Ronchi D.

4th Bologna International Meeting, AFFECTIVE, BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE DISORDERS IN THE ELDERLY, ABCDE, 15-17 giugno 2006 Bologna, Royal Carlton Hotel.


·          “COGNITIVE STATUS, DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS, AND HEALTH STATUS AS PREDICTORS OF FUNCTIONAL DISABILITY AMONG ELDERLY PERSONS WITH LOW-TO-MODERATE EDUCATION”  D. De Ronchi, E. Dalmonte, A. Serretti, B. Ferrari, A..R. Atti, C. Forlani, D. Berardi  Fourth Annual Meeting on Brain Aging and Dementia, “From successful aging to severe dementia” 5-7 ottobre 2006 –  Perugia, Palazzo Murena.



A. R. Atti, C. Forlani, B. Ferrari, D. Berardi, M. Menchetti, E. Dalmonte, D. De Ronchi 51° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria (SIGG), “La longevità del Paese: risorsa e problema” 29 novembre-3 dicembre 2006 – Firenze, Palazzo dei Congressi.


·          “RUOLO DELL'ESSERE SOLI E DELLA NON-AUTOSUFFICIENZA NEI DISTURBI DEPRESSIVI DELL'ANZIANO. DATI DAL ‘FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY'” C. Forlani, A. R. Atti, V. Morini, B. Ferrari, P. Casadio, E. Dalmonte, D. De Ronchi 7° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana Psicogeriatria (AIP), “Criticità in Psicogeriatria”19-21 aprile 2007 – Brescia, Camera di Commercio.


·          “CLUSTERS DI FATTORI VASCOLARI, DEMENZA E COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT NO DEMENTIA. DATI DAL ‘FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY' C. Forlani, A. R. Atti, V. Morini, B. Ferrari, P. Casadio, E. Dalmonte, D. De Ronchi 7° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana Psicogeriatria (AIP), “Criticità in Psicogeriatria” 19-21 aprile 2007 – Brescia, Camera di Commercio.


·          “SOTTOTIPI DI MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT NELLA POPOLAZIONE ANZIANA DEL ‘FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY'. DATI PRELIMINARI” V. Morini, C. Forlani, A. R. Atti, B. Ferrari, P. Casadio, E. Dalmonte, D. De Ronchi 7° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana Psicogeriatria (AIP), “Criticità in Psicogeriatria” 19-21 aprile 2007 – Brescia, Camera di Commercio.


·          “IPERTENSIONE, SINDROME ANSIOSA E SINDROME DEPRESSIVA. DATI DAL ‘FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY'” C. Forlani, A.R. Atti, V. Morini, B. Ferrari, E. Dalmonte, D.De Ronchi 10° Congresso della Società Italiana di Psichiatria Biologica, “Psicopatologia e Neuroscienze” 20-22 settembre 2007 – Napoli, Hotel Royal Continental.



10° Congresso della Società Italiana di Psichiatria Biologica, “Psicopatologia e Neuroscienze” 20-22 settembre 2007 – Napoli, Hotel Royal Continental.


·          “ABITUDINE AL FUMO E SALUTE MENTALE NELL'ANZIANO. RISULTATI DAL ‘FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY' V. Morini, A. R. Atti, C. Forlani, B. Ferrari, E. Dalmonte, D. De Ronchi 10° Congresso della Società Italiana di Psichiatria Biologica, “Psicopatologia e Neuroscienze” 20-22 settembre 2007 – Napoli, Hotel Royal Continental.


·          “CONSUMO DI ALCOL E SALUTE MENTALE NELL'ANZIANO. RISULTATI DAL ‘FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY'” V. Morini, A. R. Atti, C. Forlani, B. Ferrari, E. Dalmonte, D. De Ronchi 10° Congresso della Società Italiana di Psichiatria Biologica, “Psicopatologia e Neuroscienze” 20-22 settembre 2007 – Napoli, Hotel Royal Continental.


·           “LAMENTELE SOMATICHE, DEPRESSIONE E DISABILITA'. DATI DAL “FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY” C. Forlani, A.R. Atti, B. Ferrari, E. Dalmonte, D.De Ronchi VII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Epidemiologia Psichiatrica 25-27 ottobre 2007 – Firenze, Convitto della Calza.


·           “LAMENTELE SOMATICHE, DETERIORAMENTO COGNITIVO E DISABILITA'. DATI DAL “FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY” C. Forlani, A. R. Atti, B. Ferrari, E. Dalmonte, D.De Ronchi VII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Epidemiologia Psichiatrica 25-27 ottobre 2007 – Firenze, Convitto della Calza.


·          “Disturbi del sonno e demenza. Dati dal Faenza Community Aging Study”. Moretti F., Bernabei V., Atti A. R., Ferrari B., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi D. 8° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria (AIP): 10-12 aprile 2008, Gardone Riviera (BS) Pubblicazione sulla rivista”Psicogeriatria”Quadrimestrale Anno III° Numero 1 Gennaio-Aprile 2008, p. 85.


·          “Caratteristiche cliniche e sottotipi di Mild Cognitive Impairment”. Dati dal Faenza Community Aging Study Moretti F., Bernabei V., Atti A. R., Morini V., Forlani C., Ferrari B., Casadio P., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi D. 8° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria (AIP): 10-12 aprile 2008, Gardone Riviera (BS) Pubblicazione sulla rivista”Psicogeriatria”Quadrimestrale Anno III° Numero 1 Gennaio-Aprile 2008, p. 84.


·          “Correlazione tra disturbi del sonno e sintomi ansiosi e depressivi nell'anziano” Guidi A., Moretti F., Bernabei V., Atti A. R., Ferrari B., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi D. 8° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria (AIP): 10-12 aprile 2008, Gardone Riviera (BS) Pubblicazione sulla rivista”Psicogeriatria”Quadrimestrale Anno III° Numero 1 Gennaio-Aprile 2008, p. 66.


·          “Deficit visivi e deterioramento cognitivo nell'anziano”. Bernabei V. Moretti F., Atti A. R., Morini V., Casadio P. Forlani C., Ferrari B., Marchiori A., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi D.. 8° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria (AIP): 10-12 aprile 2008, Gardone Riviera (BS) Pubblicazione sulla rivista”Psicogeriatria”Quadrimestrale Anno III° Numero 1 Gennaio-Aprile 2008, p 29.


·          “Deficit uditivi e salute mentale nell'anziano”. Bernabei V., Moretti F., Atti A. R., Morini V., Casadio P., Forlani C., Ferrari B., Marchiori A., Dalmonte E., De Ronchi D. 8° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria (AIP): 10-12 aprile 2008, Gardone Riviera (BS) Pubblicazione sulla rivista”Psicogeriatria”Quadrimestrale Anno III° Numero 1 Gennaio-Aprile 2008, p 30.


·          "DEPRESSION , COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT, SOMATIC COMPLAINTS AND DISABILITY. DATA FROM THE "FAENZA COMMUNITY AGING STUDY" .  C. Forlani, A.R. Atti, B. Ferrari, E. Dalmonte, D. De Ronchi. 17° European Congress Of  Psychiatric (EPA) 24-29 gennaio 2010, Lisbona.


·          "SUICIDAL IDEATION IN ITALIAN ELDERLY. PRELIMINAR DATA FROM THE "FAENZA PROJECT".  A.R. Atti, A. Modenese, M. Bellini, F. Moretti, S. Cesano, V. Bernabei, B. Ferrari, e. Dalmomte, D. De Ronchi. 17° European Congress Of  Psychiatric (EPA) 24-29 gennaio 2010, Lisbona.









1. Since A.A. 2006/2007 to A.A. 2011/2012 Course of "Drug abuse" in University degree in Professional Educator (for certified professional educators) Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, (CFU=5).


2. Since A.A.2006/2007  to A.A. 2010/2011 Course of "Domestic and sexual violence against women and children: psychiatric implications" in University degree Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, (CFU=2).

3. Since A.A. 2011/2012 course "Social and Demographic-Statistics Aspects" in  "Violence against women: Evaluation of the Psychic Trauma and Medico-Legal Aspects (I.C.) in University degree Faculty of Medicine and Surgey, university of Bologna (CFU=1).


4. Teaching assignment on  “Violence against women" in Master for Nursing (for certified professional nurses) Public Health and Community care" Fondazione Alma Mater  University of Bologna ,4 June 2007 .



5. Teaching assignment on  courses 393 "Street operator-theory and experience", 394 "Street operator and night people" and 396 "Street operator against human traffic and prostitution" Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Verona  20-21 november 2007.


6. Teaching assignment on "Domestic and sexual violence against women: sociological implications" in Course of "Multidisciplinary assistance to victim of sexual violence" 2008 Edition, Regional health service, ASL Bologna, 17 april, 22 may, 4 june, 29 september, 8 october, 12 november 2008.


7. Teaching assignment on in course of Professional School  FSE in "Street operator-theory and experience", Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Verona  16 febbruary 2010.


8.Since  A.A. 2006/2007 Scientific segretary Graduate School in Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.


9. Since A.A. 2006/2007 to  2001/2012Member of Examination Commission for annual examination of  Graduate School in Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.


10. Since A.A. 2006/2007 Member of Examination Commission for Course PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY in  Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.


12. Since A.A. 2005/2006 follow student to write degree thesis with  Prof. Diana De Ronchi University degree Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.


13. Since A.A. 2006/2007 supervisor for relatore degree thesis University degree in Professional Educator (for certified professional educators) Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna

14. Teaching assignement  in course "Introduction to DCA" in  University Master Level I  "Integrated Treatment of Eating Disorders and Body Image", University of Bologna,  January-February 2014.

15. from the A.Y. 2006/2007 at the A.A. 2011/2012 Scientific Secretary of the School of Specialization in Psychiatry, University of Bologna.

16. from the A.Y. 2006/2007 Member of the examination commission for the teaching of PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY C.I. of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna.

17. from the A.A. 2005/2006 collaborates on the creation of degree theses of which Prof. Diana De Ronchi is supervisor for the students of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna.

18. from the A.Y. 2006/2007 supervisor for the degree theses of the Degree Course in Professional Education (enabling the healthcare profession of professional educator) of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna.

19. from the A.A. 2022/2023 Coordinator of the Degree Course in Professional Education (qualifying the healthcare profession of professional education)

20. from the A.Y. 2022/2023 45192 HISTORY OF MEDICINE for the School of Specialization in Psychiatry, University of Bologna