Foto del docente

Aura Reggiani

Alma Mater Honorary Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Lista dei volumi di Aura Reggiani antecedenti il 2004:

1)         A. Reggiani (ed.), (1985), Land-use and Transportation Systems; Mathematical Models for Analysis and Planning, Franco Angeli, Milan (in Italian).

2)         A. Reggiani, (1990), Spatial Interaction Models: New Directions, PH.D. Thesis in (Spatial) Economics, Free University, Amsterdam.

3)         M. Bielli, A. Reggiani, (1991), Spatial Systems. Approaches and Methodologies, Franco Angeli, Milan (in Italian).

4)         P. Nijkamp, A. Reggiani, (1992), Interaction, Evolution and Chaos in Space, Springer Verlag, Berlin.

5)         P. Nijkamp, A. Reggiani (eds), (1993), Nonlinear Evolution of Spa­tial Economic Systems, Springer Verlag, Berlin.

6)         P. Nijkamp, G. Pepping, D. Banister in association with A. Reggiani et al., (1996), Telematics and Transport Behaviour, Springer Verlag, Berlin.

7)         A. Reggiani (ed.), (1998), Accessibility, Trade and Locational Behaviour, Ashgate, Aldershot.

8)         P. Nijkamp, A. Reggiani, (1998), The Economics of Complex Spatial Systems, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

9)         V. Himanen, P. Nijkamp, A. Reggiani in association with J. Raitio (eds.), (1998), Neural Networks in Transport Applications, Ashgate, Aldershot.

10)      A. Reggiani, D. Fabbri (eds), (1999), Network Developments in Economic Spatial Systems: New Perspectives, Ashgate, Aldershot.

11)      A. Reggiani (ed.) (2000), Spatial Economic Science: New Frontiers in Theory and Methodologies, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

12)      M. Gastaldi, A. Reggiani, (eds) (2001), New Analytical Advances in Transportation and Spatial Dynamics, Ashgate, Aldershot.


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