Foto del docente

Attilio Toscano

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Personal data and education

Born in Catania (Italy), August 22, 1974

1999: Degree (B.E., M.E.) in Civil Engineering, Hydraulics specialization (University of Catania)

2000: Postgraduate Master in Water Resources Management (Scuola Superiore di Catania)

2004: PhD in Environmental Engineering (University of Palermo)

Academic status

  • Since 12/2019, he is Full Professor of Agricultural Hydraulics and Watershed Protection (University of Bologna)
  • From11/2010 to 11/2019, he was AssociateProfessor
  • From 11/2005 to 10/2010, he was Assistant Professor
  • From 11/2003 to 10/2005, he was Assistant Researcher

 Teaching activity (Academic Year 2019/2020)

  • Agricultural hydraulics
  • Agricultural hydraulics, irrigation and drainage

Research activity

Main national and international research projects:


  • Regione Emilia-Romagna PSR 2014-2020 – Project REpHYT “Fitodepurazione e riuso per la riduzione dei nutrienti e fitofarmaci nelle acque di superficie del reticolo di bonifica” – Local PI;
  • EU H2020-SFS-23-2019 – Project WATERAGRI “Water retention and nutrient recycling in soils and streams for improved agricultural production” – Local PI;
  • CARIPLO Foundation – Prject MONALISA – “Mathematical models and nature-based solutions for improving combined sewer overflows management and reuse” – Local PI;
  • EU PRIMA/H2020 – Project FIT4REUSE “Safe and sustainable solutions for the integrated use of non-conventional water resources in the Mediterranean agricultural sector” – Project Coordinator and Local PI;
  • MIUR PRIN 2017 – Project INCIPIT “Integrated computer modeling and monitoring for irrigation planning in Italy” – Local PI;
  • Regione Emilia-Romagna POR-FESR 2014-2020 – Project VALUE CE-IN “Valorizzazione di acque reflue e fanghi in ottica di economia circolare e simbiosi industriale” – Local PI;
  • MIUR PON - Project TARANTO “Tecnologie e processi per l’Abbattimento di inquinanti e la bonifica di siti contaminati con Recupero di mAterie prime e produzioNe di energia TOtally green” – Local PI;
  • H2020-EUB-2017 EU-Brazil Joint Call – Project SWAMP “Smart Water Management Platform” – Local PI and WP leader;
  • MIUR PRIN 2015 – GREEN4WATER “Green infrastructures for management and protection of water resources” – National PI coordinator;
  • SicilianRegion2013–Studyforthe“Evaluationofthehydro-morphologicalqualityof Sicilian rivers” – Scientific responsible;
  • FIRB (Italian Ministryof Education, University and Research) 2012 – Project “Innovative solutions for sustainable water management in agriculture” – Local PI;
  • FP7-KBBE-2012-6–EU Project WATER4CROPS “Integrating biotreated  wastewater reuse and valorization with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in EU and India” – Local PI and Task leader;
  • PON 2007-2013 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) – Project SIBAR “Irrigation methods for wastewater reuse”;
  • Programme MED – EU Project MEDIWAT “Sustainable management of environmental issues related to water stress in Mediterranean islands” – Local PI;
  • PRIN (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) 2007 – Project “Production of energy crops using treated wastewater for irrigation” – National PI coordinator;
  • FP62006-2008–EU Project CHEM‐FREE “Development of a chemical‐free water treatment system through integrating UV-C, ultrasound and fibre filters” – WP leader;

He is Editor of the Journals:

  • Water Science and Technology
  • Environmental Processes

He was member of the scientific committee of the following conferences:

12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (Venice, Italy, 2010); IWARegional Conference on Wastewater Purification and Reuse (Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2012); 11th InternationalPhytotechnologies Conference (Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2014); 16th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (Valencia, Spain, Sept. 30 – Oct. 4, 2018).

He is expert of the European Community and of the Executive Agency for Competiveness and Innovation – EACI for the evaluation of FP7 and CIP-Eco‐Innovation proposals (panel ‘Water’).

He is author of more than 110 scientific publications in national and international journals and conference proceedings. His main research topics are water resources management, reservoirs management, remote sensing for the evaluation of agricultural water needs, wastewater treatment and reuse, constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, irrigation, watershed protection, biomass production.

Consulting activity

He is consultant of several public (Ministries, Regions, local and water authorities, irrigation consortia) and private entities (water companies) in the field of water management and irrigation, wastewater treatment and reuse, water policy and regulation.